War for the Crown #3 - The Twilight Child

Game Master Kittenmancer

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Female Human Vigilante 7. Hp 34/45, AC 22 / T 16 / FF17 (no shield). Init +5. CMD 22, CMB +11. Att: +9 (/w PA/DA), Rapier 1d6+9/Dignity 1d8+5/Bow 1d8+6. SA: 4d4/4d8. Bomb: 4d6+2. Saves F +5, R +12, W +8. Perc. + 16. Conditions: prot vs evil 5 min? 1 dex/wis dm

Rose winces at the faerie dragon's mental barrage but does her best to present a friendly smile to the creature. It sounded like a young child. Those could and would be loud, protocol and heritage be damned. Not even the stauchest traditionalism could subdue youthful liveliness - and the world was definitely better for it despite her eardrums often paying the price.

"So you say that you knew of creatures powerful enough to afflict an entire city, and intentionally went to confront them... by yourself," She states more than asks Elmar as the group begins moving, not quite managing to mask her incredulity at his claims. "Ah, forgive me. That was unbecoming of me. I suppose your confidence is definitely impressive, if nothing else. I hope you're as good as your actions imply you to be and that this whole situation is just some sort of unfortunate fluke."

In lieu of further introductions, she motions towards the other three members present in passing. "These are Lords Erallan, inquisitor of Kalinahat, and Reginald Weatherby and his canine companion, Baron Barksley. Yes, the dog is nobility too, I've been told. Now, we should probably be on our way and finish what we came here to do."

Male Half-Elf Arcanist 7 | AC 12 (15 mage armor), Touch 11, FF 11 (14 mage armor) | HP 44/44 | F +5, R +5, W +8 (+2 vs illusion, -2 vs evil) | Init +2 | Perc +16
Raesilia Talbot wrote:

"So you say that you knew of creatures powerful enough to afflict an entire city, and intentionally went to confront them... by yourself," She states more than asks Elmar as the group begins moving, not quite managing to mask her incredulity at his claims. "Ah, forgive me. That was unbecoming of me. I suppose your confidence is definitely impressive, if nothing else. I hope you're as good as your actions imply you to be and that this whole situation is just some sort of unfortunate fluke."

In lieu of further introductions, she motions towards the other three members present in passing. "These are Lords Erallan, inquisitor of Kalinahat, and Reginald Weatherby and his canine companion, Baron Barksley. Yes, the dog is nobility too, I've been told. Now, we should probably be on our way and finish what we came here to do."

Instead of looking embarrassed or angry, Elmar chuckles lightheartedly at the assessment of the situation. "Ah, now that is refreshing. No, don't apologize, your understanding is correct. Well, mostly. I didn't anticipate being able to take everything in here on myself, but I thought I could at least gather intel and then safely retreat if need be. I'm not used to having magical invisibility pierced so easily. I have other tricks but the pairaka's, as I mentioned, are very magically resilient, and completely immune to fire. I did not know the nature of what I was dealing with until I ran into them." He chuckles again, running a hand through his semi-messy hair and shaking his head. "So yes, brash and confident, but also deeply unlucky."

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Human Inquisitor6/Swashbuckler1 l 63/63hp F +9, R +9, W +9, Ini +5 l AC24, T15, FF20 l CMB +5, CMD19 l Perc +12 SM +13 l Conditions:

Fort vs Distraction: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (2) + 9 = 11
Fort vs Poison: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (8) + 9 = 17

As introductions are made Marius misses the pleasantries, being distracted by frantically trying to keep wasps out of his clothes, ears, and mouth. This undignified task complete, he offers the newly freed wizard a nod of acknowledgement but turns to make sure Rose is well first and foremost. "F*&*ing wasps, f%$$ing divs" he hisses under his breath with real heat, but his touch is gentle and the act of channeling his goddess' power seems to calm him.

CLW: 1d8 + 5 ⇒ (6) + 5 = 11 Should put you at full I believe!

Once he's satisfied neither she nor anyone else is in immediate danger he turns back to resolving the problem at hand. "Phalanx doctrine is clear that mages should never operate unsupported--even if it's just a bodyguard or two who can buy time for an escape. But forgive, me I shouldn't lecture, your actions were courageous. As Miss Talbot observes we have at least two fiends still on the loose--the pairaka named a Soraya, so we've left the job half done. Kela is correct, we need to move quickly."

Does the family name Tarathiel mean anything to us?

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Male Half-Elf Arcanist 7 | AC 12 (15 mage armor), Touch 11, FF 11 (14 mage armor) | HP 44/44 | F +5, R +5, W +8 (+2 vs illusion, -2 vs evil) | Init +2 | Perc +16

Shendra huffs a bit in Marius's direction, but keeps her silence. Elmar absentmindedly scratches at her neck again with a ghost of a smile. Quite the soldier type. "Courageous, but brazen and foolish. I will openly admit that is not the first time I've heard such an assessment. Although I usually put a more positive spin on it and chalk it up to unbridled passion for my cause." He smirks at his own joke, but he focuses on keeping pace with the others and keeping an eye out for threats. "If you all are interested, I could make our entire group cloaked in invisibility. We would have to remain close together, and I know the pairaka's have the ability to see magic, but it takes them a bit to focus on the source of the magic to find it's exact location." He raises an eyebrow inquisitively.

Fireball won't be helping against them anyways.

I will let the GM adjudicate on family name information.

Male Half-Elf Arcanist 7 | AC 12 (15 mage armor), Touch 11, FF 11 (14 mage armor) | HP 44/44 | F +5, R +5, W +8 (+2 vs illusion, -2 vs evil) | Init +2 | Perc +16

Knowledge Nobility DC 20:
Tarathiel is the family name for a group of elven scholars and mages, and they are often found as hired experts among the noble families of Taldor, including the Lotheeds.

Knowledge Nobility DC 25 (same roll higher DC):
The Lotheed family currently employs Alenia Tarathiel as a scholar in their library, and rumor has it that she had a half-elven child out of wedlock with Edwyn Lotheed, a minor relative from a cadet branch of the Lotheed dukedom.

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Male Human Druid 6. Hp 39, AC 18 / T 12 / FF 16. Init +3. CMD 16, CMB +6. Saves F +4, R +3, W +9. (+2 vs divination and enchantment) Perc. + 14.

Barcos chuckles at Rose's introduction of him as Lord Weatherby.

"My ragged appearance belies my high station in...nah, I jest. Reginald's a character I've got that's useful when dealing with the gentry. The name's Barcos, no fancy titles beyond that."

Though initially speaking in a voice that drips with the idle privilege of Taldor's upper crust, he switches to the brogue of the Taldan lower classes almost immediately, sounding a bit more natural as he does so.

Kn (nobles): 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (3) + 12 = 15

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In an accent even more rough and uncouth, the ragged man's dog begins to speak, seemingly directly to Shendra, "Oi! Flutter stuff! You think you're so fancy 'cause you can speak in my noggin! Well that's b%@+%@&s! I'm the best damn beast in whole group, and don't you get it twisted, you 'ear?"

Male Half-Elf Arcanist 7 | AC 12 (15 mage armor), Touch 11, FF 11 (14 mage armor) | HP 44/44 | F +5, R +5, W +8 (+2 vs illusion, -2 vs evil) | Init +2 | Perc +16

Elmar gives a bright smile to Barcos. "You are not the only one of two worlds. Well met Barcos."

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Female Faerie Dragon Familiar 7

Shendra snakes her head around to the dog, blinking with scaly brows raised. There's a brief pause and Elmar's face twitches with a shadow of amusement. I think you are the best beast in the group, and I am the best dragon in the group. How fortunate of us to have two of the best working together! She gives a sort of chipper noise and blows a multicolored smoke ring.

The dog swears under his breath before muttering, "Blast and damn, gotta find me a way to end up a dragon."

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Male Human Druid 6. Hp 39, AC 18 / T 12 / FF 16. Init +3. CMD 16, CMB +6. Saves F +4, R +3, W +9. (+2 vs divination and enchantment) Perc. + 14.

Barcos laughs at his faithful hound's antics and ruffles the fur between the dog's ears before looking Elmar in the eyes. His tone is mirthful, but there's a steely edge beneath it, "No. I am of one world. One of squalor, of suffering, of the heavy cost incurred by the fortunate who see my fellow paupers as disposable. I respect those caught between them, but I know the world in which I live, and I know that I cannot leave it behind."

Female Human Vigilante 7. Hp 34/45, AC 22 / T 16 / FF17 (no shield). Init +5. CMD 22, CMB +11. Att: +9 (/w PA/DA), Rapier 1d6+9/Dignity 1d8+5/Bow 1d8+6. SA: 4d4/4d8. Bomb: 4d6+2. Saves F +5, R +12, W +8. Perc. + 16. Conditions: prot vs evil 5 min? 1 dex/wis dm
Marius wrote:
He offers the newly freed wizard a nod of acknowledgement but turns to make sure Rose is well first and foremost. "F+++ing wasps, f&$@ing divs" he hisses under his breath with real heat, but his touch is gentle and the act of channeling his goddess' power seems to calm him.

Rose chuckles and leans into the healing energies provided to her. "I heard there are soaps and oils that help alleviate such stings," she whispers back, briefly caressing his hand and offering a mischieveous wink - something to try later?

Nobility: 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (9) + 17 = 26

Elmar wrote:
"If you all are interested, I could make our entire group cloaked in invisibility. We would have to remain close together, and I know the pairaka's have the ability to see magic, but it takes them a bit to focus on the source of the magic to find it's exact location."

"Invisbility... for everyone at once? How generous! Far be it from me to refuse such a generous gift." She smiles with a polite smidge of utterly sadistic glee. "A difficult magical feat to be sure - but not for one of your heritages, correct?"

Suppose it's only good form to offer the counter knowledge checks:

Knowledge nobility 10:

The Talbots are one of the major Noble families in Oppara, the capitol city of Taldor. They are a merchant conglomerate, fabuloulsy wealthy, and have pretty much bought their way into political power. They are outwardly a very conservative family supporting Pythareus.

Knowledge nobility 15:

Duke Talbot is known to have two children, his son Remington and a Daughter - Raesilia. Per Talbot conservative doctrine, the female family members can own no property and everything they earn is considered property of their husbands or confiscated by the family. Raesilia herself is supposedly an expert tailor who runs a high fashion clothing shop named The Thread Rare.

Knowledge nobility 20:

In the previous Grand Exhaltation Gala, the one before the Senate massacre, there was a scandal of sorts where Duke Talbot's wife got into an argument with Pythareus himself and threw a glass of tea over him at the party. Not too long after, she disappeared. Rumors are abound regarding some sort of internal power struggle in the family and that she was silenced as a result, or simply as punishment for her actions.

Knowledge nobility 25:

Rumors say Raesilia was present during the Senate massacre of this year's Exhaltation gala, but (apparently) somehow survived. Other rumors state she has recently been active in the Taldak prefecture, where Lord Erallan took Stewardship over a small town named Stachys. During her stay she took the role of the Lady of Stachys. After around two months of residency, Bartholemew Lotheed apparently abdicated rulership of the Taldak province to Marius and Princess Eutropia. Her exact role in this major political power shift is unclear. Some claim she left the region long before Marius took over the town and couldn't possibly have been involved... right?

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Male Half-Elf Arcanist 7 | AC 12 (15 mage armor), Touch 11, FF 11 (14 mage armor) | HP 44/44 | F +5, R +5, W +8 (+2 vs illusion, -2 vs evil) | Init +2 | Perc +16

Barcos's words sit heavily in the air, and Elmar has no response for them.

Shendra assist knowledge: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (2) + 10 = 12
Knowledge (nobility): 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 16 + 2 = 20

Elmar cocks an eyebrow at the heritage comment. "It is moderately difficult, and it required research and hard work. Much like tailoring." He says flatly. He stops walking. "I need a moment." He closes his eyes and focuses.

Using Quick Study once to trade out fireball for invisibility sphere, and using it again to trade out mage armor for pierce facade. Reservoir at 4/10.

Elmar draws a metamagic rod from among his goods and steps forward.

"Group together. This spell will last for about fourteen minutes. Shendra will be the focus of the spell and will be staying at the center of us. We will be able to all see each other, but others will not be able to see us. They can still hear us, and can still detect the presence and location of magic. If you move farther than ten feet away from Shendra or take offensive actions, the invisibility will end for that recipient. Understood?" He pauses for questions, and once answered, nods. "Alright. Remember, ten feet from Shendra at maximum."

The colorful faerie dragon hops over to the center of the group as Elmar reaches up, plucking an eyelash and mixing it with some pasty material from his spell component pouch. He places a hand on Shendra and begins making esoteric glowing symbols in the air with his other hand. "Cenneth neth." He proclaims. The air shimmers for a moment, and Shendra's scales seem to be slightly more reflective, but otherwise there is no noticeable effect.

Invisibility Sphere with an extended metamagic rod to make it last 14 minutes, using Shendra as the target. She will user her perfect flight maneuverability to remain at the center of the party.

Elmar takes another item from his spell component pouch, what appears to be a small preserved eye with a predator's iris. He places it near his forehead and it floats there on its own as he places his fingertips to each side of it. "Gwaedul dúven." The eye evaporates into mist that seems to be sucked into Elmar's own eyes, causing him to blink rapidly for a moment. "Alright. Proceed."

Pierce Facade on myself. Will give me a +10 on perception checks to see through disguises for the next 70 minutes.

F Human Skald 7 | HP 29/49 | AC 21 T 13 FF 20 | CMB +10, CMD 21 | F: +13, R: +10, W: +11 | Init: +4 | Perc: +13, SM: +21 | Speed 30ft (with TT) | Spells Used: 1st 3/6 2nd 2/5 3rd 2/2| Inspired Contemplation 11/19 Used | Active conditions: Rage, HA, GH, MI

Kela accepts the spell and indicates that she’s ready to move on, but doesn’t otherwise say anything of consequence. She obviously seems somewhat guarded.

Human Inquisitor6/Swashbuckler1 l 63/63hp F +9, R +9, W +9, Ini +5 l AC24, T15, FF20 l CMB +5, CMD19 l Perc +12 SM +13 l Conditions:

"To the final tower then," With Kela's mirror images depleted, Marius moves to takes point.

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The group still needs to move through the swarms of angrily buzzing wasps that were summoned earlier, as trying to wait them out would surely cause most beneficial magic to expire.

Swarm damage: 4d6 ⇒ (1, 3, 4, 6) = 14

Everyone takes 14 damage and needs to make a DC 13 save against poison. On failure: frequency 1/round for 4 rounds; effect 1 Dexterity damage; cure 1 save. Additionally, make a DC 13 Fort save against distraction; on failure, you are nauseated for 1 round.

With fresh stings rapidly swelling into reddening welts, everyone makes their way down the stairs, out on the catwalk and towards the easternmost tower.

Assuming people heal up before entering, roll for the CLW wand and mark the used charges on the loot sheet.

The bottom half of the tower is another opulently decorated room, with several elaborate rugs of Keleshite design adorning the floors and additional rugs hanging from pegs driven into the brick walls. A stone staircase ascends to the upper level.

Perception DC 30:
The rug closest to the bottom of the stairs is decorated with hundreds of tiny, stylized wasps. Hmmm, wasps... This is most likely a trap. Additionally, the slightest difference in the sound quality when stepping on a different rug indicates that something is under it.

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Correction: the wasps do nothing. They are striking for better working conditions, more vacation days and increased hazard pay.

Female Human Vigilante 7. Hp 34/45, AC 22 / T 16 / FF17 (no shield). Init +5. CMD 22, CMB +11. Att: +9 (/w PA/DA), Rapier 1d6+9/Dignity 1d8+5/Bow 1d8+6. SA: 4d4/4d8. Bomb: 4d6+2. Saves F +5, R +12, W +8. Perc. + 16. Conditions: prot vs evil 5 min? 1 dex/wis dm

Wishing the best to all the now-friendly wasps floating around with union banners, Rose takes her place second in line along the narrow catwalk, sneaking quietly and expecting attacks at any moment.

Stealth? +20 invis?: 1d20 + 18 + 20 ⇒ (1) + 18 + 20 = 39

perception: 1d20 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23

...She keeps watching, not finding anything out of place just yet.

F Human Skald 7 | HP 29/49 | AC 21 T 13 FF 20 | CMB +10, CMD 21 | F: +13, R: +10, W: +11 | Init: +4 | Perc: +13, SM: +21 | Speed 30ft (with TT) | Spells Used: 1st 3/6 2nd 2/5 3rd 2/2| Inspired Contemplation 11/19 Used | Active conditions: Rage, HA, GH, MI

stealth: 1d20 - 1 + 2 + 20 ⇒ (2) - 1 + 2 + 20 = 23
Perception: 1d20 + 13 ⇒ (13) + 13 = 26

Kela similarly has warm feelings for the proletariat, but otherwise clanks along while invisible, and doesn’t see anything amiss.

Female Faerie Dragon Familiar 7

Elmar's Perception (plus awareness from familiar): 1d20 + 16 + 2 ⇒ (13) + 16 + 2 = 31
Shendra's Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (1) + 12 = 13

Shendra's musical voice fills the heads of the party once more. Elm says there is a trap, the rug at the bottom of the stairs. Probably-ewww, really, wasps?! The mental disgust is easy to pick up on from Shendra.

In response, Elmar casts detect magic on the rug to see if the trap is magical in nature.

Human Inquisitor6/Swashbuckler1 l 63/63hp F +9, R +9, W +9, Ini +5 l AC24, T15, FF20 l CMB +5, CMD19 l Perc +12 SM +13 l Conditions:

Stealth: 1d20 + 10 ⇒ (8) + 10 = 18
Perception: 1d20 + 12 ⇒ (10) + 12 = 22

"...I will take your word for it then," Marius allows after a look at Kela and Rose and just getting shrugs in return.

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