GM Dennis' SF2 Playtest #3: Wheel of Monsters! [closed]

Game Master Dennis Muldoon

Community-made pregens

Chris Marsh

Dr Davaulus
DiGriz -PT-

Male, Lashunta (Damaya) | HP 96 AC: 27 | F: +15 R: +18, W: +17 | Perc: +16 (Vision +18) (E, Darkvision, Imprecise Thoughtsense 30'), +2 (choose an Ally, both use the higher on Init.
Class Abilities:
  • Adaptive Talent 1:
  • Adaptive Talent 2:[/ooc]

  • (23 posts)

    GM Harpwizard

    Ceilidh Razkar

    Pahtra Mystic 10 HP 118/118| AC 28| Spells R1: 4/4; R2: 4/4; R3: 4/4; R4: 2/4 R5: 3/4; Focus: 1/1| Vitality: 46/46 | Hero Points: 1 | F+11 R+13 W+14 | Perc+17 (darkvision), Diplomacy +20, Stealth +16, Nature +17, Religion +17, Medicine +21| ◆◇↺
    (63 posts)

    Kate Baker

    Iseph the Android

    Android hacker operative (skirmisher) | HP 118/118 | AC 29 | F +18 R +20 W +18 | Perc +19 | Stealth +17 | | Speed 35ft (15ft Climb) | Active conditions: None
    (16 posts)


    Ancient Dream Dragon
    The Tyrant

    AC 31, F +20, R +19, W +17, Per +17
    (66 posts)