Sayter question

Rules Questions

Just a quick question, does a Sayter have an HD restriction with his pipes. Pathfinder first edition. We wanted to see if the Sayter can sleep a group of higher level guys

Satyr CR4
under Pipes(Su): ...When he plays, all creatures within a 60-foot radius must make a DC 18 Will save or be affected by charm person, fear, sleep, or suggestion, depending on what tune the satyr chooses. A creature that... the italics means to use those spells at CstrLvl 8th but the preceeding text in the satyr description opens up the targeting but not sleep:E1 4HD limitation. Good thing they're not Evil...
... it can try to affect all creatures in the radius but some may be beyond the spell's limitations or immune or make their save.

might be easier with a scroll of deeper slumber or a mild poison(drow poison). You could just approach them silently during bedtime...

Azothath wrote:

Satyr CR4

under Pipes(Su): ...When he plays, all creatures within a 60-foot radius must make a DC 18 Will save or be affected by charm person, fear, sleep, or suggestion, depending on what tune the satyr chooses. A creature that... the italics means to use those spell effects but the preceeding text in the description opens up the targeting.

Right, so the argument was since it mentioned the sleep spell one player thought it could not effect over 4HD, other players said since it is a SU ability without any limitation in the description it should effect everyone that can hear it.

Just curious if HD 5+ are immune to the Satyr ability. I am thinking from what I read from you it means it hits everyone but I am making 100% sure to be clear.

The effects are similar to the spells they emulate. The pipe's sleep effect will not work on creatures with 5 or more HD. The ability would have to say otherwise, like a witch's slumber hex, or be written in a way that doesn't reference the sleep spell, like a pixie's sleep arrow effect.

Using the pipe's does allow the satyr to affect all creatures in a 60-foot radius, unlike sleep's 10-foot burst (because it says it does). You'll note that the satyr itself can cast charm person, sleep, and suggestion at will, but using its pipe ups the affected area and targets dramatically (and has a higher DC).

SLAs are not casting spells but we get the idea.

If the satyr's pipes were intended to exceed the HD limitation of sleep, then the text would have cited deeper slumber instead.

Tim Emrick wrote:
If the satyr's pipes were intended to exceed the HD limitation of sleep, then the text would have cited deeper slumber instead.

Never mind, deeper slumber just affects more HD of creatures, but still has the same HD cap as sleep.

Regardless, the pipes reference the sleep spell, so functions exactly as that spell, except as noted. The greater area of effect and higher DC are the only changes the pipes specify.

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pure commentary
really, they should have hideous laughter, unnatural lust, tears to wine added to their pan pipes 1/d

Good to know, we always thought of Satyrs as powerful little tricksters and it could effect anyone as long as it came from the pipes. Now they are just bad. Appreciate it :-)

Satyr on wikipedia

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