The spell, Skinsend, and an Ogre Mage.

Rules Questions

Hi all! I'm creating a baddie, an Ogre Mage Sorcerer in particular.

I came across the spell skinsend in ultimate magic and was curious how you guys would rule this.

First, you can only regenerate health through regeneration abilities (including the Ogre Mage's ) but, if your skin regenerates on your body, the skin you sent out through the spell dies. Would you rule this that it happens at full HP for the O.M.? Or, would you say the spell is essentially useless for him because as soon as that 5 hp ticks up, his skin "dies." Can you suppress regeneration without harming yourself?

Next question on this is that, the O.M. is a shapechanger, could he alter himself into say, an orc, and then loose (yes, loose) his skin upon the world? My intention is that the skin would look orc-y not revert to his O.M. look. (I feel like there is a rule somewhere when a body part is taken off your body, it reverts to original size and shape if you were under a polymorph spell) So, input would be appreciated. =)

Scarab Sages

I'd rule that the ogre regenerates hit points into a "pool." The ogre mage remains at 0 while regenerating; once the pool has his full hit points, the skin dies, the spell ends, and he regains all his hit points.

If you don't want to have to stretch the rules: have your ogre mage construct a room from which to conduct his spell casting, a sauna that's hot enough to deal 5 hp of fire damage per round.

CE Chef wrote:
I feel like there is a rule somewhere when a body part is taken off your body, it reverts to original size and shape if you were under a polymorph spell.

No such rule, though it's useful as a plot device.

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