Bracers of Archery crafting question

Rules Questions

Can the spell "Bestow Weapon Proficiency" be used as the prerequiste for making bracers of archery?

Also can bracers of archery be used as the prerequisite for making bracers of archery?

Scarab Sages


It should also be noted that you can apparently just take the +5 DC for not having the prerequisite. Chances are you can make a DC18 Spellcraft check at level 5.

rat_ bastard wrote:
Can the spell "Bestow Weapon Proficiency" be used as the prerequiste for making bracers of archery?

Sure, Bestow Weapon Proficiency can give your crafter the longbow or shortbow proficiency that is a prerequisite--if you can craft the Bracers of Archery in only a few minutes. The spell lasts only 1 minute per level. Some generous GMs will rule that you need to be proficient only while making the Spellcraft DC check, in which case it would work.

rat_ bastard wrote:
Also can bracers of archery be used as the prerequisite for making bracers of archery?

No. The bracers themselves give a competence bonus, not proficiency.

MacGurcules's suggestion works fine. Or get the aid of someone who is proficient in longbow or shortbow. It won't cost much to hire a first-level fighter or ranger as an assistant.

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