How does Mask of a Thousand Tomes

Rules Questions

"Mask of a Thousand Tomes
Aura faint divination; CL 5th
Slot head; Price 10,000 gp; Weight 1 lb.


The random snippets of script that write across the surface of this parchment-colored eyeless mask hint at the knowledge of the many tomes stored within.

The mask grants its wearer a +10 competence bonus on all Knowledge skill checks, but the wearer is blinded while wearing the mask. The mask must be worn for 10 minutes before the wearer gains its bonus."

So you are blind. How does the mask know what you want knowledge about.

Does it just give you everything in a certain radius? Do you have to touch the item if it is an item.

Do you ask it questions with your and it answers?

The price of the item is significant and could be useful but without knowing how it works each GM different opinion makes it uber frustrating.

I need a good/plausible explanation for GMS.

I'm guessing that it means you're blind to the outside world, but you can still read the inside of the mask.

I would flavor it as a magical encyclopedia of sorts, it's a supernaturally powerful reference document. It's not intelligent itself.

As for mechanically, you only use it while making the check. I.e. If a knowledge check is attempted you get a +10 to it. I don't think GM interpretation would matter.

The bits of information appearing on the mask's surface are just a visual hint as to the item's abilities or a possible way to guess at its identity or powers. It's not an actual tome that needs to be read or reviewed like an encyclopedia.

The wearer does not read any information nor does any appear on the surface related to the knowledge check (unless entirely by coincidence or if the GM decides to make it so). In other words, others looking at the wearer can't share in any knowledge or information; if the wearer is making a Knowledge (Engineering) check to understand the concept and function of an aquaduct, no one else is going to see diagrams, charts, or snippets about the topic (except by coincidence).

The +10 competence bonus is just granted to the wearer when they make the checks. Similar to a ring that grants a bonus to Knowledge checks, it may be due to sharpening the wearer's focus, allowing them to more clearly recall past knowledge, etc. In this case, the mask imparts the knowledge, it doesn't 'reveal' or show information (unless the GM wants it to).

Whenever the wearer makes a check, he gets the bonus and no action is needed other than the typical stimulus required to trigger a check. Granted, these checks are typically triggered by visual stimulus, ie. you see a bear-like creature and make a check to identify it. So unless you saw it first, then placed the mask on and waited you wouldn't get to make the check unless there were some other way to trigger the check, such as hearing it growl and making a check to identify a creature that way or smelling it and trying to do so that way.

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