Queen Telandia Edasseril

Crimson Clover's page

38 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

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Since I have seen a bunch of negativity, I thought hey lets have a look at the good stuff. So here's the question. What is your Favorite of the Adventure Path's and why do you like it so much ? I collect them all through my local game store, and so I have them all, I haven't run them all, and so figured --Hey, lets see what other's enjoyed !

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This might be an unpopular opinion but my group hasn't really made use of the Pathfinder Society, they are widely a group of people who want to work together, and not be in various lodges, and groups, which works for my game. So I guess you can say as a whole its not widely liked.

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The PC's usually, and characters who come from backwater areas. Were adventurers and were meant to care. (well the good ones anyways ) The Whispering Tyrant is only as much a joke as you make him out to be. I run a very Ravenloftish, style game of Pathfinder, and he's certainly no joke. He's quiet dangerous, its all in how you use him.

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I purchased the Bestiary and Players Guide from my local gaming shop. And I got to say the art work never fails to amaze, I am still processing the differences between Pathfinder, and Pathfinder 2. I just wanted to peek in here and say, the lore and are absolutely lovely, thank you.

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I am sure I will pick this up I loved the other ones. I'd very much like to see more info on places in Ustalav.