Cold iron rapier

Pathfinder Society

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

I have found conflicting numbers on how much it takes to make a rapier cold iron. Archives of Neyths says it is 20 go and 2sp per bulk. Pathbuilder says it is 40gp and 4gp per bulk. Can someone tell me which it is?

Archives of Nethys seems to have the same values as both my GM Core and your Pathbuilder result.

GM Core, pg. 240 wrote:
Type low-grade cold iron weapon; Level 2; Price 40 gp + 4 gp per Bulk; Craft Requirements at least 20 sp of cold iron + 2 sp per Bulk

Perhaps you got the costs mixed up with the crafting requirements when reading the AoN entry?

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Think that was what I was looking at but my character has crafting and is level 3 also I have yet to use any downtime days so can she craft the rapier? Is the cold iron low grade available?

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Cold Iron is common, so its available, but remember you can't stockpile downtime days.

Shadow Lodge 3/5 *

Ok thanks


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It's worth pointing out that the crafting requirements don't override the normal crafting cost- You still need to pay 22 GP in raw materials to start crafting and them reduce the 44 GP cost using earn income. The 22 SP of cold iron is how much you needed to spend on cold iron specifically- The other 19 gold and 8 Silver in raw materials is probably regular metal for an alloy and special coal for the forging process.

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