Your Most Awesome Deeds

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

I wanted to start this thread earlier but life steps in and take time away sometimes. Anyway, I thought it'd be fun with yet another thread for sharing stories, but stories about awesome deeds ingame. So, have you ever had something really awesome happen, made a really spectacular kill or something that could just be described as awesome? Write about it here!

I guess I'll start the thread off with the event which gave birth to the idea.

My players were fighting a golem of my own creation. It turned out to be a very tough fight, as they had to literally grind his hp down to zero. They realized about halfway that they could break his armor instead and reveal his core (golems have cores in my world).

So they hack away, and after a while half of the group focus on the armor and things trudge along. The golem breaks the bridge they stand on after knocking the paladin off the bridge, taking the cleric with him in the fall. The combat continues, and after a while the alchemist is also on the bottom floor and the golem is, unbeknownst to the group, down to 1 hp.

It's the alchemists turn and he is out of throwing weapons. He loosk about, the floor is littered with dead kobolds (just recently killed by the golem). The alchemists player thinks for a little while and then states "I throw a kobold at the golem!" The alchemist does have the Throw Anything feat so I rule that the damage is 1d6, given the size of the creature, being thrown and considering it does indeed still have some armor and equipment on.

So the player rolls, hits and does damage, and he rolls 6. thereby bypassing the 5 damage reduction and inflicting exactly 1 hp damage and thus killing the golem. He killed the golem, with a thrown kobold!

Let's just say the mood in the room became quite intense. =)

Shadow Lodge

In a game(this past Saturday actually), I was playing an Alchemist and another player was playing a paladin. For fun, we were in a gladitorial combat against whatever the DM decided to throw at us. Both of our characters were built for melee(though mine was going to be a decent thrower, of course)

Long story short, I threw the soaking wet paladin, armor and all, at a fire elemental.

I called the Paladin "Cousin", because he was a Half-Elf and I was a Half-Orc. People keep threatening to hit me for some reason...

I have two that immediately come to mind.

1-I was playing a wizard, and so was a friend of mine, in a rather large group. Between the two of us we can teleport all of the party except 1 to our destination. I have the bright idea to put someone small in a bag of holding, have them hold their breath while we teleport. The dwarf doesn't particularly like this idea, and we decide we need to determine if someone can survive in a bag of holding before trying it on a living guinea pig.

So I say I'm going to go and buy a live pig. I find myself a pig farmer and he says "sure for 10sp you can pick out whatever pig you want" so I'm forced to make an untrained handle animal check to get the pig to come with. It's an utter failure. Me, a dainty, beautiful, elven wizard is forced to wrestle with a pig in mud. I contemplate just Glitterdusting the whole corral of pigs, but think better of it. Eventually I get a leash around the pig's neck and lead the pig, both of us caked in mud, through town and back to our inn. I might mention that my character is rather well known in this city by now, so this is a shock to passersby.

Anyhow, we get back to the inn and in the stables and now we have to coax this pig INTO THE BAG OF HOLDING which is rather hard. Squirming and squealing we finally wrangle it into the bag, close it, count to 30 or so, shake up the bag (for good measure) and open it back up. Live pig BURSTS out of the bag running for dear life.

Well my DM likes to put funny little magic interactions into the game, so not trusting that experiment we then attempt to teleport with the Pig In A Bag (TM) to make sure it can survive. Nope. Upon arrival post-teleport we open up the bag to find our porcine friend has been turned inside out. Guess the dwarf's gonna be walking.

Our new battle cry is "PIG IN A BAG!"

2-In a Dark Sun 3.5 game about 6 years ago I created a feral halfling character for a group starting at around 8th level. Knowing that this group were going to be starting out as slaves, I had a bright idea. I put max ranks in craft (weapons). After the first couple encounters and having escaped from our slavers I was the only character with weapons and masterwork ones nonetheless. How? I tore off the arm of one of the slavers for a snack as we trekked through the desert and then whittled his arm bone into a pair of masterwork bone daggers using my teeth!!!

We were playing a game where we coming up through a wizard's tower. The top floor of course was the wizard himself, but he was buried deep in his work. We always send the rogue ahead to scout and the DM made the mistake of not having a door at the top of the staircase (spiral staircase, so just an open archway). The rogue snuck up behind the wizard, pulled a bag of holding over his head and punctured it with a dagger. We had a hilariously headless wizard.

Me and my friends were playing RotRL and it was time to
save turtleback ferry from the flood. Luckily we had
our wondrous item "fly", which we called "pörri" for the sound
it made. I was playing this fighter, and was coming later than the rest of the group to the village, riding pörri high up in the air, just to see how the big bad lake tentacle monster was destroying it.

What did I do? I shouted "GERONIMO!", jumped from high with my
two handed sword, and got it stuck in the monsters back. Too bad
I lost balance, dropped off to the lake, and then the thing just left.
With my sword.

LuZeke wrote:

I wanted to start this thread earlier but life steps in and take time away sometimes. Anyway, I thought it'd be fun with yet another thread for sharing stories, but stories about awesome deeds ingame. So, have you ever had something really awesome happen, made a really spectacular kill or something that could just be described as awesome? Write about it here!

I guess I'll start the thread off with the event which gave birth to the idea.

My players were fighting a golem of my own creation. It turned out to be a very tough fight, as they had to literally grind his hp down to zero. They realized about halfway that they could break his armor instead and reveal his core (golems have cores in my world).

So they hack away, and after a while half of the group focus on the armor and things trudge along. The golem breaks the bridge they stand on after knocking the paladin off the bridge, taking the cleric with him in the fall. The combat continues, and after a while the alchemist is also on the bottom floor and the golem is, unbeknownst to the group, down to 1 hp.

It's the alchemists turn and he is out of throwing weapons. He loosk about, the floor is littered with dead kobolds (just recently killed by the golem). The alchemists player thinks for a little while and then states "I throw a kobold at the golem!" The alchemist does have the Throw Anything feat so I rule that the damage is 1d6, given the size of the creature, being thrown and considering it does indeed still have some armor and equipment on.

So the player rolls, hits and does damage, and he rolls 6. thereby bypassing the 5 damage reduction and inflicting exactly 1 hp damage and thus killing the golem. He killed the golem, with a thrown kobold!

Let's just say the mood in the room became quite intense. =)

I know, that was intense! Thank the gods for The Throw Anything feat!

May I throw the rouge the next time?

Gnomes are Small, just like Kobolds, so should be no problem there. The rogue might not let you throw him though. =P

3 come to mind.

Just recently in age of worms my character a kilorean 2 weapon staff user with specialization and weapon mastery favoured soul was ethereal walked up to a lich cast anti magic sphere which negated the magic that had kept me in the ethereal plane so i dropped out next to the lich.

In an anti magic fiels a lich is pretty weak.

My 'chaotic neutral' character, a cleric and another players 'lawful neutral' character had a severe rivalry as to the supremmacy of law or chaos in and out of game, when the dm was choosing who to attack odd numbers were good for me, even for him. I would summon chaotic creatures and him lawful creatures. In every aspect we competed in the law chaos stakes.
The DM got fed up when we had to cross a causeway to a mages tower that could not be magically breeched and that was protected in rumour by sea monsters. We spent 3 weeks (we insisted there had to be some) scouring the countryside: him with detect law and me with detect chaos looking for 'slightly chaotic' or 'slightly lawful' cows. When we had our heards and they failed to fight eachother we took bets and despite DM warnings drove them across the bridge. Only a 'slightly lawful' cow made it but chaos won out as the DM ruled we were both chaotic evil with delusions of our alignments.

One particullarly petty fighter i played where my namesake insano comes from was at 4th level ripped off by a merchant vessle.
At 16th level we had 3 mths off in the same city to craft items, find and buy magic treasures, work on political affiliations to get rare items we need etc etc. Instead Insaneo with his trusty necklace of adaption and many many ranks in cross classed skills taking advantage of an expensively arranged and convinient hold order on the vessle spent the 3mths under the water among other things chiselling the spine of the boat in half with just a little bit of wood left on the inside so no one knew.
When the hold order was lifted and the crew and bastard captain were about to board I stood on deck, ranted, tensed my legs, made a semi impossible strength check and the boat split in two.. like my legs did all the work.
I got a bit of a name for being strong enough to break boats in twain with my legs among pesants and a name for being a petty, petty, persistant unstable freak among the educated. I was also wanted in that city for the rest of the campaign. I gained nothing from the down time, spent a heap, burnt political bridges.. but man was it worth it !!

Shadow Lodge

LuZeke wrote:
Gnomes are Small, just like Kobolds, so should be no problem there. The rogue might not let you throw him though. =P

The paladin was not made aware I was going to throw him at the fire elemental, he simply thought I was lifting him away from the burning thingy in front of him...

Not particularly "awesome", but I've just started a new campaign and in the first combat of the first session my rogue critted with a longbow sneak attack and I rolled maximum damage on all 4 dice. That was fun.


Pathfinder PF Special Edition Subscriber

Ooooo! I've several of these.

In a old 3.0 campaign I had the joy of playing a very colorful Half-Ogre character by the name of Thurg Pale-eye. Named so because he had one black eye and one grey one. Thurg was a barbaric half-ogre that was "tamed" and then trained as a bodyguard. (Barbarian/Fighter)

Anyway... that group had a tendency to carry allot of gear and the like and we eventually purchased a cart. At one point the horse we had died or ran off and Thurg ended up dragging the cart. Because of his large size, immense strength, and his increased speed (barbarian level + boots of striding) he actually worked out so well at this task that the group decided to make a new cart to take advantage of this. The new "cart" was more like a 3-sectional "pop-up" camper made of darkwood. It was specifically designed so that it could fit down a "standard" 5 foot corridor so that it could be taken down in dungeons. The halfling cleric in the party used them to sleep in. Because of my characters strength he could easily carry and maneuver each section of the camper so that it could even be raised or lowered by rope if needed. We effectively had a kitchen, alchemist lab, and living quarters on wheels. All three sections had compartmentalized storage in abundance to keep things organized even if the carts were flipped. Talk about traveling in style.

At a later session we ended up encountering a wizard in a floating fortified bulding. In that battle against the enemy wizard Thurg ended up grappling the wizard during an attack of opportunity as the wizard attempted to fly away. After flying around at the end of Thurg's arms like a bird on the end of a anchored string, the Wizard attempted to separate Thurg from himself by encasing the half-ogre in a sphere of stone (wall of stone). My response was... ME: "So I still have hold of the wizard?" DM: "Yes" Me: "And my arms are sticking through the stone with the wizard on the other side?" DM: "Yes" ME: Ok, Thurg sits down." DM: "What?!?" ME: "Well, Thurg is giant kin, a little stone should be nothing, so I sit down and pull the wizard in with me." DM: "But...wait... ok make a strength check." ME: *Rolls a 18+ LOTS* DM: "Fine you crush the wizards nuts on the stone between your arms, stunning him for a round, and pull him into the sphere."

Groans were heard all around the table.

The fight ended up in Thurg's death as he was fried by multiple balls of a Ball Lightning spell... but what a memorable combat.

My very first character had an uncanny knack for spoiling the GM's fun, and ruining other characters' crowning moments. (2nd edition all)
The first example was when the party was fighting a colossal undead worm underwater that could only be damaged with magic weapons (of which my fighter had none). The party paladin had a magic spear and the cleric a magic dagger. My fighter spent several rounds until it was clear his axe was doing squat. Meanwhile, the paladin and cleric were consistently dealing out massive damage while my fighter swam over to get the dagger so the cleric could switch to spells and my fighter contribute. After about 5 or 6 rounds, my fighter gets the dagger, swims up onto the worm's "back" (it's weak spot) and plunges the dagger in, doing the last 4 points of damage the 150+ hp monster had (and stealing the kill xp too). The paladin (and her character) were not pleased.
The cleric wasn't immune either. As a cleric of a mercantile deity, it was a proud moment for him when after years of adventuring abroad, he returned home with his very own ship. He was being particularly insufferable, so my fighter who had since multiclassed to a cleric of a different (though friendly deity) climbed into the rigging and, unbeknownst to the ship's owner, used create holy symbol to plaster an enormous holy symbol of his own deity on the ship's fore-sail just as the ship was triumphantly entering his home port.
Our poor GM had been looking forward to playing a meticulously-crafted vampire adversary, complete with elaborate tactics. The party knew they were facing a vampire and had crafted wooden spears. The GM told us in advance that if we were going for heart shots, there would be a -8 penalty to hit and we'd have to do it twice. My character would only hit on a natural 20, but I didn't know that. Round 1 begins, my character wins initiative and rolls out two 20s in a row (fortunately, in full view of the entire table). Bye-bye vampire.
Back when dispel magic always worked on a roll of a 20, my 9th level cleric came to learn that the main (political, fortunately, they didn't have to fight him)antagonist, a 36th-level enchanter had programmed amnesia'd his wife into being a spy against the party. Gotta love those natural 20s.
Of course, the GM had his revenge inflicting my very macho fighter with a girdle of sex change on his wedding night.

Playing my Cleric9/Paladin2 (of Pelor) in Greyhawk, we were traveling through some dwarven mountain kingdoms, and had just taken out some nasty giants plaguing the locals (and conveniently blocking our path to the next kingdom). Our GM loves to make us 'choose our reward' in situations like this. Having scoped out the local politics already, she asks the king for the rights to the contested gold mine on the border with the NEXT dwarven kingdom down the line.

The king asks me why and I respond that it's going to start a war now that the giants are out of the way and greed was no excuse for the suffering of hundreds; she was going to go to the next dwarven king and give the rights to him, yielding a portion of the profits back to the first king (the one she was talking to). Peace is maintained, everybody gets some gold, and we get to sail through the next kingdom - which might have barred our path for dealing with dwarven kingdom #1.

Win-win-win. One problem though, I'm asking dwarves to part with gold. So my GM asks me to make a Diplomacy check. Natural 20 (praise Pelor!) plus pretty much max ranks plus high charisma. Deed in hand she marches off to the next king, seals the deal, gets a shrine to Pelor built at the mine, snags a share of the gold (for years to come), and becomes a hero to BOTH kingdoms.

Another story, in Ars Magica this time, we were setting up our covenant of wizards in an uncleared area, having trouble maintaining our fields. The dark and light faerie courts decide to draw us into their games of supremacy, and my magus is asked to choose the contest. I ask them to build the biggest pile of stones they could in 24 hours. One full day later I'm staring at two towering stone piles and I smile and say:

"Well, that gets the rocks out of our fields."

Our GM was not pleased. I had a bad habit of making us the winner in faerie contests, at least indirectly. ^_^

This wasnt me but it was still funny as hell.

Our party's stupid crazy evil possessed TWF elven Ranger triggered a trap in Castle Ravenloft that teleported him from one of the rooms to outside the tallest spire in the castle. Said ranger is falling fast, tries to slows his fall by plunging his swords into the castle wall...breaks swords...remembers he randomly picked up an amber amulet of vermin (giant bee) in one of the last fights...uses said amulet to conjure a giant Bee and float safely down to the floor on the bee's back. Runs down back to where we started and catches us up...and we thought we'd got rid of him!


Helic wrote:

<snip>The dark and light faerie courts decide to draw us into their games of supremacy, and my magus is asked to choose the contest. I ask them to build the biggest pile of stones they could in 24 hours. One full day later I'm staring at two towering stone piles and I smile and say:

"Well, that gets the rocks out of our fields."

Our GM was not pleased. I had a bad habit of making us the winner in faerie contests, at least indirectly. ^_^

wow. you tricked the Fey courts, as well as your dm. and there's nothing they could do about it...

nice, very very nice....


Not my character's greatest accomplishment, but I was playing a wizard in a 1st level campaign when the party through bad luck and tactics was getting their butts kicked by a horde of kobolds. The ranger went down first, followed by the rogue. The other wizard went down next, leaving my wizard against two kobolds. He managed to take one of them down before going down himself. It would have been TPK except that my wizard's raccoon familiar and the other wizard's spider familiar stepped in and took out the final kobold.

This character went on to become pretty evil (pesky Ravenloft couldn't keep its mitts off him) but the campaign ended with his redemption. The final battle was was him (11th level wizard vampire, CL 17) against three pit fiends. His spells didn't have a chance of getting through spell resistance, so he resorted to hand to hand combat. All he really had to do was hold them off for four or five rounds, so he went after their leader (who also happened to have been his ex-girlfriend in a different life (long story)) and punched her square in the nose with a critical for four negative levels and one broken pit fiend nose. Very poetic.

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