Quick reference sheet - combat?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hello guys!

I was looking for a quick reference sheet that I as a new Pathfinder DM could use for encounters. I was thinking about making one myself, but if it's allready done it would just be a waste of time.

So, anyone who could point me in the right direction? (apparently my google-fu is weak).

Well first of all there is the excellent and official Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen and I recommend that as a minimum.

In the back of the Core Rulebook, just before the glossary, are Appendices. They go over much of what the book just told you, but in short concise format.

Other than what, what are your specific needs? What references do you need quickly? You were vague.

Silver Crusade

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

The GameMastery Guide does have a quick cheat-sheet with some basic terms and rules.

Propane wrote:

Well first of all there is the excellent and official Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen and I recommend that as a minimum.

In the back of the Core Rulebook, just before the glossary, are Appendices. They go over much of what the book just told you, but in short concise format.

Other than what, what are your specific needs? What references do you need quickly? You were vague.

Oh yes, I have the GM screen, it's awesome.

To be more specific; I would love to have a two-sided a4 with for example;

* conditions
* actions (what you can do, what kind of action it is (standard, move etc.), the effect of the action and if it provokes opportunity attacks etc.)
* combat maneuvers

You should check out SORD for pathfinder. It's very useful actually... You can find it here...

EDIT: The GM Screen is great... this is just a little more comprehensive. :) Different products.

Sczarni RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32

Kakarasa wrote:

You should check out SORD for pathfinder. It's very useful actually... You can find it here...

EDIT: The GM Screen is great... this is just a little more comprehensive. :) Different products.

Thanks for adding another item to my 'want' list...

Kakarasa wrote:
You should check out SORD for pathfinder. It's very useful actually... You can find it here...

+1 as a noobish DM, I cannot say how many times I have used this for reference. This product is well worth the price. Now if they would add in the APG material and soon the Ultimate series, I would be in heaven!

Niklas wrote:
Propane wrote:

Well first of all there is the excellent and official Pathfinder Roleplaying Game GM Screen and I recommend that as a minimum.

In the back of the Core Rulebook, just before the glossary, are Appendices. They go over much of what the book just told you, but in short concise format.

Other than what, what are your specific needs? What references do you need quickly? You were vague.

Oh yes, I have the GM screen, it's awesome.

To be more specific; I would love to have a two-sided a4 with for example;

* conditions
* actions (what you can do, what kind of action it is (standard, move etc.), the effect of the action and if it provokes opportunity attacks etc.)
* combat maneuvers

Table 8-2: Actions in combat on p.183 of the core rulebook... I'd photocopy that... even several times and hand a copy to each player. That's what I've done. This takes care of actions and combat maneuvers pretty much.

As far as conditions... now that you mention it, it's tempting to go make myself a sheet to keep handy during play listing them all on one page.

The Exchange

Niklas wrote:

Hello guys!

I was looking for a quick reference sheet that I as a new Pathfinder DM could use for encounters. I was thinking about making one myself, but if it's allready done it would just be a waste of time.

So, anyone who could point me in the right direction? (apparently my google-fu is weak).

Better late than never I say.

I use this one site with my iPad and it ownZ cause it is free and comprehensive and very navigable. D20 Pathfinder SRD.

Web Site

Owner - House of Books and Games LLC

anthony Valente wrote:
Niklas wrote:

To be more specific; I would love to have a two-sided a4 with for example;

* conditions

As far as conditions... now that you mention it, it's tempting to go make myself a sheet to keep handy during play listing them all on one page.

What you want is a deck or two of the Condition Cards. They are outstanding and well worth the money (just be aware of the typo on Fatigued).

Ancient thread I summon you back from the grave. I know its a little self promote-y, but I built a site that is design for just this, it should work great on mobile devices as well. Its a single page app, so wont eat your data. pathfindit.com. So this may work well, in the age of ubiquitous smartphones.

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