Arcticon February 16th Valparaiso IN

Local Play

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Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Announcing PFS at Arcticon on February 16th right here in my hometown of Valparaiso Indiana!

Arcticon is a 1 day con.
Last year we only ran 6 tables but I'm hoping to greatly increase that this year.

Here is the Schedule:

Slot 1: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Slot 2: 2:00pm - 6:00pm
Slot 3: 7:00pm - 11:00pm

Slot A: 11:00am - 4:00pm
Slot B: 6:00pm - 11:00pm

Table 1:
Slot 1: First Steps Part 1 (Tier 1)
Slot 2: First Steps Part 2 (Tier 1)
Slot 3: First Steps Part 3 (Tier 1)

Table 2:
Slot 1: 4-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild (Tier 1-5)
Slot 2: 4-07 Severing Ties (Tier 1-5)
Slot 3: 4-11 The Disappeared (Tier 1-5)

Table 3:
Slot 1: 3-02 Sewer Dragons of Absalom (Tier 3-7)
Slot 2: 4-09 The Blakros Matrimony (Tier 3-7)
Slot 3: We Be Goblins! (Tier 1, uses pregens)

Table 4:
Slot A: 4-07 Severing Ties (Tier 1-5)
Slot B: 4-11 The Disappeared (Tier 1-5)

Table 5:
Slot A: 4-EX Day of the Demon (Tier 3-7)
Slot B: 4-EX Day of the Demon (Tier 3-7)

Table 6:
Slot A: 4-10 Feast of Sigils (Tier 7-11)
Slot B: 4-12 The Refuge of Time (Tier 7-11)

I'm in need of GMs so if you're at all interested in GMing shoot me an email at

I'll have a warhorn site up in a week or two and now need to work on getting the word out.

Silver Crusade 5/5

Sigh...I would love to come to this, but I am simply not able to. Not with it right next to M-Dog in timing.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

Daniel Luckett wrote:
Sigh...I would love to come to this, but I am simply not able to. Not with it right next to M-Dog in timing.

I am sorry that you can't make it but please let folks in Western Michigan know about Articon. I was one of the GMs last year. Yes, Brian, I am volunteering again.

We could use more volunteers and some players. If you know anyone who is knew to Pathfinder or just wants to try out a PFS game, we will have the tables of First Steps.

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Daniel Luckett wrote:
Sigh...I would love to come to this, but I am simply not able to. Not with it right next to M-Dog in timing.

I'm doing both...

Silver Crusade 5/5

Brian D. Mooney wrote:
Daniel Luckett wrote:
Sigh...I would love to come to this, but I am simply not able to. Not with it right next to M-Dog in timing.
I'm doing both...

You have a far more understanding wife. :P

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

That may be true. My wife is awesome :-)


I would post an announcement on cows.


I would also post on windy city pathfinder

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

These are good ideas, Furious Kender!! And, I agree with Brian's sentiments on his wife. (I will not be surprised if she is at Articon.)

Silver Crusade 4/5

Sent an email. I'll volunteer to GM your choice of tables 1-4 for the evening session if you save me a seat to play the earlier session of Day of the Demon. Just let me know a couple of weeks in advance which adventure I'll be GMing so I have time to prep.

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Thanks for the ideas guys.

I already posted on windy city pathfinder, I'll have to see about posting on COWS.


Brian I had a blast last year, I hope to make it again this year.
Keep me in the loop.
Hope to see you at WYC, are you going to Winter Fantasy?
Your wife does seam awesome. Shoot me an email sometime.

Sovereign Court

I'm just getting started with PFS, I'm in the South Bend area. I'd be down for driving out for this.

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

nb3d: We'd be glad to have you!

I want lots of people to come.

Chris: Let me know if you can confirm your attendance. I'm still in need of GMs. I'll be at Winter Fantasy for Friday Saturday and Sunday

Silver Crusade 5/5

I'll be speaking your praises next session in Kzoo. I should be able to shoo some GM's your way.

Silver Crusade 4/5

As I said, I was hoping to play Day of the Demon, since it's not always available, and only GM one session. But if you're still desperate for GMs as the day gets closer, let me know, and I can just GM all day without playing.

Sovereign Court

Sorry if this is a stupid question; I'm still fairly new to all this. Where it says "Tier" next to any given session, I assume that to mean for characters of levels X-Y?

Silver Crusade 4/5

Yes, the tier is the level range. And most tiers are broken into subtiers. So, for instance, a tier 1-5 adventure is for any characters between levels 1-5, but it could be played at subtier 1-2 or subtier 4-5, depending on the levels of the players that show up.

Sovereign Court

Fromper wrote:

Yes, the tier is the level range. And most tiers are broken into subtiers. So, for instance, a tier 1-5 adventure is for any characters between levels 1-5, but it could be played at subtier 1-2 or subtier 4-5, depending on the levels of the players that show up.

Ok cool. As you can imagine, just starting out all my characters are at level 1 lol. So I'll be sticking to the lower end of that range :)

Silver Crusade 4/5

nb3D wrote:
Fromper wrote:

Yes, the tier is the level range. And most tiers are broken into subtiers. So, for instance, a tier 1-5 adventure is for any characters between levels 1-5, but it could be played at subtier 1-2 or subtier 4-5, depending on the levels of the players that show up.

Ok cool. As you can imagine, just starting out all my characters are at level 1 lol. So I'll be sticking to the lower end of that range :)

You should definitely start with the First Steps adventures. They're fun little adventures designed to help new players with level 1 characters get up to speed on Society concepts. And if you play all 3 of them with the same PC, you'll be level 2 when you're done.

Also, they avoid the problem of showing up to a level 1-5 adventure with a level 1 character, and finding that everyone else at the table is level 4-5 and wants to play the higher subtier. You can technically go along with a level 1 character in that situation, but it's likely to be very dangerous for you. I wouldn't recommend playing up that way until you're at least level 2, or preferably 3 (though you can get away with it more readily in some of the easier scenarios).

Sovereign Court

Fromper wrote:
nb3D wrote:
Fromper wrote:

Yes, the tier is the level range. And most tiers are broken into subtiers. So, for instance, a tier 1-5 adventure is for any characters between levels 1-5, but it could be played at subtier 1-2 or subtier 4-5, depending on the levels of the players that show up.

Ok cool. As you can imagine, just starting out all my characters are at level 1 lol. So I'll be sticking to the lower end of that range :)

You should definitely start with the First Steps adventures. They're fun little adventures designed to help new players with level 1 characters get up to speed on Society concepts. And if you play all 3 of them with the same PC, you'll be level 2 when you're done.

Also, they avoid the problem of showing up to a level 1-5 adventure with a level 1 character, and finding that everyone else at the table is level 4-5 and wants to play the higher subtier. You can technically go along with a level 1 character in that situation, but it's likely to be very dangerous for you. I wouldn't recommend playing up that way until you're at least level 2, or preferably 3 (though you can get away with it more readily in some of the easier scenarios).

Ok cool, I appreciate the advice. I came up through high school and college on D&D 3rd/3.5 pretty hardcore, so most of this isn't all totally unfamiliar. I'm getting up to speed with our local shop in South Bend. Had my first PFS adventure this past Saturday and I really didn't have any trouble.

I'm actually hoping to have my main character up to level 3 by the time of the con. I'm sure level 2 will be no problem, but 3 may be a stretch.

Scarab Sages 2/5

I'm in! (I'll text you what slots I'll run, Brian.)

nb3D: Which store do you play at? Is this a private group or is it open to curmudgeony out-of-towners? Will you be my friend?

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

Brian, as previously stated, I am available for whatever slots are needed.

Also, on the Warhorn site, can have directions for our out of town visitors and maybe some places for them to grab something to eat?

It is fairly easy to get to Valparaiso from Chicago, Western Michigan and Indianapolis. So, I hope to see many of the people I know of by name at the convention.

Sovereign Court

Tom Baumbach wrote:

I'm in! (I'll text you what slots I'll run, Brian.)

nb3D: Which store do you play at? Is this a private group or is it open to curmudgeony out-of-towners? Will you be my friend?

Griffon. I've only played the once, but it was awesome getting back into the game and I'm pretty much already re-hooked.

And yes, I will be your friend.

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Thanks for the offer Fromper, I'll probably have enough so that you get to play Day of the Demon.

Scarab Sages 2/5

nb3D wrote:
And yes, I will be your friend.

Check your PM!

Sovereign Court

Tom Baumbach wrote:
nb3D wrote:
And yes, I will be your friend.
Check your PM!

Boom. Back atcha.

Dark Archive

Since we have already talked Brain, I'll just go ahead and make it all official like to say that I'll be there all day chained to a table in order to make this con a good one. Just let me know what to prep and we will be all set

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Ok Major updates time!

First of all Day of the Demon won't be out in time so there will be two slots of Cyphermage Dilemma in its place.

I have also adjusted the time on slot 2.
There's only 30 minutes for a lunch break but there will be food there.

Slot 1: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Slot 2: 1:30pm - 5:00pm
Slot 3: 7:00pm - 11:00pm

Slot A: 11:00am - 4:00pm
Slot B: 6:00pm - 11:00pm

Table 1:
Slot 1: First Steps Part 1 (Tier 1) GM: William Ronald
Slot 2: First Steps Part 2 (Tier 1) GM: Brandon Wolak
Slot 3: First Steps Part 3 (Tier 1) GM: Fromper

Table 2:
Slot 1: 4-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild (Tier 1-5) GM: Fromper
Slot 2: 4-11 The Disappeared (Tier 1-5) GM: William ROnald
Slot 3: 4-07 Severing Ties (Tier 1-5) GM: Still needed!

Table 3:
Slot 1: 3-02 Sewer Dragons of Absalom (Tier 3-7) GM: Brandom Wolak
Slot 2: 4-09 The Blakros Matrimony (Tier 3-7) GM: Stephen Krause
Slot 3: We Be Goblins! (Tier 1, uses pregens) GM: Brandon Wolak

Table 4:
Slot A: 4-07 Severing Ties (Tier 1-5) GM: Pete Marron
Slot B: 4-11 The Disappeared (Tier 1-5) GM: William ROnald

Table 5:
Slot A: 4-EX Day of the Demon (Tier 3-7) GM: Brian D. Mooney
Slot B: 4-EX Day of the Demon (Tier 3-7) G: Brian D. Mooney

Table 6:
Slot A: 4-10 Feast of Sigils (Tier 7-11) GM: Tom Baumbach
Slot B: 4-12 The Refuge of Time (Tier 7-11) GM: Pete Marron

Only 1 slot still needs a GM!

I'm still waiting on confirmation from Chris Bonnet and possibly other Indianapolis folks. Those of you who volunteered to GM more but wanted to play may get freed up yet but as of right now those will be your scenarios.


Brian I will let you know by Friday.

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Sounds good Chris, the sooner the better. Was good to see you this weekend :-)

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

It is good to see this coming together.

Valparaiso is fairly easy to get to from Chicago, Western Michigan and Indianapolis. Plus, several of our DMs can direct you to a few things in the area, such as restaurants. So, please consider attending. Please pass the word on to anyone you know who lives within a reasonable distance of Valparaiso and might be interested in spending a good day of gaming on February 16th.


Drive time for me is a little bit of in issue, 150 miles one way so if someone from Indy wants to carpool. I would love to chip in for gas.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Given that I have a 90 minute drive each way, I wasn't planning to show up first thing in the morning for slot 1. But you've scheduled me to GM in slots 1 and 3, which could make for a very long day, with all the driving. I'm not as young as I used to be, so I'm just worried that if I have to leave home by 7 AM, I might fall asleep at the wheel driving home after midnight.

So is there any chance I could trade GM slots with someone to give up my slot 1 scenario and GM something in slot 2 or A instead? I've played everything on tables 1-4, so I could run any of those relatively easily.

If that's not possible, I can GM the stuff you've got me scheduled for on slots 1 and 3, but I might need help finding a place to take a nap during slot 2.

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Sorry Fromper I should have thought of that.

I juggled things around a bit and now it's the 8am severing ties slot that needs a GM still. Let me know if that works.

Slot 1: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Slot 2: 1:30pm - 5:00pm
Slot 3: 7:00pm - 11:00pm

Slot A: 11:00am - 4:00pm
Slot B: 6:00pm - 11:00pm

Table 1:
Slot 1: First Steps Part 1 (Tier 1) GM: William Ronald
Slot 2: First Steps Part 2 (Tier 1) GM: Brandon Wolak
Slot 3: First Steps Part 3 (Tier 1) GM: Fromper

Table 2:
Slot 1: 4-07 Severing Ties (Tier 1-5) GM: Still needed!
Slot 2: 4-11 The Disappeared (Tier 1-5) GM: William ROnald
Slot 3: We Be Goblins! (Tier 1, uses pregens) GM: Brandon Wolak

Table 3:
Slot 1: 3-02 Sewer Dragons of Absalom (Tier 3-7) GM: Brandom Wolak
Slot 2: 4-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild (Tier 1-5) GM: Fromper
Slot 3: 4-09 The Blakros Matrimony (Tier 3-7) GM: Stephen Krause

Table 4:
Slot A: 4-07 Severing Ties (Tier 1-5) GM: Pete Marron
Slot B: 4-11 The Disappeared (Tier 1-5) GM: William ROnald

Table 5:
Slot A: 4-EX Day of the Demon (Tier 3-7) GM: Brian D. Mooney
Slot B: 4-EX Day of the Demon (Tier 3-7) G: Brian D. Mooney

Table 6:
Slot A: 4-10 Feast of Sigils (Tier 7-11) GM: Tom Baumbach
Slot B: 4-12 The Refuge of Time (Tier 7-11) GM: Pete Marron

Silver Crusade 4/5

Thanks, Brian! I will read Rise of the Goblin Guild and be ready to run it by then. I already have First Steps 3 down cold, so that one's easy.


Sorry to be difficult but I would prefer to dm in slot 2 as there is nothing for me to play then other than first steps. In contrast slots 1 & 3 have a bunch of options open for me to play
Stephen krauss

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

Ok Updated again.

Tom B had to back out but Brandon reminded me of one more volunteer I had.

Also slot 2 was supposed to go till 5:30

Slot 1: 9:00am - 1:00pm
Slot 2: 1:30pm - 5:30pm
Slot 3: 7:00pm - 11:00pm

Slot A: 11:00am - 4:00pm
Slot B: 6:00pm - 11:00pm

Table 1:
Slot 1: First Steps Part 1 (Tier 1) GM: William Ronald
Slot 2: 4-07 Severing Ties (Tier 1-5) GM: William Ronald
Slot 3: 4-07 Severing Ties (Tier 1-5) GM: William Ronald

Table 2:
Slot 1: 3-02 Sewer Dragons of Absalom (Tier 3-7) GM: Brandom Wolak
Slot 2: First Steps Part 2 (Tier 1) GM: Brandon Wolak
Slot 3: We Be Goblins! (Tier 1, uses pregens) GM: Brandon Wolak

Table 3:
Slot 1: 4-11 The Disappeared (Tier 1-5) GM: Adam Nyriri
Slot 2: 4-01 Rise of the Goblin Guild (Tier 1-5) GM: Fromper
Slot 3: First Steps Part 3 (Tier 1) GM: Fromper

Table 4:
Slot A: 4-09 The Blakros Matrimony (Tier 3-7) GM: Stephen Krause
Slot B: 4-11 The Disappeared (Tier 1-5) GM: Adam Nyiri

Table 5:
Slot A: 3-EX The Cyphermage Dilemma (Tier 1-5) GM: Brian D. Mooney
Slot B: 3-EX The Cyphermage Dilemma (Tier 1-5) GM: Brian D. Mooney

Table 6:
Slot A: 4-10 Feast of Sigils (Tier 7-11) GM: Pete Marron
Slot B: 4-12 The Refuge of Time (Tier 7-11) GM: Pete Marron

If Chris and anyone from Indy can make it I may be able to free up slots for those of you who want to play some but for now go with this.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

Okay, looks good to me. We have a lot of good events on the schedule.


Fromper wrote:

Thanks, Brian! I will read Rise of the Goblin Guild and be ready to run it by then. I already have First Steps 3 down cold, so that one's easy.

Sorry to be difficult, but Matrimony was in Slot 2 when I volunteered and it keeps getting moved around to slot 3 and now to slot A. This is thwarting my efforts to play slots 1 and 3 with my friend.

Brian seems to be rightly concerned about matrimony running over the 4 hour slot, which it could with some groups. I believe I can run it in 4 hours though. It took about 3.5 hrs when Fromper and I played it. But we had a great group and a well run table.

Could Matrimony please be moved back to slot 2? Or perhaps it would be better if I could trade blackros matrimony in slot A for Goblin Guild or Feast of Sigils in slot 2.

As slot A starts at 11am, I think this would fit Fromper's no early morning to late night rule, and would let me play slot 1. But I'm not sure he liked Matrimony all that much....

Another option would be to trade Blakros with Pete's Feast of Sigils and I could run Sigils in Slot 2. I ran Sigils twice this weekend at Winter Fantasy in less than 4 hours with role play heavy groups so I'm sure I can make it will fit the 4 hour slot. Honestly goblin guild can be harder to finish in 4 hours than Feast of Sigils is, in particular with a 1-2 table that struggles.

Fromper- If you are willing to trade I can give you the mod on monday, along with the pictures and handouts Sammy used when we all played it together.

Pete- If you do run Sigils, Thea has some good DM prep materials over in the shared prep thread, such as summaries for all the spells the big baddie has during the end fight. They were useful when I ran it. I saw there was something for Matrimony as well, but I haven't seen how useful it is yet. I can give you pictures of the NPCs at the con which are helpful to keep the table clear on who they are talking to.

I already have both Goblin Guild and Feast of Sigils prepped as I've ran them before at cons. Could someone please help me out? As I said before, I really would like to DM slot 2 and play slot 1 and 3.

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

I can swap Blakrose with rise of the goblin guild as long as Fromper doesn't mind being there at 11 and having a 3 hour break in between (there should plenty else going on at the con)

I don't want to move the 7-11s out of the 5 hour slots.


Brian D. Mooney wrote:

I can swap Blakrose with rise of the goblin guild as long as Fromper doesn't mind being there at 11 and having a 3 hour break in between (there should plenty else going on at the con)

I don't want to move the 7-11s out of the 5 hour slots.

Sounds good Brian.

Fromper- Please let me know about whether you're willing to trade.



Also, once Warhorn goes live I would post on COWS. Windy City Pathfinder is just a subset of the Chicago PFS gaming scene. COWs is the traditional what is going on listserve in and around Chicago and goes to hundreds of gamers.

I can post an announcement for you there if you wish.

Sovereign Court 4/5 ** Venture-Agent, Indiana—Valparaiso

I can't remember if I ever got around to posting on COWS or not.
If you want to then feel free, the more we get the better.


I didn't ever get the email if you posted on COWS. I will post something once the warhorn site goes live.

I'd like to have more local cons, and the only way to do that is to get the largest number of people aware of them.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Furious Kender wrote:
Brian D. Mooney wrote:

I can swap Blakrose with rise of the goblin guild as long as Fromper doesn't mind being there at 11 and having a 3 hour break in between (there should plenty else going on at the con)

I don't want to move the 7-11s out of the 5 hour slots.

Sounds good Brian.

Fromper- Please let me know about whether you're willing to trade.


Yeah, that's fine with me. I haven't prepped Goblin Guild or Blackros Matrimony yet, but I've played both, so they both work out the same for me. And 11 AM is late enough that I can still sleep to a normal hour, rather than having to wake up early on a day when I know I won't be home until after midnight. I was just concerned with getting there at 9 AM being a bit too long for the day.


Fromper wrote:

Yeah, that's fine with me. I haven't prepped Goblin Guild or Blackros Matrimony yet, but I've played both, so they both work out the same for me. And 11 AM is late enough that I can still sleep to a normal hour, rather than having to wake up early on a day when I know I won't be home until after midnight. I was just concerned with getting there at 9 AM being a bit too long for the day.

Thanks so much. I will make a copy of Sammy's materials for you to use, if you wish, and bring them on Monday.

Silver Crusade 4/5

Furious Kender wrote:
Fromper wrote:

Yeah, that's fine with me. I haven't prepped Goblin Guild or Blackros Matrimony yet, but I've played both, so they both work out the same for me. And 11 AM is late enough that I can still sleep to a normal hour, rather than having to wake up early on a day when I know I won't be home until after midnight. I was just concerned with getting there at 9 AM being a bit too long for the day.

Thanks so much. I will make a copy of Sammy's materials for you to use, if you wish, and bring them on Monday.

That would be great. Sammy's "extras" were a great idea, and being able to use those when I run it would be very helpful.

Liberty's Edge 4/5 *** Venture-Lieutenant, California—Los Angeles (South Bay)

Brian D. Mooney wrote:

I can't remember if I ever got around to posting on COWS or not.

If you want to then feel free, the more we get the better.

Brian, I am on COWS as well. However, maybe you can get a little information together on the location and directions that one of us can post on the COWS site.

Silver Crusade 5/5

So I just reevaluated my ability to attend. I can potentially GM the evening slot.

Mandi works in the morning and my 2 yo isn't quite ready to behave quietly for 4-8 hours while daddy games.

If you'd like me to come and GM and have a spot for me. Let me know. Otherwise, I'll host my home game.

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