
Feydred's page

Goblin Squad Member. 19 posts (121 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 2 aliases.

Goblin Squad Member

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Crap. I clicked Zael's links.

I swear I didn't watch them like 5 times each!!!!!

Goblin Squad Member

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Callambea WILL be the premier trade hub in the River Kingdoms. As a member of the Aeternum Trade Alliance, I welcome the bravest citizens to join The Hounds for access to the best armor and weapons in game.

If you prove your mettle within The Hounds, I have no problem providing my finest crafted arms at no cost.

Membership has its benefits!

Goblin Squad Member

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Noooooo!!!! We love our KC!

Goblin Squad Member

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I thought Golgotha already had a system of imprisonment by stealing souls and sticking them in jars.

Goblin Squad Member

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I love that you mentioned it not being a recruitment tool.

The guide program should be a program to promote PFO by making the learning curve easier for newer players NOT as a recruitment tool.

Goblin Squad Member

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Well there goes 20 hours of my life I'll never get back. (I had to watch it twice).

Goblin Squad Member

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There has been a lot of hatred and discourse amongst us in the Paizo forum. We are a tight community bound by time and numbers constricted to a mini forum world that will eventually become Pathfinder Online. Every person who is reading this is anxious that their hopes for the game will not come to fruition. We are miniscule compared to what is coming to PFO. Alliances should be made now before OE because the mega guilds are coming.

Burying a hatchet is a sign that all perceived wrongs of the past are forgiven. I, as a player, vow that I will never use anything said on the Paizo boards against a player in game.

/signed Feydred of Aeternum

No guild signatures needed. Just sign if you can make the past the past.

Goblin Squad Member

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I'm confused!

Goblin Squad Member

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I think it's time I chime in. I've been a member of Pax guilds for about ten years so I have a better understanding of Pax than most.

Until about two years ago every Pax guild had a separate website and leadership. The only thing that unified the guilds was the strict adherence to the Pax charter. Being a member of one Pax guild allowed guild masters to vet a player into their guild knowing that player had gone through a recruitment process and was accepted.

For me to change Pax guilds from CoH to WoW was a labor intensive process where an officer from WoW would have to contact an officer from CoH to make sure I was who I said I was.

To unify the guilds using the Pax charter, Rawn created the Pax Gaming website. Each guild has its own independent section and independent guild master and officers.

I am a member of Aeternum and have zero say about what happens in Golgotha. Only the members of Golgotha do. A few months ago I volunteered to work on a project for Golgotha and I was teased! "Let them do that for themselves."!

This is not an opinion: Pax is not one guild. It's a vetting service with a charter that the various guilds adhere to.

Golgotha is a conglomerate of three guilds. Not every member of Golgotha is a member of Pax Gaming. How do you nay-sayers tell those paying customers they have no right to be in the landrush?

Goblin Squad Member

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I've heard there is an extremely rare (0.000000000000001%) item in game called Tiger Blood. If you find it, you win.

Goblin Squad Member

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I'm starting to get anxious about playing... Maybe I should get my gaming computer up and running before EE!

Goblin Squad Member

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Nice!!! I love the Iconics for making forum signatures for Pax.

Goblin Squad Member

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Hmm! Interesting! UNC never fails to surprise me. I wish you the best of luck. :)

Goblin Squad Member

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Hey Bludd, I found your theme song:


Goblin Squad Member

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Actually, being a trade company assures a bit more peace than a war-like company by nature. If 20 companies become dependent on trade with Mercatorum then they will come to their defense pretty quick. Going to war with a trade company could potentially be detrimental to the whole of the River Kingdoms.

Goblin Squad Member

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Going back to UO, I played a pacifist healer who would heal anyone in need, even murderers. If I came across PvP, I would wait to resurrect the dead with the condition that the resurrected players would go on their way without attacking eachother again. It gained me a LOT of friends so I was able to adventure unmolested about 99% of the time.

Goblin Squad Member

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Here in Montana there's a monument that the Natives used as a landmark indicating a safe area to cross the Yellowstone River. Captain William Clark signed his name into the sandstone in 1806.

The only reason I bring this up is because I would love to see not-on-the-map crossing points across impassable rivers instead of bridges on a map. Maybe make them harder to cross than an actual bridge making them less desirable, but possible.

As far as the edge of the map, I'd like to add a roll play element. The River Kingdoms have been sealed by magic walls by some evil wizard or god and the only way to expand the map is through player action. Be that through the sheer number of players, or an event that players have to coordinate efforts.
"The wall of the God Xyz has been weakened." instead of a public acknowledgement of new hexxes being opened. It would NOT mean actual territory has been opened, but would players scrambling to see what's happening. Maybe an indicator on which area will open up in the future, or an actual expansion.

Goblin Squad Member

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In Ultima Online, Humanoid NPCs could loot an item from your corpse. I always waited around a minute after dying so I could see which one, if any, looted from me.

I always dreaded running back to my corpse and seeing a player there with a bunch of dead NPCs and a criminal flag from looting my corpse. If they didn't have the criminal flag and were waiting there, it usually meant they found an item on an NPC. 90% of the time the player would ask if an item was yours and either give it back or sell it back to you.

If no players were around and my "+4 int. Blacksmith Hammer of Vanquishing" was missing, I'd have to start killing NPCs to get it back.

Goblin Squad Member

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I want hot air balloon shoulders for my gatherer to reduce encumbrance.

Goblin Squad Member

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I usually find something dirty in everything I see, but to be honest I never even THOUGHT about goblin testicles. I equated Goblin Balls to Pokemon Balls and I'm way too old to justify knowing what a Pokemon Ball is.

If they made the graphic for Goblin Balls a sphere with a goblin face on it it might pacify any prudes who see vulgarity everywhere they look. I just haven't seen a valid argument against using Goblin Balls.

Goblin Squad Member

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As long as our EE fugly faces can't be reproduced later I'm all for keeping my wedge of cheese nose. The limited options would give EE a unique look admired by newer players.

"Damn that boy/girl has a messed up face!"

"Yep they've been playing the game from before release. Don't mess with them!"

Goblin Squad Member

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I would never use a scam to take money or items from another player, but is trickery going to be allowed in game? Gambling, pyramid schemes or not handing over the correct amount of money during a trade are examples.

In Ultima Online they were common. Sure, a couple of scams made me a little mad. Scams became a game to me, to the point that I sought out scammers to see if they could get me.

In an open sandbox game like PFO I think it's essential to allow these things to happen... As much as I will gripe and cry when it happens to me. Players become notorious for scamming and create a lot of buzz on forums and in game chat. A scammer might get some gold for cheating, but their name will forever be tarnished.

Goblin Squad Member

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The purple names always confused me too until I created an alias.

Goblin Squad Member

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I see myself as Lassy the dog.

I'm all for jumping in a well to save Timmy as long as there's some good mining opportunities while I climb down.