Change in Achievement points earned?

Pathfinder Society

Grand Lodge

I just signed into my Organized play account to review my characters to see which has already played a repeatable, and it looks like all the scenarios I've played since February have awarded 5 AcP instead of four. Did I miss a memo? was this a reporting error? I'm just a bit confused...but not critfail confused.


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Many events have a multiplier on Achievement points earned. See Lorespire for the exact details. This isn't entirely new, but I think the system was expanded this year to cover more types of events.

Grand Lodge

Squark wrote:
Many events have a multiplier on Achievement points earned. See Lorespire for the exact details. This isn't entirely new, but I think the system was expanded this year to cover more types of events.

Ah, OK. Thanks!

Paizo Employee 5/55/5 ** Organized Play Coordinator

Most likely you were playing at a local game store which benefits from our Regional Support Program, which provides 1.25x multiplier to all AcP earned.

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