Remove paralysis is on the wrong spell lists

Skills, Feats, Equipment & Spells

I've done some nerding with the spell lists, essentially fabricating the meta-attribute (material, mental, spiritual, vital) spell lists instead of the given spell lists (arcane, Divine, occult, primal). While there are some spells that only show up on one list, meaning you need access to both the meta-attributes to cast it, 99% of the spells fall easily into either 1, 2, or 4 meta-attributes. You can check the definition of the spell list types in the back of the book and find these meta-attributes. If you want to recreate what I did, compare the spell lists and where there is overlap then the spell must resonate with some meta-attribute. This also brings to light a set of universal spells, but for now let's set this long intro aside.

Remove paralysis is the only spell that is on the occult and primal spell lists, but not on any others. The occult spell list has the meta-attributes of mental and spiritual whereas the primal spell list has material and vital. This means that the remove paralysis spell somehow resonantes with all the meta-attributes, but isn't on all the spell lists. As the only one that stands out in this manner I thought it prudent to inform the community of the narrative inconsistency.
A quick solution that I think would fit perfectly well with the narrative would be to either remove it from the occult list and add it to the Divine list, or simply add it to the Divine list.

I apologise for any improper forumn ettiquete as I never post on these.

That's a good catch, both in that that the essences are actually mentioned in the back of the book (on the Know Direction podcast, someone said they weren't actually printing that cosmology, so I didn't look), and that remove paralysis is misclassified.

Can you share your lists?

There's not a great way to transfer the Excel sheet into a forum post, but I'll see what I can do! Right now I've got the lists lined up along with the traits and schools of the spells. Was looking for consistent patterns for school choices and traits given the meta-atrribute. I'll get this in later today (Tuesday).

Google doc?

Ah. Yes that's a thing.

The H and U you'll find after spells up to like level 7 is from the direct copy from the PDF. Then I switched to another computer and I couldn't do that anymore and had to turn them out and forgot to add those in our take the others out. There are two major traits missing, attack and mental, as I didn't see them being important but I'll add them in at a later time.

Hopefully you find this interesting! I love the idea of narrative essences for spells and since they got so close to doing it even without wanting to publish it as a big thing, it's funny to see only one error.

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