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So, I was looking over the few monsters I have access to, from First Contact to the AP, and I have noticed that energy weapons are kinda screwed over. It seems that resistances scale the same way they did in PF, 10, 20, 30 and immunity, yet DR seems unchanged too. Since Starfinder uses 1 big hit as opposed to multiple smaller hits, damage reduction is commensurately much less powerful. And yet now people have access to large amounts of energy damage in weapons, no longer just hard hitting spells, which is why resistances scaled higher than DR in the first place for PF, 3.5/3e etc.. Now, maybe there's something in Alien Archive, but right now this seems to heavily favor kinetic weapons over energy ones, which is very... anti-sci-fi to me. Why bring a lazer rifle when so many things have high fire resist or outright immunity? Especially if it costs ~1/4 of your WBL to keep it up to snuff. Or when anything has immunities. And it's not like the kinetic user has a real equivalent, an enchanted kinetic weapon harms incorporeal creatures just like the energy weapon does. And swarms are immune to weapon damage, not physical damage. DR needs to scale higher, or resistances need to scale lower, or kinetic will just be far superior and lazer guns will get left in the wayside :( ![]()
So, the liberating weapon enchant: Liberating link says it allows you to break through anything that inhibits movement, even apparently paralysis. Does this work on grapples? And if it does, as the enchant says it dispels any magic effect when you make the combat maneuver, would it also dispel a black tentacles? What about a creature grappling you? ![]()
As the title says. I actually rather like the psychic spell list, but would prefer someone who used it as a prepared caster (or pseudo prepared like an arcanist), but so far as I'm aware I haven't been able to find an archetype or something similar that uses it that way. So am I just bad at finding ones and there is one, or do I need to convince my DM to let me homebrew an archetype for one? ![]()
So, I'm running a game for a single PC, an evil one. She's a vampire, or will be after the boar hunt when Aldern turns her (he's a vampire now too, but screws up and spawns her free-willed, which sets up book 2), and wants to hunt the good and virtuous.
Ergo, this change.
First off, Nualia is lawful good and her adopted father was murdered by the lamia in book 2, five years ago. Nualia was kidnapped and her memories altered by the lamia using a scroll of Mindrape (Book of Vile Darkness, converted over and in this campaign, invented by Runelord Sorshen), though she was left LG, she believes her father was murdered by the Mayor, Noble families and Sheriff Hemlock in a conspiracy.
Second off, a scroll of Enemy Web was placed on her as well, (see below) that is warping her perceptions of goblins as good beings and people from Sandpoint as evil beings. Lyrie is from Magnimar, as is the other human in Thistletop, and Tsuto is helping Nualia 'because he hates Sandpoint' and though Nualia hides it and scorns his affections, she fully intends to kill him once Sandpoint has fallen, in much the same way a paladin would accept help from an evil vampire to stop an army of demons (lesser vs greater evil). Amusingly, her influence on the goblins, while not doing much about the older ones, has 'trickled' to the babies, so the pen of goblin kids the party finds are acting more like a normal playpen of babies than the vicious way goblin babies normally act. Nice little issue for any party paladins. The spell mentioned above:
Spoiler: Enemy Web Illusion (phantasm) Level Sorc/Wiz 9, Witch 9, Psy 9 Cast time 1 hour Components V, S, M (a 2,500g carefully crafted warped silvered mirror) Target 1 sentient creature Range touch Duration permanent Save: None, Spell resistance: Yes DESCRIPTION Enemy Web creates a phantasm around the target's perceptions, warping them to be other than reality of what the creature perceives. Generally, this spell is used to make the target believe certain groups aren't what they are. Up to 1 group can be designated per 4 caster levels, up to a max of 7 at caster level 28. A group can be broad or specific, but generally speaking cannot be smaller than a small community or larger than a country. A group's perception change can be alignment, race, faith, political goals, or other broad categories, but not very specific ones.
Additionally, actions performed against the alignment of the target under this spell towards the warped perceived group do NOT affect the target's actual alignment. HISTORY
So, had an interesting thought. Pharasma judges all souls (with the possible exception of Great Old Ones/Outer Gods according to that thread), but what about souls that never go to the judgement phase? Souls are born into the material plane from the positive, die and then go the Boneyard and from there, the Outer Planes based upon their alignment (or rarely get munched by Groetus). But what about those outsiders in the Inner planes? Elementals and Genies are both born on their home planes, not the material plane, and upon death, their souls are destroyed as their part of their bodies. So are elementals and genies (and various similar beings) exempt from being judged because they just never enter the flow? Is there a part of their life/death cycle where their soul passes before Pharasma? Are they spontaneously created when soul stuff from the positive brushes up against the inner plane and gets 'stuck', animating fire or earth instead of a baby? And really curious about genies. From the outside they look just like a run of the mill mortal. When a genie loves another genie very much, a baby genie is carried in by the stork, just like with humans, but do they just get gipped on an afterlife and judgement because of the accident of birth? ![]()
So, looking through the Artifacts and Legends book, it has little information on the origin of the Deck or the Harrow Deck. Now, with how powerful these artifacts are, as certain cards seem capable of doing things on deific level, notably the Tyrant card (give one order to any being in the multiverse and have it carried out, no specification on limit to being but pointing out that immortal ones will be very annoyed at you) and the Vizier/Hidden Truth being able to answer any question/summon an omniscient spirit to answer any question, I'm curious what their real origins are. Were they spun out of the Maelstrom itself for mischief? A chaos god or protean lord struck by inspiration and decided to play with a deck of cards? Who is the omniscient spirit mentioned by the Hidden Truth? Is it truly omniscient and able to tell any secret, including Aroden's death, the real creation story, or why/how the jyoti keep the gods out of the positive energy plane? Can it tell us what Nyarlathoteps plans really are? Can the Owl card let me scry on Tiamat or Rovagug? Would there be consequences for that? Can I use the Tyrant card to order a god to enter the positive energy plane? Can you use the Tyrant card to order the omniscient spirit of the Hidden Truth card to answer a question? I'm mostly just interested in their origins primarily. Really curious if they're crafted by a super wizard, a protean, a chaos god, the Maelstrom, or the multiverse itself in some weird cosmic balance thing. Also whether I can get them to sign the Deck that I just got >_> ![]()
So, I've noticed something a bit... annoying in the Golarion setting. And that's finding non-humans that have actually done something important. It's hard. It's really really hard. There are soooo many epic, awesome villains and heroes in Golarion, but they're all human. If you just look at Golarion history or timeline, you'd be hard pressed to even realize elves, gnomes, etc., existed. Every big bad caster... Tar-Baphon, Every single Runelord, Areelu Vorlesh, Old Mage Jaatembe, Geb, Nex, Aroden, Nethys, Xin, Baba Yaga and her daughters, Queen Ileosa, and you can just go on and on. The only elf I know of that has actual power is Queen Edaserril and beyond 'ruling Kyonin' has no effect on the world or history. There's a few drow in Second Darkness, so that's that. Can't think of any dwarves, halflings, or gnomes that did anything special. ALL of the ascended gods are human (I'm sure if Norgorber's history is ever revealed he'll be human), and even the gods that DIDN'T go via Starstone, Nethys, Urgathoa and Irori were still human. Even the only demon lord who's life we know of, Zura, was a human. Brigh might, might be a gnome in Iron Gods two... for all of a paragraph before it says "but she was probably human." Why does it feel as though Golarion should be renamed "Humans and their insignificant friends/minions"? Where's the big awesome dwarven king that beat back a thousand orcs and a red dragon single handedly? Where's the halfling legendary thief that contends with Carmen Sandiago? (Note, I was focusing on playable races. Obviously there's plenty of dragons, demons, angels, etc., that are important and historical) ![]()
So, as Inner Sea Gods puts out, there are Calistrian anti-paladins, chaotic evil bringers of vengeance basically. They're accepted and happily supported by the goddess. Now, Calistria's realm is also noted as being within Elysium, the chaotic good outer plane. So, say you have this stand-up, perfect Calistrian anti-paladin who follows the code perfectly, never fails her goddess or her church, and dies of old age having lived a perfect CE Calistrian life as an anti-paladin. Does her soul go to the Abyss, or does it go to her reward in Calistria's realm in Elysium? In other words, are all anti-paladins of Calistria let into a good plane, or are they basically betrayed by their goddess after a life of loyalty and if so, how the bloody hell do the good gods not kick her out of Elysium as there is no way that could possibly be considered neutral, let alone good. ![]()
So, after hearing of Strange Aeons (I refuse to spell it any other way), it got my creative DM juices flowing again. And I have the half-baked ideas for a campaign to run, but I need more stuff to pad it out and decided to turn to my favorite forum for said ideas. Basic Premise The primary theme is that the party are cultists, specifically cultists of Cthulhu, and the year is 1914 AD, Earth, New England (4714 AR Golarion). As lvl 1 cultists who are aware of magic because you're cultists, you're tasked by the high priest of Cthulhu to retrieve the Necronomicon from a Museum in NYC. Assuming you succeed, this is basically book 1. However, book 2 comes around and the high priest tells you they can't wake up Cthulhu because they need something that isn't found on Earth. So you need to take a trip to Golarion and also have the mind-blowing revelation that Earth isn't alone. Sort of, you do worship Cthulhu after all. So book 2 is... probably Osirion related. Book 3 I want to have to do with Aucturn and having to go there and dealing with the Dominion of the Black as Nyarlathoteps buddies have what you need and don't like Cthulhu because he's competition. Book 4... need stuff. Book 5 I want to be a trip into Apostae, the spaceship/planetoid. Book 6 you return to Earth to stop the good guys/authorities from crushing your cult and then awaken mighty Cthulhu! Which can then result in madness for everyone! Obviously, I need more ideas to pad this out and connect things, but this is the basic synopsis of what I'd like to create and I'm asking humbly for more ideas to squeeze in. ![]()
So, I've recently started a new campaign with two players. I'm running the old Age of Worms campaign with some significant changes and porting it into Golarion. Basically, I'm running with the big bad being the Outer God/dess Shub-Niggurath and placing the start of the campaign in Gunworks in the mana wastes in Geb, or Alkenstar depending on who you ask where the map lines are drawn. The tomb is recently opened, appearing almost randomly, the locals chalking it up to a mana wastes storm uncovering it and assuming it's the tomb of some old arcanist that fell in the Geb/Nex war.
Needless to say, a big change. I'm using the old dead elemental lords, as the current ones are all NE (and will play a part, but probably won't be nice) Now, as the campaign eventually ends with fighting a god, and a really powerful one at that, the two players in the game are both dragons (a blue and umbral respectively), and both will go mythic, using a custom dragon leveling chart and mythic dragon abilities, but nerfing most of the action economy breakage of mythic. The blue dragon, Vesyraniel, is a historian, LE, and interested in learning everything she can and is basically your prototypical blue, with a focus more on historical and arcane studies than tyranny, but still more than willing to use underhanded tactics. The umbral dragon, Cillistryxis, is more naive and a watcher of the 'fleshies' that she calls humanoids, more curious and greedy (heh, dragon), and NE currently. Their patron is the daughter of a Gebbite bloodlord, a very young vampire woman by the name of Tiori who's hiring them to clear out the tomb so that she can send in people to mine it of potentially magically irradiated and useful minerals. She gets a magic mine, they get to loot a tomb with a lot of history, or so they think. So far, they gotten a little ways into the tomb and fought their first aberrations. Floating eyeballs attached by a long fleshy muscle that fly and try to strangle them like living bolas. Snack food for the dragons. Found two teenage girls that the aberrations had been using to lay eggs in though... Well, the next pair of 8 limbed small sized green spider girls they found further up they made a deal with... have the girls, give the dragons a free pass through their webbing and gave them some info on tomb. Made some friends with the creepy little things and doomed two poor women to being egg sacks for the rest of their lives. Continuing on, they breached the lantern room and made it down into the architect's lair after finding out the other elevator was broken or something and went into a hideous black freezing area that sucked on their scales when they tried to climb into it. Taking the other working elevator, they killed some chokers after the gas trap (which I made a confusion gas) nearly got the blue to kill the umbral and DID KO herself heh.
This is my current intro with this rather heavily altered Age of Worms. ![]()
So, I'm running two solo campaigns in WotR right now. The first one I'm running (fairly) close to the book, albeit rebalanced for a single gestalt character and changing the asinine rule that the Touched by Divinity trait makes you the child of Iomedae regardless of your actual worshipped god. That one is just now entering Drezen Citadel. However, my second one is just starting up and the player has run WotR up to the end of book 2. Ergo, I'm looking for some more ideas to change it up so to speak. So far, I've switched Aravashniel for a discovered Androffan alien collected from Faxon's tower, replaced Horgus with an Mwangi noble who's a young womanizer, and intend to switch Sosiel, Aron, and Nurah out as well with new NPC's. Arushelae is being replaced with a marilith. I've also swapped Deskari with Lamashtu, and Baphomet with Haagenti. What other fun ideas can I use to help toss things? EDIT: I should note that the game is adult and as such, succubi, Nocticula, Socothbenoth, etc., will be played much more to the hilt, and at the same time... so will Lamashtu. Murder and torture are possible, but is rape and forced demonic pregnancy, because why would Lamashtu NOT want a mythic mother to birth more monsters? ![]()
So, Focused Trance
Doesn't specify a time limit after you spend the 1d6 rounds tranced. How long can you wait before that +20 wears off? Can you take other standard actions during that wait? Such as casting Identify to use it on spellcraft checks for magic items? ![]()
So, a while ago I picked up the Beyond the Void supplement from Legendary Games and I liked a lot of the stuff in it, but the summoner archetype didn't feel quite right to me. So I re-designed it to feel more Alieny. Behold! https://docs.google.com/document/d/1PqaHvivdxuvlutzVAb4l1xi1nY8OodyOmSdwOf9 HlWI/edit I'd like to hear thoughts and such on it and especially if it helped to capture that 'rapey' feel of H.R. Giger's creations. Well... moreso than aberrations in all of their tentacley goodness already have anyway. Didn't have to add much for that. Also, the embryonic template is mostly copied from the Beyond the Void, but altered a bit for what I and a friend feel is some needed balance, but the credit still goes to them for that template. ![]()
So, it always bugged me there was no support for the chaotic outsiders as there is for the good and evil ones. The proteans are an extremely neat and interesting race and there sadly isn't enough of them. There are 4 when there are more than two dozen demons and such. So I decided I wanted to make a new race of chaotically touched native outsiders. Now the Ouroborn aren't always descended from Proteans, after all Azatas, Garudas, Demons and Qlippoths are also chaotic outsiders. So, like the tieflings and aasimars, Ouroborn have racial heritages. Even gave them a nice giant cosmetic chart too. Would like some feedback on them, and they're supposed to be roughly equivalent power-wise to the other plane-touched. The Ouroborn are located here. ![]()
This warlock is primarily a conversion of the 3.5e warlock, but with a different spin on it's flavor. They are touched by any of the outer planes (excepting the Boneyard), or the plane of Shadow, as opposed to fey/fiends like in 3.5. They were buffed for a bit more versatility and I tried to alter/buff/add new invocations so that there weren't so many useless invocations and 'must have' invocations. Generally tried to make it a hard choice to pick any given invocation over another. Also created Metavocations to further alter Eldritch Blast and Invocations. Included a racial archetype and favored class bonuses for a lot of races. Warlock Appreciate feedback. |