New Homebrew Class: Reliquarian

Homebrew and House Rules

Silver Crusade

This is my first draft for a class I'm working on, called Reliquarian, after the PF1 Occultist archetype, which is not a real word I discovered.

The goals of this class:
Mechanically, it feels like a magic fighter, with a wide foundation in everything but really solid with that foundation. I wanted the main feature to be flexibility and using all the found loot.
Narratively, this is similar to a Thaumaturge, but instead of giving power to a symbolic item, the Reliquarian focuses on drawing power out of the items and assigning a symbolic meaning to themselves.

This is going to be playtested soon, but for now, I think I accomplished my goals. As usual, I'm concerned I might have accidentally created a broken combination. I compared it to all the non-casting martials, and then some, so please give me good honest feedback! I hope to eventually publish and release this.

Behold, the Reliquarian!

Edit: Also, I will convert this over to a fancy PF2 template at some point, eventually... maybe second draft...

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