Magic for Soldier

General Discussion

Is there anyway that a soldier is able to learn a spell. I play a dragonkin soldier with the battleflower archetype and was wondering if there was a way possible that he would be able to use any spells at all.

There is a feat which gives minor spells for each of the spellcaster classes, as in can cast a couple Mystic/Techno?witchwarper spells

Divine champion is a cool archetype to get some spells, even all the way up to sixth level, but you would have to give up battleflower

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Pick up the spellthrower weapon fusion and start picking up spellgems.

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Two archetypes I know of grant (eventually) some spell like abilties, the Phrenic Adept and Divine Champion. But you can't take those if you have an archetype already.

Wesrolter wrote:
There is a feat which gives minor spells for each of the spellcaster classes, as in can cast a couple Mystic/Techno?witchwarper spells

For the OP: The feats are Technomantic Dabbler (Technomancer), Connection Inkling (Mystic), and Reality Glimmer (Witchwarper). There is no equivalent feat to the precog.

Starfinder Superscriber

Arcane Assailant and Spellbrawler both dabble in magic.

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