
Grcles de Cross's page

Organized Play Member. 87 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 11 Organized Play characters.

Grand Lodge

This is a simple question, where do I get the rules for the Kineticist class?

Grand Lodge

Two simple questions:
Does Vengeful Hatred break the idea of an NG Champion Redeemer?

Can a Dwarf have Undead as the focus of their Vengeful Hatred?


Grand Lodge

I was looking over my weapons for a character and noticed my trusty longish-range weapon, my Sling. I stopped and asked if I could put a +1 Potency rune on this weapon. Would this give my 10 leaden balls a + 1 bonus to hit or damage? Could these balls be ghost touched, etc? If I hung my potency crystal on the sling and activate it does this make the balls +1?

Thanks for the input.

Grand Lodge

My character has a bag of 10 sling bullets. He also has a potency crystal. While I usually use the crystal on my primary melee weapon, I wondered why this could not be used on my bag of bullets, arrows, or bolts.

Grand Lodge

I am putting together a new catfolk character and think that I would like to have him be a Firebrand. But I am told you need a special boon to do this. Will someone here please tell me more and how I could get this boon?


Grand Lodge

I run and play Pathfinder 2e on Roll20. I am wondering if it is legal for me to take an image of a Pathfinder Hero point and use it in my game? The image is marked TM, so I am wondering who would give me permission to use the image in a game on Roll20?


Grand Lodge

I am going to be GMing two scenarios F2F in two weeks at a good size Con. I started looking over the modules and realized just how much I am used to doing things on VTT. I now need to get the physical items like mini/pawn and mats.

So, first off, what do you all do when the scenario says "Creature X", do not have any "Creature X" mini/pawns and the encounter needs 6. If this was a home game I would just 6 coins and show them a picture of X. Since this is a Con, however, I am less inclined to do that.

Likewise, There are 3 encounter maps in each game, again that I do not have. Now there are images of the maps in the scenarios. So do I break out the dry erase marker and dup the maps on 5-to-the-inch tiles? Or is there a good way to do "theater of the mind"?

I think I have become a little lazy playing two-plus years on VTTs. I think I may have lost some of my edge.

Grand Lodge

I am going to enjoy GMing again in a while. I remember playing the Scenario back when it first came out. That seems like a lifetime ago. I want to make this a real 6 out of 5 experience for the players.

I was wondering if any of the GMs that are doing this regularly could give me some ideas of what I could do to make this game really great. I am going to get the scenario printout tomorrow. So I should have some ideas then.

Thanks for any ideas you care to share.


Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I will come out and state first that I am new to preparing PFS 2e, and have zero hands-on experience doing for VTT.

Therefore my request would be for one or two of you "Done it a hundred times" GMs to do a podcast (or series) taking a year 1 scenario and walk us, newbies, through "GM Prep for VTT" 101.

Before you ask yes I would be willing to through my bag of copper and silver coins in to be able to watch/download this.

Thanks for thinking about it.


Grand Lodge

I am starting to put together a new homebrew adventure series based on PF2e. I have done this with D&D3e many years ago. I need some pointers on how to populate the various encounters. I have heard that there is a system to start picking monsters. Can anyone point me in the right direction?


Grand Lodge

I am about to start playing a Redeemer Champion with a background as a Bounty Hunter. My questions are simple:
--when the party encounters a group of foes does the Redeemer need to give a verbal opportunity to each foe he/she faces to repent?
--Does the Redeemer then have to wait for a personal response?
--If the foe turns away from the Redeemer and then turns and attacks one of the Redeemer's allies is the Redeemer OK to attack and possibly kill the foe?
--Is the Redeemer only obligated to try to redeem charters with above an X Intelligence?

I created the Character to be a Bounty Hunter that always tries to bring the bounty in alive. I am wondering how this has played out with people here.

Grand Lodge

I have seen all sort of answers to this question:
I have a Cleric that has taken a Druid Dedication. This Cleric Played in Plaugestone so he got the boon for the Leopard. But I am told that he can not have an animal companion unless he takes the Druid Animal Companion Feat. But I find nowhere in the description of the Architype that says that I can take this Feat.
I am not the sharpest knife in the Bandelier but I have tried to find where to find this. Can I get a direct answer about this?
Thank you very much!

Grand Lodge

I am hoping that this gets posted and answered by Thursday morning (AKA start of PaizoCon)
At what level can a Warpriest take a Druid Architype?

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I should have this skill by now, but all my spells are SNAFU in my Roll20 spell sheet. The damage never rolls up correctly! So I am asking if some understanding soul will help me.

I am a 7th level Sorcerer. I have the following spells:
1. Disrupt Dead
2. Ray of Frost
4. Acid Splash
5. produce Flame
6. shield
7. Tanglefoot
8. Telekinetic Projectile
1. Dragon Claws
2. Dragon Breath
1. Detect Magic
1st Lvl
1. Mage Armor
2. Magic Missile
3. Shocking Grasp
4. True Strike
2nd Lvl
1. Acid Arrow
2. Darkvision
3. Resist Energy
4. Telekinetic Maneuver
3rd Lvl
1. Fireball
2. Haste
3. Lighting Bolt
4. Vampiric Touch
4th Lvl
1. Phantastasmal Killer
2. Spell Immunity
3. Weapon Storm

I know there has to be a formula for at least some of these (Base_Damage+Chr+Level_Bump) but I don't seem to get it right when I try to put it into Roll20 Character Sheet.

Thanks to anyone that wants to help me!

Grand Lodge

OK, this is going to seem like a rather PFS 101 question. I have a character that has several Cantrips, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd level spells. What are the rules for:
1. Casting Cantrips that has a 1d4 damage as a 6 level spell caster? Is the spell cast as if it were 3rd level aka 3d4? Does that take a 3rd level slot?

2. When casting a 1st level spell (1d8 damage) with a Heightened +1 as a 3rd level spell become 3d8 or 2d8 damage? I know that this will use one of the 3rd level slots up.

Grand Lodge

My character has a Raven for a familiar. In today's game, the question came up if I can command my Raven to do a fly-by beak attack on an enemy. Ravens in the Beastiary have a Melee attack, but some people point to the lack of any fly-by attack for birds under the familiar rules in CRB.
Can I get a clarification?

Grand Lodge

I was thinking about the kind of items my Rogue might really like to have. One idea that came to mind where "chameleon boots". Adds to the hide rolls and passes without detection.

What do the rest of you think?

Grand Lodge

I was thinking about creating a javelin with a Returning Rune on it, but I was told that this weapon does not have a rune slot. How do I find out what weapons have slots and what kind or runes can be placed on them?


Grand Lodge

OK, simple question that I can not find an answer to with searching the here or on the web. I am awarded 4 XP per scenario our group completes.
1. Do I need to complete 3 or 4 scenarios with a character to have it level up?
2. Does my familiar level up at the same time as my character?

If I am missing reading a section in be PHB for 2e please point me in the right direction. Everything I can find says 1000 XP per level and does not say anything about my familiar.

Grand Lodge

OK, simple question that I can not find an answer to with searching the here or on the web. I am awarded 4 XP per scenario our group completes.
1. Do I need to complete 3 or 4 scenarios with a character to have it level up?
2. Does my familiar level up at the same time as my character?

If I am missing reading a section in be PHB for 2e please point me in the right direction. Everything I can find says 1000 XP per level and does not say anything about my familiar.

Grand Lodge

I am going to be helping some PF newbies set characters for their first PF module without pregens. I need a set of pages or a site that would help them with terms and abbreviations. For instance:

Armor DC: they know Armor class but not DC
PowerWords: different than spells?
Difference between Defence 12 and Armor DR 0 and Critical Defense +2

I am trying to help them become more independent of me when they have questions.

Grand Lodge

OK, I have not read every word in the CRB but I am really confused about the Why and How of Focus Points. Could someone please give a brief "what is it used for" and then some page numbers for me to do my own work on it?


Grand Lodge

I have been asked by some friends to GM a Pathfinder module. I have GMed AD&D modules before. I am wondering what the process is to become an official GM for PFS?

Grand Lodge

OK, I am trying to think through a really good back-story for my characters. I would like to see "where in the world" they are from. Is there a way to get a feel for this in one of the PF downloads?


Grand Lodge

Thank you all for helping me with these questions:

I have a Rogue and a Fighter I would like to get some gear for that is not listed in the Core Rule Book. I have found some of it in the Nethys Archives listings and some under the MODS section. How do I go about getting these items without them first showing up in Chronicles reward sheet? For instance, I would like to have smoke bombs (fill a 5 ft area with thick smoke obscuring vision and allowing my Rogue to sneak up and do extra damage. Or a "stone of silence" that causes an area effect that masks the sound of someone sneaking up or saying a spell. Some of these would have to be "crafted". Both of my characters have Alchemy skills chosen. Do I just buy the ingredients and roll against the DC, or do I need to "find an alchemist in the big city" and buy it from them?

The second question is maybe easier. I am a bit of a history buff. I like the idea of going into an adventure knowing something about the background of the area and the people/creatures that are there. I get the impression that the older players know this stuff because of there long playing time. How do I catch up? I am guessing that this will not all change with 2E in 2019. Am I wrong?

Thanks again!!

Grand Lodge

The Guide says about wayfinders: "All wayfinders
include a small indentation designed to hold a single
Ioun stone." Where does one find these stones? I know that they will be very rare and hard to find. But I am curious about the what, where, and how of them.

Grand Lodge

My DM and I talked about this last night, but I wanted to be sure to get this right.

I am a Rogue with Minor Magic. I chose Mage Hand. The spell says that it can "propel" a less than 5 lb object 12 feet.
1) Would this allow me to propel a sharp object with enough force to do damage? If so want kind of rolls would be involved?
2) How accurate would the motion of the Mage hand be? Could I hit a vital spot on an enemy?
3) How fast is the "propelled" object? Would a flying object, coming up on the enemy's right side be fast enough to provoke them to turn toward it and allow me to get an attack on the left?

Thanks for the rules help.

Grand Lodge

I now have a couple of Chronical sheets for my character and need a little explanation about the Section "All subtiers". I understand that the items listed are available to my character to buy. However, it was said that there were "limits as to when I could buy the items". Where can I get more information about what these restrictions are? There are some items that I have the GP for that I would like to buy but am unsure what the limits are.


Grand Lodge

I recently finished the Scenario "The Confirmation". It awarded a free Wayfinder. Now I need to find the details to this. Where do I look?


Grand Lodge

I have a -1 set of games I played. We are Goblins, Lvl 1 Fighter, and an lv 7 cleric. The chronicles show I have fame and XP for each of these games (1/1,2/1,2/1 respectively).

I am now playing a character (-2) that I would like to use the Goblin and Fighter fame with the new character. Do I need to do anything here at Paizo to make the transfer "formal" or is this all just Chronical bookkeeping with my DMs? I what use the XP from the -1 lv 1 characters to boost my -2 character to lv 2 (saving the lv 7 for later when I can use all the Gold I was awarded).

Grand Lodge

I am about three steps lower than a novice in PFS. So this question will be very simple for almost everyone.

I have two registered Characters. One character (-1) was played three times, twice with friends, once at GenCon (2017). I just started playing the second character (-2) at an "organized" play session last night. (Thanks Alex for doing a great job by the way!)

At the end of last night's game, I got a Chronicle sheet. I am confused by how to use this information.

Question #1: Where can I look to get an explanation of how to apply this sheet's information?

Question #2: My profile here shows the three games I played with character (-1). What, if anything, can I do with the Ranking, XP, Gold, Fame, that was awarded to that character? (He never got past Lvl 1)

Thank you for taking the time to point me toward a >>simple<< explanation.

>> May your rolls always give you excellent results <<

Grand Lodge

After many years of playing and DMing AD&D, I am now looking to start PFRPG. I have participated in a couple of game at GenCon, IN. And would now like to find some level 1+ games on the south side of Orlando, Fl. Anybody out here?

Oh, and one newbie question: Rangers get 1d10 HD. What is the starting HD? I have seen several YouTube videos and haven't found a consistent answer. What says the Society?

Grand Lodge

I am very new to the PF gaming system. I only have the Core Rulebook. I am trying to find out if Rangers get starting Feats or not. Where is it in the Core book?