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![]() Hello my fellow gamers, Today is the Start of GenConline 2020 as is tradition I put together a coloring book with the help of Jess Miller-Camp, Joseph Blumquist, JN Childs, my daughter Galaxie Mudd and my son Q. This coloring book will be updated after GenCon to have a A4 version. I want to thank everyone who contributed to the coloring book this year. Everyone Happy Gaming and Stay Safe,
![]() Hello my fellow gamers, Today is the Start of GenConline 2020 as is tradition I put together a coloring book with the help of Jess Miller-Camp, Joseph Blumquist, JN Childs, my daughter Galaxie Mudd and my son Q. This coloring book will be updated after GenCon to have a A4 version. I want to thank everyone who contributed to the coloring book this year. Everyone Happy Gaming and Stay Safe,
![]() Hello All, It is that time again when I put out the Announcement for the 2019 Coloring Book this year we are going to be concentrating on Starfinder and all the great aliens, creatures and Starships that it has to offer we will be accepting Drawings, Puzzles and other activities that are appropriate for all audiences. If you have any questions or submissions please email me at pfsnorthshorema@gmail.com. Thanks All,
![]() Good Evening Pathfinders and Starfinders, With the call for GenCon comes my annual call for Art for the GenCon Coloring Book. Because this is a special year the start of the 10th Season of PFS and the ending of Season 1 of SFS. I would like art that shows PFS/SFS characters, with Name, Faction and Year Started, I will include this on the Art page. I would also like to encourage anyone that wishes to contribute a character drawing please do so if it doesn't make it into the book it will be placed on the cover in a Character collage. As always we will be looking for Mazes, word searches, puzzles and other activities for children. All images have to be safe for Children 12 and under. if you are interested PM me or email me at pfsnorthshore at gmail dot com. Thank you
![]() Good Evening Pathfinders and Starfinders, With the call for GenCon comes my annual call for Art for the GenCon Coloring Book. Because this is a special year the start of the 10th Season of PFS and the ending of Season 1 of SFS. I would like art that shows PFS/SFS characters, with Name, Faction and Year Started, I will include this on the Art page. I would also like to encourage anyone that wishes to contribute a character drawing please do so if it doesn't make it into the book it will be placed on the cover in a Character collage. As always we will be looking for Mazes, word searches, puzzles and other activities for children. All images have to be safe for Children 12 and under. if you are interested PM me or email me at pfsnorthshore at gmail dot com. Thank you
![]() Good Day Starfinders and Pathfinders, I know it has been a bit of time, hopefully the wait has been worth it. Below you will find links for the Season 9 Journals(A4 & LTR), the PaizoCon UK Coloring Book, the GenCon Coloring Book and Starfinder Society Journal(Beta) working on these as I play Starfinder. Sorry no A4 on the Starfinder Beta Journal once I finalize it I will make one. Enjoy
![]() Good Day Pathfinders and Starfinders, I know it has been a bit of time, hopefully the wait has been worth it. Below you will find links for the Season 9 Journals(A4 & LTR), the PaizoCon UK Coloring Book, the GenCon Coloring Book and Starfinder Society Journal(Beta) working on these as I play Starfinder. Sorry no A4 on the Starfinder Beta Journal once I finalize it I will make one. Enjoy
![]() Good Evening Pathfinder Community,
For the past two years I have put together a Coloring Book for Kids' Tracks and Pathfinder Society Academy, I put this Coloring Book together for the Kids to work on while they waited play or got bored waiting for their turn. This year I would like to try and put another one together and I will be looking for artists and other contributors. Like last year the theme was Kid Adventurers this year's theme is Monsters and Enemies. I will be looking for B&W Line-art 300 to 600 dpi to fit on an 8.5x11 sheet of paper. For those of you that can't draw if you think there is something you can submit email me and we can see how you can help. We have a a large amount of word finds and a few crossword puzzles we are looking for mazes, dot to dot or something different for a activity for the book. If you are interested please contact me at pfsnorthshorema@gmail.com Thanks For your Time and see you at Gen Con,
![]() Good Day Pathfinders, This weekend we are going to be finding out what the new season for PFS is and I will be putting together a new character journal for the new season. There will be a something different with the downloadable PDF there will now be 2 versions I am going to be putting up a Letter Size and A4 so it can be printed around the globe. If everything works out re-sizing I will be updating the Faction Journals as well. If there is something you think is needed in the Journal, make a suggestion. Thanks Lucas ![]()
![]() Happy Star Wars Day Pathfinder Society Players. How many of you have a made a PFS character based off of Star Wars the armored crossbow bow fighter with no Dex so he always misses. The young farm boy with a destiny or even the scoundrel with the heart of gold. Who is your Star Wars Character if you have one. May the force be with you.
![]() Good Evening Pathfinder Community,
I would like to see what we can put together with Kids as the different Iconic classes, Young Monsters or maybe a Family of Adventurers. I will also be looking for people to help with Puzzles, mazes and other activities for the book. I am looking for B&W Line-art 300 to 600 dpi to fit on an 8.5x11 sheet of Kid Iconics whether you use one of the already existing one like the Amiri, Valeros, Lazzero and Seoni we already have or a New Bloodrager and Wizard. For those of you that can't draw if you think there is something you can submit email me and we can see how you can help. We have a a large amount of word finds and a few crossword puzzles we are looking for mazes, dot to dot or something different for a activity for the book. If you are interested please contact me at pfsnorthshorema@gmail.com Thanks For your Time and see you at Gen Con,
![]() Hey There Everyone, Lucas Servideo AKA Smart Goblin posting up the Iconic 2016 Poster I made for PAX East 2016 Enjoy. SG ![]()
![]() Good Evening Pathfinder Community,
I would like to see what we can put together with Kids as the different Iconic classes, Young Monsters or maybe a Family of Adventurers. I will also be looking for people to help with Puzzles, mazes and other activities for the book. If you are interested please contact me at pfsnorthshorema@gmail.com Thanks For your Time and see you at Gen Con,
![]() Last year I put together a Holiday Character Journal this year I wanted something a bit Different so here is Nikolai North and Burn wishing you all a Safe and Happy Holiday.(and me as well) Enjoy