PFS2 1-12 Burden of Envy

GM Discussion

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1/5 **

caps wrote:
Is the number of people that can fit on Rolanna's Prayer irrespective of size? So kids count for 1 and Seddothrum does also?

I'd say that this information is left up to the GM to determine. Valais is not clear about what she means by "can accommodate five clients", so I think the logistics are up to interpretation by the GM. Valais could be referring to space, but she could instead be referring to the amount of food or how many bodies her crew are willing to put up with on a voyage to Varisia. Perhaps, she is referring to having traveling papers for the clients or some other means of "accommodation".

If the PCs asks what is meant by "accommodate" during the briefing, choose the basis for Valais' words that make the most sense to you and then, as GM, stick with it. If the players ask the question in a way that suggests an answer, then consider going with what they are suggesting--allowing the players to help create the world around them.

As the GM, you want to be careful that any explanation you offer does not lead the players to think that they can get all of the clients out of the city on the Prayer. Clearly, there should be enough clients remaining in the city and wanting the PCs help by the fifth day to give rise to the complications at the docks as described in part C.

Whatever you decide, I would caution against giving the players the feeling that they made a "wrong" choice in deciding which clients can go in the Prayer by the end of the encounter. If the PCs decide to leave Seddothrum behind because they think he would take up two or more spaces on the ship, then I'd suggest having Captain Remmith confirm that the Prayer has little sleeping space for giants. If the PCs decide to bring Yuleg and Vurna, as well as Daffrid's entire family, believing that her two kids can share accommodations, then I'd suggest having
Captain Remmith possibly raise an eyebrow, but assure the PCs that both families will make it to safety.

1/5 *

Pathfinder Adventure, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Good answer, thank you.

I have another question. The Create a Forgery activity states that PCs get a +4 circumstance bonus when the forged documents do not need to match any particular style of handwriting. Obviously that would apply for travel papers. This seems to make the +2 circumstance bonus from having Flitch's papers superfluous. Are they intended to stack despite both being circumstance bonuses?

Grand Lodge 2/5 **

Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber

(Thread resurrection.)

With Fame now long gone, how do PCs pay to get out of prison?


Darrell Impey UK wrote:

(Thread resurrection.)

With Fame now long gone, how do PCs pay to get out of prison?

Fame was replaced by AcP. We don't have a way to reduce AcP for sessions played, but personally if it came up I would be inclined to give it to them for free unless we get any future guidance on it. My rationale is that at the time this was released, the fame was a currency expendable just like AcP is today.

Obviously I would still roleplay it up a fair bit as appropriate so it doesn't feel free. Have Valais pull strings/send another team in/etc to get them out and reprimand them appropriately as just one idea off the top of my head)


I just got this for GameDay and working on prepping it. I'm trying to figure out a discrepancy in regards to treasure bundle calculations.

In the split treasure sidebar it says: "SPLIT TREASURE: This scenario contains more valuable treasure than other scenarios. This is because Guaril gets one-half of whatever the PCs obtain, after expenses"

But in the description below it says: "Guaril makes clear his intent to take half of whatever monies are collected, before expenses, as detailed in the Split Treasure sidebar above."

Which is it?


After some discussion on discord. We and I believe it doesn't matter. It is just flavor text and the treasure bundles obtained on the way represent the party's "half" already.

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