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Benedict Votras wrote: ** spoiler omitted ** A couple answers for the Quest.
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Kassegore wrote: Hey Guys,
I've been away from the Pathfinder Society and the RPGA for a long time now, but I'm looking to get involved again. I miss its heyday in 3rd edition/Pathfinder 1E where there were hundreds of conventions nationwide holding events. I know the RPGA is long dead, and it seems that Pathfinder Society 2e is still going strong. Can anyone recommend some of the local or national conventions were there's still a strong Pathfinder Society Presence? I see GenCon had a good turnout in # of tables, What about Origins or Winter fantasy? Megacon still rocking on Orlando? PaizoCon back to a physical format or is that still running events online? I live in Maine these days, and would love to take my kids to a gaming convention
And if any of my old groups or Ss'ressen players are still out there running, I'd love to hear from you.
Duane Choquette
AKA Kassegore.
Sent you a Private Message regarding Org Play in your area. :)
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Josh, Thank you so much, this has been needed for a long time so glad you are doing this, Academy at GenCon will be better for this.
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As for the Skeleton's being allowed, with some of the tricks Pharasma has done to get her way, I am not surprised she would allow this as an experiment to use the Undead Abominations against each other. Look what she has done to Salim Ghadafar in the Redemption Engine. She seems like an opportunist.
All that said, I am playing my Skeleton Saturday
Name: Ian Humerus
Ancestry: Skeleton (Sturdy)
Background: Necromancer's Apprentice
Class: Sorcerer (Psychopomp)
Chosen by Pharasma to stay on earth for his sins against her and the souls he prevented from going to the Boneyard.
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As someone who was in the Sag the whole time, the numbers I heard were close to or over 300 tables of Org play being run/reported. That doesn't count the number of demos being run in the Sag and the Exhibitor Hall.
I can't answer for the reason we had part of the Sag or no hype on Paizo's part I can say all tables we had at GenCon ran and were full of players.
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Mark Stratton wrote: BigNorseWolf wrote: Just note that the chronicle you get is the official record, so you still have credit and can level your character/spend credits/gold even if the game isn't reported. While that is true, if it isn’t reported, the player doesn’t earn the ACPs, either. Either way the game is now reported and they have ACP and the physical chronicle.

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TheWreck wrote: Hi!
I played my first Pathfinder Society Organized Play sessions at the Rising Phoenix Con in Milford, MA on April 22-24. I had a lot of fun! Anyways, I went on to Paizo to register the character during the weekend. I played in Scenarios 3-08 (Foundation's Price), 3-02 (The East Hill Haunting) and 3-99 (Fate in the Future [L 1-4]), in that order. I signed in by paper for 3-08 and 3-99; electronically for 3-02. I've received the paper copies for all 3 (though the second was a little later than the 1st and 3rd). My electronic copy on Paizo, however, only registers 3-08 and 3-99. I'd like to have the electronic copy square with my paperwork, so that I can get all of the rewards I've earned.
What do I need to do to get this straightened out? I have been looking all over the site for directions for this, but I haven't found any (which could easily be my issue).
This will be taken care of tonight, the GM that ran 3-02 used RPG Chronicles and forgot to forward that link to me.
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I was in charge of Rising Phoenix please pm me the character information so I can add them to the reporting for that game. Welcome to society and sorry for the mess up.
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Hello my fellow gamers,
Today is the Start of GenConline 2020 as is tradition I put together a coloring book with the help of Jess Miller-Camp, Joseph Blumquist, JN Childs, my daughter Galaxie Mudd and my son Q.
This coloring book will be updated after GenCon to have a A4 version.
I want to thank everyone who contributed to the coloring book this year.
Everyone Happy Gaming and Stay Safe,
Lucas the Smaht Goblin
2020 Academy Coloring Book
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Good Morning Everyone,
With these trying times of Social Distancing and Quarantines, the Smart Goblin is putting all of the GenCon Coloring Books PDFs in one place for people to download and print and use while they are at home.
Enjoy thank you all so much be safe.
Lucas the Smart Goblin.
Academy Coloring Books
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He has time he has another 10 games to play, this will let him concentrate on his DragonKin.
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Cellion wrote: Hey there, any updates on what will be run at pax beyond Starfinder and Pathfinder quests? We are only PFS, SFS and PF2 Quests, we determined it was best to keep the quest format, last year we tried running a few scenarios with select tables and it tied up a GM for to long, thus keeping people waiting longer than necessary.
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Excellent now I have a Formain for my Starfinder character.
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For Pathfinder Academy this Year I think it should be Switched to Starfinder Academy, we can get GMs to run and teach Starfinder we have a beginner box coming out which should be able to teach the Basics of Starfinder right from the Box. Combined with some of the Starfinder Scenarios and Quests. I think it would be the right direction to go. One of the complaints last year was the lack of Starfinder in the Academy Area.
I do think also for the Academy Area we should reduce the number of tables, being offered in the Sag and see if we can get a demo table in the kids area that is put on by GenCon. It would reach more exposure for the Academy and New people for Academy.
I do feel we could probably teach PS2 if we kept it simple with a basic quest line and a Quick Start Guide.
I think the Lesson plans need to be rewritten for the Academy with the both the New Systems in mind.
New Systems, New Academy :D
My 2 cents.
Never give Up, Never Surrender!!
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Tonya Woldridge wrote: Jason Avery wrote: Are John and Jason still going to be attending Total Con in Marlboro, MA in Feb? I don't see it listed in staffer travel in this update.
EDIT: I refer to John Compton and Jason Keeley. No, they are no longer attending TotalCon. Well that stinks, the boy was looking forward to talking Starfinder with Jason Keeley.
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Hello All,
It is that time again when I put out the Announcement for the 2019 Coloring Book this year we are going to be concentrating on Starfinder and all the great aliens, creatures and Starships that it has to offer we will be accepting Drawings, Puzzles and other activities that are appropriate for all audiences.
If you have any questions or submissions please email me at pfsnorthshorema@gmail.com.
Thanks All,
Lucas The Smaht Goblin
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So here we go, it has been a few months, while I have a second here is a link to the GenCon 2018 Coloring Book both in A4 and Letter format.
Please take a moment to look through and if you like one of the Artists work let them know.
Thank you,
Coloring Books
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Does this give a gm boxes towards the boon if they run it on Saturday.
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I got more submissions for the GenCon PSA Coloring Book today and organized getting a piece of artwork set for a New England Based T-Shirt.
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Quick Question will we have the Chronicle Sheets before Free RPG Day?
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1 more week for submissions
James I got your submissions I am going through them now.
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I wish I was going, I could play this at the table.(still in progress)
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For those Pathfinders/Starfinders attending PAX East this year the Lodges of New England will be running PFS & SFS Quests and PACG demos on request. We are running all day every day of PAX East.
PAX East 2018
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Bumping this for for anyone that would like to help for the new Coloring and Activity book.
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I had a talk with my 9 year old about Pathfinder 2nd Edition after the initial upset after he bought the Pocket Size Core Book and APG afraid he would use them again. My wife and I told him that even though the game is getting a new Edition we don't have to stop playing the first edition. He is saving for the Pocket Size ACG to play a hunter in PFS. His mood brightened because he gets to play his Elf Ranger and his Tengu Hunter. He is looking forward to making a Goblin Alchemist in 2nd Edition.
He is excited to be a part of a new system especially when I told him we would be learning the system together that made him happier.
I am personally excited for the new edition, I have been playing Pathfinder since Beta, I am planning on supporting the playtest and 2nd Edition right now. I am interested in the forthcoming changes and updates to the rules.
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Troy Stevens wrote: So, I just saw this and I am wondering how many other GMs and Players cannot wait for its release.
Starfinder Society Scenario #01-14: Star Sugar Heartlove
I have a player whos character states that they totally ripped off his songs, but failed in his legal battles against the Pop Stars.
Anyone else work them into character backgrounds?
Are you excited to see where this might lead?
Or are you just shaking your head right now?
We totally need Paizo to make us some Tour T-shirts prior to the release so I can show up wearing one to run this scenario.
I have heard there are Concert Shirts going around for SMC's Lesser known Chocolate Dipped Tour.
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To Echo what Hilary said PSA will be at GenCon we will be offering at least the Beginner, Advanced and Transitions but we should be offering Scenarios as well. The schedule is not final yet, I will try to update with a link of the PSA offerings at GenCon 2018 here in this Thread.
It is a great opportunity to have your daughter learn the game as well as play with peers.
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James thanks for your interest, below are links to last 3 of the Coloring books. Once GenCon is over they are shared for free with the community and are up on the PFS boards for all to use for their cons, in support of PSA or just to color for fun.
GenCon 2017
GenCon 2016
GenCon 2015
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Good Evening Pathfinders and Starfinders,
With the call for GenCon comes my annual call for Art for the GenCon Coloring Book. Because this is a special year the start of the 10th Season of PFS and the ending of Season 1 of SFS.
I would like art that shows PFS/SFS characters, with Name, Faction and Year Started, I will include this on the Art page. I would also like to encourage anyone that wishes to contribute a character drawing please do so if it doesn't make it into the book it will be placed on the cover in a Character collage.
As always we will be looking for Mazes, word searches, puzzles and other activities for children.
All images have to be safe for Children 12 and under.
if you are interested PM me or email me at pfsnorthshore at gmail dot com.
Thank you
Lucas the Smart Goblin.
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I got to teach a group of Kids how to play Pathfinder(12/28) and Starfinder(12/29) through quests. We are going to start scheduling a once a month game in the new year.
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Sorry this is a bit late but here is some PFS Holiday Cheer from the Smaht Goblin, Holiday Journals in A4 and Letter sizes.
Happy Holidays Pathfinders
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Kaer Maga, might this mean an appearance from Ms. Feathers.
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For those interested I am working on Journals for Extra Life to be handed out for Events. I will be posting the links soon for public use.
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The Main Bronze part is the Season 9 Symbol all I added to that was the compass points around it. Thanks I try my best each year.