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Whoever made the Barathu for second edition gets a high five from me; the feats feel righteously weird and interesting. It's very alien, and I had a big smile on my face reading feats about synthesizing serums, co-opting genetic material, and becoming a Jake-suit.

this obsession with not giving focus spell to certain martial need to stop

envoy and solarian need focus spell

I might be missing this somewhere, but do weapons that require batteries come with at least one? I get that batteries should be more expensive than single ammo since they're reusable but like, "batteries sold separately" feels silly and bad, and doubly so when one battery costs as much as a sword that's designed to never need sharpening.

It's weird. I just did a search of the keyword's "Battery" and "Charge" to see if I can find any details.

The Playtest seems to be strangely devoid of actual battery recharge mechanics, which I recall that Starfinder 1E did have (unless it's in one of the Adventures). And it does not seem to establish whether or not ranged weapon batteries are rechargeable or not. Strangely, Powered melee weapons seem to say they come with one installed? But it does not mention whether it counts against the cost or not. I don't know if weapon batteries can even be recharged in this edition, or if they are made to be expended to purchase new batteries unless a special ability like Electrical Engineer lets you recharge them yourself as an exception.

This should certainly be clarified in a future update.

Though in my opinion, I think batteries being sold seperately feels a bit fair. Rather weird that a firearm does not come with ammunition, (nor would it in real life), but a laser gun would come with a full battery's worth complementary from a game balance perspective.

Cannot find the higher level cash amounts for creation. Is it per GM core Page 61, which would be 3200 GP or 32,000 SP/Credits for 10th level? I know it was posted somewhere in the blog, but every time I search, nothing comes up.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber
PMSchulz wrote:
Cannot find the higher level cash amounts for creation. Is it per GM core Page 61, which would be 3200 GP or 32,000 SP/Credits for 10th level? I know it was posted somewhere in the blog, but every time I search, nothing comes up.

Yeah, it's this, is what I've seen being used: https://2e.aonprd.com/Rules.aspx?ID=2662

So lvl 10 SF2e character would get 2,300 gp = 23,000 credits.

A really minor nitpick, but does the level 1 Witchwarper feat "otherworldly spell" feel really over costed? I haven't seen it in play yet, but the use case feels so niche for taking up a whole additional action.

Maybe that could just be a passive benefit of the feat? Or at least just "any spell you cast within your own quantum field"?

TRDG wrote:



We're about to start the 1st level playttest scenario, and one thing that i've noticed is that the credits are REALLY thin for getting gear, especially with the high cost of weapons and armor. As it stands, I'll have no healing items (not even one potion), no (fiddly) items (stuff gotten purely for character detail), no clothes other than atrmor (!!), no pack, no rations. Either the costs for weapons and armor need a touch of rebalancing, or the starting credits really need ot increase- I'd say to either 200 or 250.

I couldn't even afford additional ammo... And that, is an issue.

Yeah, starting funds are really rough for some builds. I don't know how intentional it is that a Solarian/Soldier can't buy Heavy Armor at level 1, but it completely changes how you build characters early on.

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Justnobodyfqwl wrote:
Yeah, starting funds are really rough for some builds. I don't know how intentional it is that a Solarian/Soldier can't buy Heavy Armor at level 1, but it completely changes how you build characters early on.

sorry for being late to say, but yeah. The 2E system has heavy armor hard to buy right away as a whole. Even in Pathfinder, it's difficult to budget heavy armor, and it's the typically the done thing to start with Medium armor and upgrade when the funds come in.

Averaging the armor costs of Pathfinder 2E, it's about 27.89 gp. Averaging the costs of armor in Starfinder 2E, it's 272.5 credits, which is equivalent to 27.25 gp. Average price range is about the same. Though there are certainly less budget heavy armor options in Starfinder, whereas Pathfinder heavy armor can go as low as 13 gp, or 130 credits. Whereas the Defiant Series armor is worth 200 credits/20 gp.

Point being is even in Pathfinder, you cannot really start with heavy armor at Level 1, either. And where Splintmail is technically the one exception, it's still so expensive that you're very unlikely to take it as it just does not leave money for much else.

Radiant Oath

Clarification Question: we were told that the Playtest is now over. Is this correct? I thought feedback was due by Dec 31, but we can continue to play the scenarios and adventures for credit [AP and Chronicle marks] until July 31, 2025.

Which is true?

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Both can be true.

While the playtest is over, that does not mean you cannot play the playtest scenarios either recreationally or for credit. It just means that if you submit feedback after that point, it's either not gonna be seen, or very unlikely to be seen.

For example, I'm winding up to finally run A Cosmic Birthday. Nothing's stopping me from running it. If anything, now that playtesting is over, I can use a lot of my Pathfinder home rules, because I don't have to worry about my home rules corrupting the data.

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