Motteditor's Reign of Winter PBP (Inactive)

Game Master motteditor

Combat map / overall map

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The Exchange

Male Humanoidish Yahoo 4/Painlord 6/Punk 2/Cleric of Happiness & Sunshine 1

Starting cash? By class or 150gp or other?

Yeah, almost done with build...and much of character.

Soon, you villainous scallywags, soon.

retired (AP completed)

If I recall, I think ol' Mott likes average starting monies based on class.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Malavarius is correct.

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

Quinn, Cleric of Cayden Cailean, his background will be up this weekend.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Haven't finished looking at it, but one of the traits needs to be from the campaign, Quinn.

Manly Stats:
HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
Tracksmage 16

A male figure enters the discussion thread, sniffs the air, and grimaces.

Casting a quick glance towards Quinn, he has only one utterance: "Apparently, they let anyone in here. No standards at all."

Hektir's build has been sent to Motte...he skeleton of Hektir will be posted in a while, until then, you'll have to accept me as I am.

Let's rock this thing.

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

yep, sorry, my Hero Lab doesn't have the traits yet, so I had used Forlorn as a base for the Northern Ancestry trait, but then forgot to change the name, the build was right but the names not, updated now.

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

"Could have held the door open. They call it chivalry." Looks at Hektir.

A rather tall woman enters the thread, rolling up the map that led her here. "I was told I could find purpose here."

Almost done. Looking forward to this. As I understand this, if my performance is piss-poor, piss on Painlord. He snuck me in.

Manly Stats:
HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
Tracksmage 16
Tsin Windscar wrote:

"Could have held the door open. They call it chivalry." Looks at Hektir.

A rather tall woman enters the thread, rolling up the map that led her here. "I was told I could find purpose here."

Almost done. Looking forward to this. As I understand this, if my performance is piss-poor, piss on Painlord. He snuck me in.

Yep. They let anyone in here. She smells of cow...looks like one too.

I'm counting on the piss-poor, Tsin! I need someone to make me look good by comparison. :)

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

Quinn rolls his eyes at yet another needless barb from Hektir. "Well of course they let anyone in here with no standards at all, we had to find a place to meet where you would be allowed."

Turning to the newcomer, Quinn offer a warm smile and an extended hand. "Welcome, brave warrior, Malavarius and I were hoping that a gentlemen of the martial talents would join our group." Too late Quinn realizes his mistake, Eegads! That's no man! "Ma'am, lady, sorry! sorry! My humble apologies, totally my fault!"

Blessed Cayden, she has muscles like a man and face like a bulldog drinking milk that was left out in the hot sun, that's not one I'll be competing with Hektir to swoon!

HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold

Pemsworth cringes. 'I HAVE to make sure these people don't talk...'

"What my friend here meant to say is welcome to the group! I'm sure your talents will come in quite handy in keeping various evils from harming my very valuable (to me, at least!) behind!"

retired (AP completed)

The old man arches a bushy a eyebrow and nods his head, his long white beard wagging with the motion, "Yes, yes, very good to meet you, I suppose." He then turns his head slightly, his gaze focused on a plump little thrush perched on the head of his staff. "Ha! Zeno! Look at that! They've no idea that was a bald-faced lie! I'm getting better at this 'talking to people' thing you're always going on about." The bird then turns, blinks a few times, and in perfect Common replies, "They can hear you right now, you old doddard."
"What? Don't be absurd! Look at that one, there. Ears like a cauliflower he's got. They can't possibly work. He can't hear a thing."
"And you've got a cabbage twixt yours instead of a brain, yet you still manage to torture everyone 'round with all sorts of nonsense.
Malavarius simply shakes his staff, ruffling Zeno's feathers, then turns back to everyone. "Yes, very good to meet you indeed."

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

A man's hand, extended in kindness? Tsin tentatively takes Quinn's hand, squeezes it warmly, and continues to hold it firmly as Quinn apologizes. There we have it. And his hands were so soft too. "Think nothing of it. I'm told the mistake happens less often if I wear a dress. I don't have a dress."

To the others, Tsin smiles and nods.

Manly Stats:
HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
Tracksmage 16

I see we're starting off in fine form. Well played, Hathaway, btw. I think Motte is anxious to am I.

Hektir stands quiet, listening to Malavarius speak, but not yet moving to introduce himself.

I might be speaking more to the bird.

Hektir waits to see what happens next.

HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold

Pemsworth moves over to the others and whispers in a low voice. "Mr. King is a little... eccentric. He means well, but he's not, you know, always on this plane of thought. His bird's okay, though. Just slip him some birdseed from time to time and he'll be your best friend."

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I am eager to get started. I see Mal and Pemsworth live in Heldren. Are the other three of you just passing through or also living in the village?

Manly Stats:
HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
Tracksmage 16

Hektir lives in the outskirts, plying his trade in the nearby lands and selling his catches within.

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

Consider Tsin a resident of Heldren for the last year. She's been apprenticing with the local butcher, seeking a new form of trade.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

And we're under way...

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

Quinn is an on-and-off resident of the town, traveling as much as he stays locally.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

I'll get a map up of Heldren tomorrow, along with some brief descriptions of the village.

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

edited my last post to correct four typos (seriously, 4), putting down the beer and laptop and stepping back

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16


Heldren map

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Flickr seems to be hiccuping. Pic of Ionia coming when it gets itself under control.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

You can give me Knowledge (local) checks to see if you know where in town you might be able to get supplies.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Information about Heldren that all of you know from your time in the village is now in the campaign tab.

retired (AP completed)

Hey all,

Just a head's up, I'll be getting on a plane tomorrow afternoon to head down to Orlando for a conference for the rest of the week. I should still be able to check in from my phone, but probably only in the late evening before bed.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

We have a 90-minute awards banquet at work tonight in the middle of trying to put out the paper, so I don't know how much I'll be able to post.

male originally elf Sinister Villain 10 / PC Nemesis 10 / Memorable BBEG 5

Oooo! I hope that means you get to eat like a king tonight, Mott! =D

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

Lucky dogs :)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Me too, Dal, since I didn't bring dinner!

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

For those of you who aren't familiar with my GMing for fights:

My typical method is to have all of you post before I adjudicate actions; I'll sometimes change those, if your posted actions no longer make sense, but I try to remember to point out if I've done so.

At the start of fights, I'll do a sort of half-round sometimes, so I can arrange it with the antagonists at the end of the round (that way their actions aren't able to change what you do). You may sometimes see two Round 1s because of that.

I'll do maps for fights that I think need them, but if I expect them to be pretty simple, I won't bother.

It's easy for me to miss things especially in complicated fights, so please feel free to shout out if something doesn't make sense or I've made a mistake or miss a feat/ability you have.

Any other questions, please feel free to ask.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

What do you want for your marching order?

I'm assuming Hektir is in the front, though the trail's clear enough you don't need any special skill to follow/track it.

I figure Tsin/Pem is probably next, following by Mal then Quinn, though feel free to put yourselves in whatever order you want. It's probably easiest to be single file, though, considering you're trudging through the snow.

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

sounds like a good order, the tracker and trapfinder up front, muscle in the middle, and the old kook and future old kook in the back.

BBEG <-> Hektir - Pem - Tsin - Mal - Quinn

yep, that's looks perfect :)

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

Couldn't agree more. After our skirmish today, it's likely Tsin will make it a point to be somewhere close to Mal, until she sees him shine with magical ability :)

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Sorry, Quinn and Mal. I don't mean to keep nearly killing you, I swear!

Manly Stats:
HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
Tracksmage 16
motteditor wrote:

What do you want for your marching order?

I'm assuming Hektir is in the front, though the trail's clear enough you don't need any special skill to follow/track it.

Yeah, I think I agree for the outdoors (will be different in City and/or dungeon): Hektir, Tsin, Pems, Mal, & Quinn.

Watch Schedule:
8-midnight: Tsin and Pems
Midight-4 am: Hektir and the Bird
4-8am: Quinn and Malavarius

retired (AP completed)

marching order and watch order look good

I'm back from my conference but I caught some kind of plague on the last day. Still fevered and feeling horrible. Might be a day or two more before I've got my creative flair back.

The pattern of dropping Malavarius into the deep negative hps during every surprise round seems to be working out well though, so feel free to keep that up in the meantime.

Female Char-cutie HP 218; AC 28, T 15, FF 26; F+20, R+8, W+14/+17(fear); Init +5; Perc +21; CMD 35/33ff; SR 28

@Malavarius, that was a prime chuckle there

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Hektir the Tracksmage wrote:
Holding off posting until Motte chimes in on Quinn's revival. Still thinking that we are sadly going to have to camp again.

Sorry, I was waiting on you all (and a few others things; am getting ready to take a shower and then update all my games). If no one started a fire, I'll need saves from those who aren't magically protected from the cold (DC 17, 18 and 19 for the three hours).

If you did start a fire (which will require a Survival check), you can stay warm until Quinn wakes up -- as he posted -- and then decide what you want to do.

(Oddly, I was completely unaware of those recovering consciousness rules. Learn something new every day.)

Manly Stats:
HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
Tracksmage 16

Yeah, I figured we were all confuzzled.

I think Tsin and you have us back on track now.

Let's keep rocking. Maybe, if we're really lucky, Malavarius will have a chance to RP or combat with us! ;)

male originally elf Sinister Villain 10 / PC Nemesis 10 / Memorable BBEG 5

So, a "Painlord" was mentioned in the Paizo blog today, but this one is "esteemed", so now I'm not sure how many Painlords are running around on the boards. I figure at least two. =P

Manly Stats:
HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
Tracksmage 16
Dal Selpher wrote:
So, a "Painlord" was mentioned in the Paizo blog today, but this one is "esteemed", so now I'm not sure how many Painlords are running around on the boards. I figure at least two. =P


Probably a different one.

HP 98/98; AC 19, T 14, FF 15; F+9, R+14, W+15; Init +8; Perc+23 (24 vs traps); SR 27; immune to cold

Maybe he meant steamed? As in very angry? Or having the qualities of steamed vegetables?

retired (AP completed)

Tsin and Pemsworth, I'll prepare a pair of endure elements for you after we rest so you can stop being troubled by these fortitude saves. I'd have done it earlier, but I think the last time we rested was while I was away at my conference. Better late than never! =)

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

Quinn can prepare and extra endure elements as well, may be better to use his spell slot and save the one extra fire attack by Mal

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

Let me know if you want to press on or rest.

Male Elf Traveler 16 | init +6, per +32 | AC 35/19/29 | HP 130 | Fort +17, Reflex +15, Will +20 (+2) | CMB +14, CMD 33

it's 4pm in game, where is the sun in the sky, do we have a summer length day or is winter night looming an hour away?

Manly Stats:
HP 179; F:17/R:10/W:19;Fly +13; (Loc) +21, (Nat) +22, (Geog) +5, (Plns) +10, Perc +33, Surv +18,Spllcrft+16
Tracksmage 16

Well, we're in Round 2 of combat, I thought.

Are the fey gone? Afraid of our fire? Or maybe we'll see them again?

I'm happy to rest and recover, but I thought we were in combat.

RPG Superstar 2012 Top 16

The fey took off ... for the moment, at least.

It's a summer-length day.

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