Facebook attempts to pull a fast one.


So usually I stay out of this, but I was outright angry to find that in addition to the recent added privacy changes, that Facebook opted every single user into the Instant Personalization Pilot Program. What that means is without even informing it's users, it's selling all of their information to third party companies! If I was given a choice in the matter, I would probably let it pass.

I know a big company like that only cares about 3 things:

  • Having users log in
  • Revenue from advertisements, and
  • Mining as much data as possible to sell.

    Am I mad that they're trying to make money? No, they're a business. Am I pissed that they didn't ask? **** YES! I'm sure there are some people that are wondering what I'm talking about, but if you want to see for yourself...

    Go to your privacy settings, click on applications and websites, in the section marked Instant Personalization Pilot Program.

    Want to know more? This link takes you to the NPR article/story.

  • Kakarasa wrote:


    Am I mad that they're trying to make money? No, they're a business. Am I pissed that they didn't ask? **** YES! I'm sure there are some people that are wondering what I'm talking about, but if you want to see for yourself...


    This is exactly why I'm NOT on Facebook anymore. Once I pointed out what they were doing, several co-workers and friends deactivated accounts too.

    Besides, I began to realize how much time I was wasting on it, and quit cold turkey. Been off for about 6 months now, and I don't miss it!!

    I can see the appeal of it, as I found some old friends there. But not worth the cost of my privacy.

    Torillan wrote:
    Kakarasa wrote:


    Am I mad that they're trying to make money? No, they're a business. Am I pissed that they didn't ask? **** YES! I'm sure there are some people that are wondering what I'm talking about, but if you want to see for yourself...


    This is exactly why I'm NOT on Facebook anymore. Once I pointed out what they were doing, several co-workers and friends deactivated accounts too.

    Besides, I began to realize how much time I was wasting on it, and quit cold turkey. Been off for about 6 months now, and I don't miss it!!

    I can see the appeal of it, as I found some old friends there. But not worth the cost of my privacy.

    There is an alternative route here by Lifehacker. If things keep going the way they do, I may be headed down the same path. I just hate when companies take advantage! They already have ads after all!

    It might just be that I'm outraged, but I'm going to try to keep raising awareness to this. Google collected some "accidental" data, I saw in this thread. In that case the signals were unsecured... but at least there were preventative steps available.

    HA! I knew it! I knew Facebook was evil! Everyone laughed at me when I didn't get an account- well WHO'S LAUGHING NOW!

    Check out the site Reclaim Your Privacy. They have a link that you can add to your browser that will analyze your privacy settings when logged into Facebook so you can reset your Facebook settings to private.

    Dark Archive

    I wouldn't mind so much if they took the mined data and actually put up ads that fit me, like they claim they are doing.

    Aaron Whitley wrote:
    Check out the site Reclaim Your Privacy. They have a link that you can add to your browser that will analyze your privacy settings when logged into Facebook so you can reset your Facebook settings to private.

    Also there is Untangle’s SaveFace. It installs in an identical fashion to ReclaimPrivacy – visit the SaveFace site and drag the icon to your toolbar. When you log in and click the bookmark, it changes all your settings to “friends only.”

    From what I've heard Mark Zuckerberg has no belief in others privacy rights and has even been accused of looking through people's private emails to look for information to discredit them.

    Liberty's Edge

    No-one in my family uses Facebook anymore. It's an untrustworthy site, too hard to keep up with, and creepy things seem to happen there...

    They'll never take me alive!!!

    puts on tinfoil suit and hides in tinfoil bunker

    The Exchange

    or give Diaspora a try.

    Crimson Jester wrote:
    or give Diaspora a try.

    Looks interesting.

    Andrew Turner wrote:
    No-one in my family uses Facebook anymore. It's an untrustworthy site, too hard to keep up with, and creepy things seem to happen there...

    What do you and your use then?

    Freehold DM wrote:
    What do you and your use then?

    We used to use these things called "telephones." Weird, huh?

    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    What do you and your use then?
    We used to use these things called "telephones." Weird, huh?

    I have one of those, it plays music every now and then. It's like a little portable, unpredictable radio.

    Dark Archive

    I checked after reading this posting, and my settings for that is already set to "not". Maybe I already had my privacy settings set for tight control?

    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    What do you and your use then?
    We used to use these things called "telephones." Weird, huh?

    +1 I don't social network I actually go to see my friends in person or invite them to see me. No privacy issues there unless the living room needs to be cleaned first.

    They just want to keep track of everyone who is submitting a drawing of Mohamed.

    Dark Archive

    Steven Tindall wrote:
    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    What do you and your use then?
    We used to use these things called "telephones." Weird, huh?
    +1 I don't social network I actually go to see my friends in person or invite them to see me. No privacy issues there unless the living room needs to be cleaned first.

    I like facebook. It has allowed me to reconnect with high school friends who I have not seen since I enlisted. On the other hands it does have it's problems as others have indicated.

    Liberty's Edge

    Kirth Gersen wrote:
    Freehold DM wrote:
    What do you and your use then?
    We used to use these things called "telephones." Weird, huh?

    Actually, yes. We phone and email, primarily, and use MobileMe for photo sharing, etc.

    Sovereign Court

    I have a Facebook page and use it frequently, but not under my real name. It is sometimes a small hassle to connect with actual people I know when they can't just type in my name, but overall it works for me.

    Liberty's Edge

    This might explain why I saw a "*facebook friend* likes this Artist" with a matching pic come up while I was listening to Pandora the other day.

    David Fryer wrote:
    I like facebook. It has allowed me to reconnect with high school friends who I have not seen since I enlisted. On the other hands it does have it's problems as others have indicated.

    I like facebook too for the same reason, even though it's very flawed. I just can't condone that act of commercial greed. The revenue they have probaby gotten from data sharing already may be enough to have made thme okay with this dick move. I'm abstaining facebook for a month during the organized boycott, it's the ony way to hit them back where it hurts and say it's not okay (hitting em in the pocketbook). As a few we will be ignored, but as a large collective we have strength.

    I understand facebook is "free" and the ads are still enough for the execs to make tons of money. It's just the recent steamrolling of blatant indifference on the part of big companies and politicians pandering to interest groups versus actual human beings. It's just so unfortunate... :(

    Facebook founder called trusting users dumb f*cks

    This is from when it first started up.

    What annoys me alot about Facebook are those apps that make you invite at least 10 friends (or more) in order to get the app.

    Or apps that make you ask your friends for stuff... Like "Help! Get this app and click on my barn!".. Or "I need two nails and three bricks to finish my house!!"..

    I don't need that crap in my newsfeed!

    I try to 'block' all of those, but they keep making new ones.

    They should have an option to BLOCK ALL APPS.


    The Exchange


    The smurf with Smurfbook.

    The Exchange



    CJ flees in terror...to buy groceries.
    Time to seize the smurfvantage!

    You guys are silly.

    Smurf Jack wrote:
    You guys are silly.

    Are you smurf? Why would we be smurfy?

    Oh, and I'm not smurfspamming anymore. At popular request, and at my own preference, I'm going to go back to leaving the serious threads alone.

    Dark Archive

    Kobold Cleaver wrote:
    Smurf Jack wrote:
    You guys are silly.

    Are you smurf? Why would we be smurfy?

    Oh, and I'm not smurfspamming anymore. At popular request, and at my own preference, I'm going to go back to leaving the serious threads alone.

    But, but why??

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