Darth Camris |
The dimly lit interior of the nightclub is filled with the press of sweaty bodies, a haze of narcotic smoke, and the pounding beat and ululating vocals of Bakarang music blaring from the main stage in the northeast corner of the room.
A sinuous bar winds around the northwest corner, offering a variety of drinks and drugs for purchase.
Booths line the south wall of the club, facing the main stage in the northeast corner and the crowded dance floor beneath it.
Gyrating dancers stand atop four smaller stages scattered around the club; one behind the bar, one in the center of the room, and two flanking the main stage.
Wide double doors marked "Staff Only exit the room to the west.
Valtri Cloudfall |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Valtri didn't think of herself as the conservative type, but what with one thing and another, she was getting a distinct sense of culture shock. That would be difficult to hide, so she might as well lean into it. If there was information to be had through swaggering, Max and Celebryn (and possibly Rukh) probably had that covered. She could sit back, observe, and possibly catch something the face people, in their commitment to conversation, might miss.
Valtri shook her head to the servor, conjuring the weak smile of somebody feeling out of her depth. Under the guise of not quite knowing where to look, she swept her gaze around the room, casing the joint. That was the term, she was sure.
Celebryn II |
As you sit down a half naked servor comes up to you and asked if you would like something to "enhance" your experience at the club?
She holds out a tray of various shot glasses, powder plates, lozenges and syrettes.
"I am having SUCH a tough time figuring out which insult to address first ... the half naked human female part or the 'Celebryn's guests must need help' part. Who sent you? Galadriel!? Gods I am tired of that woman!!!"
Ruhk "The Dandy" |
Ruhk, merely hides his face behind his hand, unable to stop his sniggering, being absolutely amused by the reactions of his companions.
This was truly shaping up to become an evening of massive fun.
Here was hoping it was only going to get better.
Celebryn II |
Max grabs shots and passes them out to everyone.
"This isn't VIP service?? Or do they come all naked for that??"
"They arrive disrobed when they know it will be paid for ... stick with coffee tho, naked I'm not going to pay for."
No one is sure, but it seemed as though the elf were laughing too
Ruhk "The Dandy" |
Ruhk grins slyly and winks at Celebryn.
"Ah yes, because I completely made that up, JUST now.
It's not like I had any personal experience with that, AT ALL."
He then chuckles and taps the side of his nose.
Now, the question is, do we act or react? I'm not yet sure how proactive a stance we should take.
It might be best to wait and observe a little longer.