Wild Shape Multiclassing

Rules Discussion

I want to play a wild shaping druid that does not cast spells. I'm going to multiclass rogue into druid. So I take druid dedication at level 2, good so far. At level 4 the rogue doesn't have focus points so the wild shape feat could be taken but couldn't be used. Taking the order spell feat would give me a focus point and wild morph but wild morph does not do anything if you don't also know wild shape.

Am I missing something or do I need to sit on a useless feat until 6th level when I would know both wild morph and wild shape?

When you take Druid Dedication you can pick what order of Druid you are.

Druid Dedication wrote:
Choose an order as you would if you were a druid. You become a member of that order and are bound by its anathema, allowing you to take the order’s feats. You become trained in Nature and your order’s associated skill; for each of these skills in which you were already trained, you become trained in a skill of your choice. You don’t gain any other abilities from your choice of order.
Wild Order wrote:
The savage, uncontrollable call of the natural world infuses you, granting you the ability to change your shape and take on the ferocious form of a wild creature. You are trained in Intimidation. You also gain the Wild Shape druid feat. You gain the wild morph order spell. Becoming fully domesticated by the temptations of civilization is anathema to your order. (This doesn’t prevent you from buying and using processed goods or staying in a city for an adventure, but you can never come to rely on these conveniences or truly call such a place your permanent home.)

It looks like it never says you get a focus point, but under Orders in Druid is this.

Druid Orders wrote:
Order spells are a type of focus spell. It costs 1 Focus Point to cast a focus spell, and you start with a focus pool of 1 Focus Point.

So I'd say you get 1 focus point when you pick your Druid order when taking the Dedication feat.

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I'd argue that Vlorax is correct, but for the wrong reasons. The Druid dedication is pretty clear that you pick an order but gain no benefits from that order, which would include not getting 1 focus point out of the gate.

The reason he's right that you'll be able to wildshape at 4, though, is in the rules on focus spells in the Magic chapter.

Casting any of your focus spells costs you 1 Focus Point. You automatically gain a focus pool of 1 Focus Point the first time you gain an ability that gives you a focus spell.

So in this case, the Druid dedication gives you the wild order.

You could then take the wild shape druid feat at character level 4 since it is a level 1 druid feat. Since this is the first time you gain an ability that gives you a focus spell, you get the free point to use. The only way to extend that pool would be to acquire another ability which explicitly granted another focus point.

At 8, you then grab Thousand Faces (for humanoid forms) or Form Control (for 1 hour duration wild shape).

Edit: Notably, I don't think there's any way to get wild morph doing this path. If you chose Wild as your initial druid order with the druid dedication, you can't use Order Magic (4) to pick it up because it tells you to pick an order you selected with Order Explorer (2), and Order Explorer tells you to pick a different druid order than the one you selected. I think this is a feature, though, since it basically says a baseline wild druid can wild shape and morph on top of that form, whereas dabblers in wild shaping can only take basic forms.

Thank you, I misunderstood how focus feats work.

The druid multiclass feat Order Spell does gives access to wild morph.

cavernshark wrote:

Edit: Notably, I don't think there's any way to get wild morph doing this path. If you chose Wild as your initial druid order with the druid dedication, you can't use Order Magic (4) to pick it up because it tells you to pick an order you selected with Order Explorer (2), and Order Explorer tells you to pick a different druid order than the one you selected. I think this is a feature, though, since it basically says a baseline wild druid can wild shape and morph on top of that form, whereas dabblers in wild shaping can only take basic forms.

You can take the order spell multiclass archetype feat that gives you your chosen order's spell

Grand Lodge

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber; Pathfinder Maps Subscriber

So one of the problems you will find is scaling in the later levels. Since your leveled is halved for the
druid feats you wont get insect shape til 12 and soaring or dino til 16th but they only scale up to 6th or 7th level forms. Insect form at 12th is already capped at 5th level so you are behind from level 11 onward.

To be honest unless they change how you can pick the wild shape feats from Druid dedication it really only works til level 10.

Furthermore if you want to use sneak attack you have to make sure the monster attacks qualify I know a number of animal secondary attacks are agile so those should work.

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