[d20pfsrd.com] Top 10 Pathfinder 3PP Classes (last 30 days)

Product Discussion

The Exchange

This list is simply a list of the classes from 3rd Party Publishers which are available on d20pfsrd.com and the number of pageviews each has received in the last 30 days. I just thought it was interesting is all!
Artificer (Adamant Entertainment)................3,189
Death Mage (Super Genius Games)..............2,223
Dragonrider (Super Genius Games)..............2,138
Warlock (Adamant Entertainment)...............2,119
Time Thief (Super Genius Games).................1,873
Shadow Assassin (Super Genius Games).....1,601
Armiger (Super Genius Games)....................1,563
Priest (Adamant Entertainment)..................1,454
Spellblade (Adamant Entertainment)...........1,452
Eldritch Godling (Super Genius Games)........1,426

I'm amazed at the Artificer taking the top spot.

It's not really that it's good, it's just that it's what people want. They take a look out of hope.

Personally, I've always wanted a good PC crafting based class. Never seen one that worked though.

I'd imagine that most people looked at the Artificer out of hope for what it might have been, and then didn't go back.

Death Mage on the other hand, is awesome.

Doomed Hero wrote:

Personally, I've always wanted a good PC crafting based class. Never seen one that worked though.

I'd imagine that most people looked at the Artificer out of hope for what it might have been, and then didn't go back.

Psst... Over here. Is this what you are looking for?

The Exchange

@Louis: Yeah we're going to have to post that one eventually since its gotten such good reviews.

I'll second the machinesmith. Much better than some of the other ones I see on the list.

Dark Archive

Neat to see the Death Mage up there, as well. They were a popular choice when SGG did a character creation contest, and I like how different the class can be, depending on what road you follow.

The dragonrider is intriguing, as well, although I'd be tempted to find a way to do it without the focus mechanic.

I was surprised for a second that none of Dreamscarred Press' classes were up there ... and then I remembered how segregated the psionic stuff is from the rest of the site. I consider that segregation to be ... unfortunate.

@Distant Scholar: Just what IS the nature of Dreamscarred's psionics stuff's segregation? Is there a link that shows the "difficulty" or "segregation" in navigation or layout? I am a fan of Dreamscarred so I'd be happy to see this visually and also saddened...

It's big enough and different enough that psionics get their own section of the site.

And DH, that's why I am amazed ;-)

Ahh. Ok thanks Cheapy.

The Exchange

Since the Dreamscarred Press stuff is in a separate section I did forget to include their numbers. I'll double-check now and see where they fall.

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder PF Special Edition, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber
Cheapy wrote:
I'm amazed at the Artificer taking the top spot.

I'm not. Every other month, we generally have someone putting their take on an Artificer class and there are at least two more Artificers on Pathfinder DB site. It's a class type with heavy game geek appeal.

The Exchange

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Updated, counting Psionics classes:
Psion (Dreamscarred Press).....................5,288
Soulknife (Dreamscarred Press)...............4,206
Psychic Warrior (Dreamscarred Press).....3,423
Artificer (Adamant Entertainment)................3,189
Death Mage (Super Genius Games)..............2,223
Dragonrider (Super Genius Games)..............2,138
Warlock (Adamant Entertainment)...............2,119
Wilder (Dreamscarred Press)...................1,904
Time Thief (Super Genius Games).................1,873
Shadow Assassin (Super Genius Games).....1,601
Armiger (Super Genius Games)....................1,563
Priest (Adamant Entertainment)..................1,454
Spellblade (Adamant Entertainment)...........1,452
Eldritch Godling (Super Genius Games)........1,426


Dreamscarred Press

Good night!


I wonder what it will look like once we get the PsiEx classes on there...

The Exchange

I was pleasantly surprised too Jeremy. Holy! You're killin' it!

Liberty's Edge

Thank you for doing this it has been interesting.

Dreamscarred Press

Yeah! Although I feel kind of bad for the wilder... hopefully the new archetypes we're putting out for them will help with that.

The Exchange

Can't wait to see your new stuff. Very popular. I hope business-wise you guys are reaping the benefits of your work.

Any chance you could do one of these reports for spells, races, and prestige classes as well?

The Exchange

I could, yeah, but not at the moment. I'll try to get something out sometime today though.

Dreamscarred Press

1 person marked this as a favorite.
d20pfsrd.com wrote:
Can't wait to see your new stuff. Very popular. I hope business-wise you guys are reaping the benefits of your work.

Oh, absolutely. We've been using it to fund all the new stuff that's been coming out, as well as the new artwork that will be in the Psionics Unleashed hardcover. :)

The Exchange

***Again, last (30) days pageviews only***

Page....................................................................... .... Pageviews
Dance Macabre (Super Genius Games)................................327
By the Blood (Super Genius Games)....................................241
Manifest (Super Genius Games)...........................................238
Airblast (Super Genius Games)............................................193
Weapons Storm (Rite Publishing)........................................176
Prismatic Ray (Bastion Press)..............................................163
Temporary Enchantment (Adamant Entertainment).............137
Ghost Touch (4 Winds Fantasy Gaming)..............................134
Kiss of Unrequited Love (Bastion Press)..............................125
Typhoon (Super Genius Games)..........................................118
Alter Reality (Super Genius Games)....................................117
Pants (Rite Publishing).......................................................116
Shooting Star (Rite Publishing)...........................................116
Flame of the Forge (4 Winds Fantasy Gaming)...................115


Page....................................................................... .... Pageviews
Asterion (Super Genius Games)........................................3,710
Anumus (Alluria Publishing)..............................................1,703
Half-Ogre (Adamant Entertainment).................................1,625
Obitu (Alluria Publishing)..................................................1,610
Muse (Alluria Publishing)..................................................1,575
Kval (Alluria Publishing)....................................................1,556
Relluk (Alluria Publishing).................................................1,447
Saurian (Adamant Entertainment)...................................1,445
Lizardfolk (Paizo Fans United)..........................................1,406
Zif (Alluria Publishing)......................................................1,380
Oakling (Alluria Publishing)...............................................1,376
Boggle (Alluria Publishing)...............................................1,362
Taddol (Alluria Publishing)...............................................1,358
Xax (Alluria Publishing)....................................................1,305
Mahrog (Alluria Publishing)..............................................1,284
Numistian (Alluria Publishing)...........................................1,237
Squole (Alluria Publishing)..............................................1,222
Entobian (Alluria Publishing)...........................................1,215
Mogogol (Alluria Publishing)...........................................1,169
High Goblin (Jon Brazer Enterprises)...............................1,124
Ratkin (Adamant Entertainment).....................................934

Hmm, I'm surprised at the numbers for the Bastion Press spells. It also appears that the Asterion fills a niche that interests a number of people. That encourages me to get the other 2 races from that pdf up on the site.

Scarab Sages

Caedwyr wrote:
Hmm, I'm surprised at the numbers for the Bastion Press spells. It also appears that the Asterion fills a niche that interests a number of people. That encourages me to get the other 2 races from that pdf up on the site.

I'm happy to also encourage you to get them up, if my encouragement holds any weight. :)

Wow this is interesting data.

How would you guys from the 3PPs use the data.

An extra question for the 3PPs. Are any of you making your books available on Hero Lab?

Owen K. C. Stephens wrote:
Caedwyr wrote:
Hmm, I'm surprised at the numbers for the Bastion Press spells. It also appears that the Asterion fills a niche that interests a number of people. That encourages me to get the other 2 races from that pdf up on the site.
I'm happy to also encourage you to get them up, if my encouragement holds any weight. :)

This has now been done.

Liberty's Edge

The 8th Dwarf wrote:
An extra question for the 3PPs. Are any of you making your books available on Hero Lab?

I know the rather popular Genius Guide to the Vanguard was recently released and includes a file for use with Hero Lab

The Genius Guide to the Dragonrider also has a Hero Lab file, and I believe several of the Rite Publishing products have Hero Lab files.

Cheapy wrote:
I'm amazed at the Artificer taking the top spot.

We Mad Scientist types tend to be the silent majority.

Be afraid. Be very afraid. :D

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