Sources for Alchemy

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Liberty's Edge

Hey all, I am trying to find more alchemical items & gear. I have the Corebook, Adv's Armory, Dragon Compendium and 4W's Gear and Treasure... Where else should I look?


If you have access to 3.5 books the complete adventurer splat book had some good alchemical items and the Dungeonscape book also did too.

Also try the 3.0 Arms and Equipment Guide. You'll find a few more items in the Planar Handbook (3.0) IIRC.

Nearly 30 years ago I got a book called "The Compleat Alchemist" (that is the correct spelling of the book's title) and it has tons of cool stuff designed for 1st edition D&D. Obviously, it needs a whole lot of conversion.

I still have my copy and whipped it out for the new Alchemist (beta) class. Fun stuff.

I just searched Amazon and there are 6 used copies there, so move quick if you want one.

DM_Blake wrote:
Nearly 30 years ago I got a book called "The Compleat Alchemist" (that is the correct spelling of the book's title)

Lame typo or intentional alchemical secret meaning???

Dark Archive

Write me at k RRRRRR (just that letter once) anderson fifty-seven. It's a yahoo address. A month or so ago, I perused all of my 3.5 books--the ones others listed above as well as the environment series, Completes, Dragon magazine, etc.--and created an Excel sheet with page references. I'd be happy to share it.

Laurefindel wrote:
DM_Blake wrote:
Nearly 30 years ago I got a book called "The Compleat Alchemist" (that is the correct spelling of the book's title)
Lame typo or intentional alchemical secret meaning???

Neither spelling use to be a lot more loose than it is today and they were riffing off of that fact.

Laurefindel wrote:
DM_Blake wrote:
Nearly 30 years ago I got a book called "The Compleat Alchemist" (that is the correct spelling of the book's title)
Lame typo or intentional alchemical secret meaning???

They had a whole series of books. I also have The Compleat Adventurer (with a dozen new 1e classes) and The Compleat Mage (with some new spells and familiar options). I think I have one more, too, but don't remember it off the top of my head.

Maybe they wanted to sound archaic.

Or maybe they just screwed up the first one then printed the rest the same way to make it look deliberate...

"Compleat" is often used as an archaic version of the word "complete." It has a separate meaning of its own, however. It actually means "expert" or "highly skilled".

Scarab Sages

About two years ago I had a player want to play an alchemist and wasn't pleased with any of the options available at the time, so I went about building a custom class. That part is mostly irrelevant to this thread, except that I gathered a digital ton of alchemy resources to draw from in the process. Some of this stuff is available on scribd, fyi.

And this is just the tip of the iceberg, stuff that I like enough to add to the list. Just about every book that has equipment has new alchemy stuff: the complete series, area guidebooks (frostburn, sharn, etc.), campaign settings, and of course, equipment guides.

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