GMT's RotRL - Burnt Offerings


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Male Human (Varisian) Bard 1

Zantus and Vestad:

Tosh offers the priest a tissue and says,"Please, if this is too difficult, we can come back another time, but if you feel you can continue, can you tell us how the fire started?"


Arriving at the mayor's home a few minutes later, you find that your aunt is not at home at the moment. Your aunt-in-law, Vana, is up and greets you with a polite, but obviously insincere smile. "Oh, hello, dear! Welcome back. I, uh, didn't think you'd be coming back here tonight. Are you just popping in to say hello? If so, your aunt isn't at home at the moment."

You remember Vana. She was always unpleasant - annoyed that your aunt still lived in the home. Vana's husband (your aunt's brother) died while on a boar hunt several years ago. Vana often complained openly about how little space there was for everyone (she has seven kids), but your aunt kept her tongue and her temper in check - and she encouraged you to do the same.

Vestad and Tosh:

Zantus waves away the tissue and instead wipes his eyes with the back of his hand. Quietly, he says, "It is unknown. It is clear that the fire was started in the chapel and then spread to the North Coast Stables, the White Deer Inn, and three nearby homes. But the chapel received the majority of the damage. The fire was so intense that it completely incenerated the remains of Nualia - her remains were unable to recovered. This has led to speculation that the fire may have been started in her room, but that is speculation only."

Male Human (Varisian) Bard 1

Zantus and Vestad:

Sense Movtive to see if I should stop asking questions
1d20 + 1 ⇒ (19) + 1 = 20

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela and Vana:

Viorela greets her Aunt Vana with a feigned smile.

"I was looking for Kendra. Are you and the children okay? I saw Little Tomo and Waller at the festival earlier. Did they all make it back?"

Viorela looks genuinely concerned about Vana's children.

Feel free to use these names, or assume I used proper ones.

If there is nothing of note here, she will return to the festival grounds and scout the main streets of Sandpoint for her aunt, assuming that she would be about checking the hot spots in town out.

male Human (Chelaxian/Ulfen) Ranger 1A

GM, Vors, Andwell:

"What about the fire, sheriff? What can you tell us about it? Was there any evidence of foul play?"

Male Human Cleric 1

Tosh and Zanthus:

Vestad has stood by silently as his ally questions the priest. As the priest describes the tragedy, he tilts his head quizzically. "Is there a grave marker for her despite the lack of a body? Also, you said he was adopted, do you know her parents?"

Tosh and Vestad:

You don't perceive that Zantus is tired of questions. Responding to Vestad, he says, "No - for some reason, unknown to me, the decision was made not to lay a grave marker. Perhaps it was because there was nothing to lay underneath, I don't know. You may want to ask Naffer Vosk (you both recognize the name as the deformed gravekeeper). He might be more informed on that topic. Though I would wait for tomorrow - he typically goes to bed quite early. And as for her parents, I've no idea. She was an aasimar and was abandoned on the cathedral's stoop. Her beauty was unearthly, but rather than serve her, it alienated her from many of her peers." he stops. "I didn't know her well." he adds, hastily.


"Oh, the boys are fine. They were actually playing inside during the attack. For once, I'm glad they disobeyed. Don't let me keep you. I'm sure you'll find your aunt in a bit."

As you turn to leave, you almost literally run into Kendra. She looks tired and worn, but her face lights up when she sees you. "Ah, Viorela. Hello. I am glad you are here. What a day. What a day. Will you have a drink with me before I trot up to bed?"

Borhald, Vors and Tactfoot:

"The fire is something of an unsolved mystery around here - another blemish on this militia. We've no idea how it started, why it was started or who would have done it. Everybody apart from Zantus and that daughter of his made it out alive. Why anyone would want to kill either of them is beyond me. Zantus was well-liked by everyone in town - even those who weren't the religious type. Sure, his daughter was a bit of an outcast, but not enough so to warrant that kind of death."

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela and Kendra:


She gives her aunt time to settle herself before she begins asking questions.

"So, I'm not sure if you gotten word from the cemetery, but it was Tobyn's grave they dug up."

"I was thinking, if there's a human leading the goblins, they'd have some reason for wanting Tobyn specifically. Any ideas?"

Male Human (Varisian) Bard 1

GM Todd:

Knowledge History to remember the rumors about how the fire started 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 2 = 11
Sense Motive on Zanthus 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (17) + 1 = 18

male Human (Chelaxian/Ulfen) Ranger 1A

GMT, Vors, Andwell:

Borhald thinks for a few moments. "Everyone liked him... Why was his daughter an outcast?


"Yes, I am aware," Kendra says. "I am a little surprised that you know this, though. Is it already widespread? We were hoping to keep this news quiet for a little longer. Or, perhaps, forever."

Rubbing the bridge of her nose for a moment, she says, "We haven't a clue why someone would want Tobyn's remains. I suspect that the person who stole the remains is the same as the person who started the fire. I have no proof of that, obviously, but it seems likely to me. Unfortunately, that doesn't help us too much as we have no idea who that is. To be honest, I am scared by this possibility. Whoever did this is the kind of evil person you only read of in stories."


You're unable to remember anything extraordinary or helpful.

You can tell that Zantus is hiding something about how well he knew her. And, you suspect, he knew her quite well.

Borhald, Tactfoot and Vors:

"She was unnaturally beautiful. It was clear she was more than a human. This made other children her age either jealous or shy, and many of them took to playing cruel jokes on her. The adults in town weren’t much better, I'm sad to say. There were rumors that her touch or proximity could cure warts and rashes, that locks of her hair brewed into tea could increase fertility, and that her voice could drive out evil spirits. She was never able to find a place that was comfortable for her."

He pauses, looking back at the table of his men. "I really must get back to my men and our investigation. I hope that I have been of help to you. Your questions have spurred some thoughts in my head - perhaps we can continue this conversation another time. For now, I ask that you lay low, stay out of trouble and, if you insist on pursuing your own personal investigation, that you do so quietly and you keep me and my men updated constantly with what you find." Without waiting for a reply, he nods at each of you before turning back to his men.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard 1

Zanthus and Vestad:

Diplomacy 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (19) + 5 = 24
"Father, the people trust and revere you. I am working for those same people to discover what has happened here today. Please, trust me with your knowledge. I know you knew Nualia better than you say."

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela and Kendra:

Viorela continues the discussion with her aunt.

"Was there something special about today besides the festival?"

"Is today an anniversary of something that happened involving Tobyn? Or is such a day coming up shortly?"

After her course of questions, Viorela pats her aunt on the back.

"Well, you know I completed my training, so I'm ready to put it to use and help however I can."

Male Human (Taldan) Paladin 3 (hp 31/31; AC 18, t 11, ff 17; Fort +7/ Ref +4/ Will +6; Init +1; Per +2)

GM, Tactfoot, Borhald:
"Well, that's food for thought. With gifts like those, you'd think she'd have been a valued member of the community. Sometimes I just don't understand folks. So does this help us at all? If the girl had that kinda power, seems like her grave would've been a target...assuming whoever is tellin' the goblins what to do..."
At this point, Vors rubs his temples.
"I'm afraid all this is a bit over my head. Anyone else have any ideas? I'm plumb out."

Tosh and Vestad:

Zantus hesitates for just a moment before confessing, "Well, I suppose I knew her a little. How could we not? She was around the cathedral and Tobyn all of the time. She and I weren't friendly, but I did, know her. Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be getting back to those gathered here. Go with blessing." He walks back to the group without waiting for a reply.


"No. It was the annual Swallowtail Festival - always scheduled on the first of Autumn. The cathedral's dedication was just fortuitously scheduled for the same day. I believe that was the motivation - not the Festival. Assuming there was any motive beyond terrorizing the citizens."

Smiling with the pat on the back she says, "I am glad you are here - though I am sad it is under such circumstances. I hope that you will stay for several days. I won't be around much, but it will be good to have you here. I believe my day is done and I am positively wiped. I'm heading to bed. See you in the morning." She stands and walks upstairs.

Sorry for the lazy/sloppy "everyone is finished interrogating at the same time" posts.

male Human (Chelaxian/Ulfen) Ranger 1A

GM, Vors, Andwell:

Borhald nods in agreement before answering in his low voice. "Truly a tale fit for Tosh... a priest and his beautiful daughter burned to death... Five years later, the priest's remains defiled and stolen... Hardly a coincidence. I would suspect, given what we learned of the girl, a jilted lover, or a jealous rival, perhaps..."

I'm going to assume everyone returned to the Rusty Dragon.

Arriving back at the inn within moments of each other, you all discuss what you have learned. Would someone be willing to provide a summary of everything you've learned?

You can discuss some of your theories together, RP a bit of the evening or go to sleep. Just let me know when you're ready to move on.

There's a question for the group in the OOC Thread. Please to respond.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard 1

Upon arriving at the Dragon, Tosh orders some food and a glass of wine. When everyone is settled together, he asks.

"How did everyone do?"

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Since the others seemed to be allowing "ladies first", Viorela discussed what she learned from Kendra.

"My aunt didn't have much to go on. She felt whoever might have dug up Tobyn was likely the same person who burned down the church. They never caught the person."

She frowns, and confirms she doesn't have much else to report beyond that.

Male Halfling Rogue; 2

Sitting up on his knees in a chair so his elbows and head align closer with the rest o' the group.
Well well. A mystery. Yes yes. There seems to be an adopted daughter that's "more than Human". Ohh, what's it mean, what's it mean? Her body never found. Never never. Strange implications, oh my.
Much more to tell. Borhald . . .

Male Human (Varisian) Bard 1

"As much as I hate to even think it much less say it, we may need to lean on Zathus. He knew Tobyn well, maybe best, and he lied to Vestad and me about how well he knew Nualia, Zanthus adopted Aasimar daughter. That was before admitting that she and he didn't get along. He later speculated that the fire started in her room. Morever, Nualia's body was completely incinerated. No remains, no grave marker."

Male Halfling Rogue; 2

Is she dead? Is she undead? Is she involved? Is she uninvolved? Oh dear oh dear. I'm in over my head. So to speak. Oy, I need a ale. Do they come in pints?

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Is it Zantus, Zanthus or Zathus? Ack!

Viorela will contemplate if she knows anything about the father's adopted daughter.

Knowledge (Local) - about Nualia: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (1) + 5 = 6

EDIT - Negative!

Nualia? The father had an adopted daughter?

"Did he mention anything about Nualia and Tobyn's relationship? Were they close? Bitter? This may be our lead..."

Male Halfling Rogue; 2

So he was her step-father father? Oh my.

Further, if Brother Zedkin worked for Father Tobyn, and she married her Father's Brother, then her husband would have the same Father as her. Both of them being her step-Father. Mmmmmm. What's it all mean I ponder.

Male Human (Taldan) Paladin 3 (hp 31/31; AC 18, t 11, ff 17; Fort +7/ Ref +4/ Will +6; Init +1; Per +2)

Vors opens his mouth to answer Andwell, then thinks the better of it and closes it again. He takes a deep breath before speaking.

"Anybody know anything about...Aasimar, was it? I'm afraid I'm not real sure what it means that she was 'more than human,' aside from her being the most beautiful woman Sandpoint's ever seen."

"Besides that, seems like we're no closer to figuring this out than before. Just a lot of town hearsay and not much else to go on. Maybe we should consider figuring out where these goblins came from. If you have problems with wasps, then you find the nest and burn it, or so the saying goes."

Male Halfling Rogue; 2

Forget not, she had some sort of healing power, yet was shunned by the community. Also locked in the cathedral and not allowed to leave. What if she staged the fire to escape. It would take a screaming mad lune of a person to do so, of course. We must admit, there's some point of her story missing.

Where's my ale? My head hurts.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard 1

"According to Zanthus, Tobyn and Nualia were quite close at first, but as the years went by, they grew distant. I'm not sure what to make of it."

To know about Aasimars
Knowledge Planes 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 2 = 8
Knowledge Religion 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (16) + 6 = 22

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Aasimars? I read about those...

Knowledge (planes): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (18) + 7 = 25

Apparently, a lot!

"Aasimars. It would be odd for a human child to be born an aasimar. But an aasimar is a good creature, celestial even - touched by the planes. They are almost always very, very good."

Male Halfling Rogue; 2

First Goblins. Then cemeteries. Now astral-human whatsis.
What happened to butterflies and beer?
oh dear oh dear.

male Human (Chelaxian/Ulfen) Ranger 1A

"The sheriff said she was generally disliked, heavenly creature or not." Borhald breaks his pensive silence after a while. "We need to look into possible enemies of hers. A rebuffed suitor, or a jealous rival would be my guesses. We need to find out as much as we can about this Nualia."

The ranger frowns for a moment. "Earlier, some of you mentioned that the remains could have been stolen by someone who wants to speak with Tobyn's spirit... Could they have been stolen to prevent the townsfolk from doing that sort of necromancy?" He trails off contemplating the complications and scale of evil that possibility entails.

Male Halfling Rogue; 2

Perhaps the same entity that stole the remains is responsible for stealing Borhald's sense of levity!? We could retrieve both at the same time!

Tactfoot slides his mug over to the ranger.
You need this more than I. Yes yes.

I'll break through that dour grimace one day. It cant be healthy to be bottled up all the time. Even for a longlegs.

male Human (Chelaxian/Ulfen) Ranger 1A

Borhald narrows his eyes at Andwell, then reaches out and takes the beer mug. His voice is rough as ever, his face serious, as he answers. "You are correct, I had better take this. 'Tis a full pint, and you may fall in and drown, Master Tactfoot."

Male Human (Varisian) Bard 1

"I agree with Borhald. I think our strongest lead so far is to uncover whatever we can about Nualia. Again, I wish I had my mother's intuition..."

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

At Andwell's joke about Borhald's levity, Viorela can't help but to laugh. After the long day, it was good to laugh.

She composes herself, trying to force a look of seriousness on her blushing face as she glimpses the ranger.

"It's hard to tell whether this Nualia's actions were justified or not. If she was treated unwell. I... I don't know what I'd do if I were in her shoes."

Should I tell them more about aasimars? How they are resistant to many things? Would we really fight her? I'm sure we could talk some sense into her if she had anything to do with digging up Tobyn.

Grand Lodge

Owlbear Rodeo | PFS Quest Tracker | Quest Slides

Ash comes downstairs and sees his friends around the table. Friends! Still troubled by the day's happenings? Mayhap a nice hot meal could bring a smile to your faces!

He heads over to talk to Ameiko and Bethana. Soon, he is back with a tray of food and sets it down on the table. So, what are you guys eating? his look is serious, before his willpower breaks and Ash bellows a hearty laugh.

Sorry, friends, a bad joke. Anything I can help with?


Did I hear something about a beautiful woman?

Male Human Cleric 1

"Indeed it was said that the adopted daughter who perished by fire was born with the blood of angels in her veins and was beautiful to behold. Father Zanthus seems to have been dishonest us about their relationship. It is not a comforting trait for a clergyman."

male Human (Chelaxian/Ulfen) Ranger 1A

It seems the beer he is drinking does little good for his humor, as Borhald's voice, if anything, is grimmer after hearing Tosh and Vestad.
"If Zanthus was closer to her than he said... and he is hiding it... I say he has just become the first name on our suspect list. Of course, some of you seem to imply that the fact that her body was not found may mean Nualia is alive. If so, that is a second name."

He takes another sip of beer, then continues in a more relaxed, pensive tone. "I know more of small villages and roadside inns than of large towns. But in my experience, barkeeps hear more of what goes on in towns than almost anyone else -- certainly more than the constabulary. Perhaps Mistress Ameiko can tell us something of this Nualia, and some of her suitors or rivals to add to our suspect list. We should then have another chat with our holy man." This time as he speaks, the young man actually smiles... the smile of a hunter who thinks he has found a trail.

Male Human (Varisian) Bard 1

Tosh sighs.

"Very well then." Tosh grabs the attention of the first waitstaff he sees and says,"Please tell Ameiko that we need to see her when she has moment."

Male Human (Taldan) Paladin 3 (hp 31/31; AC 18, t 11, ff 17; Fort +7/ Ref +4/ Will +6; Init +1; Per +2)

Vors shrugs.

"If you think it will be helpful. I'm afraid all these guessing games aren't my strong suit."

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela pats Vors on the back.

"Oh! It's a great mystery, and we are it's detectives. It's exciting!"

Viorela attempts to infect the paladin with her enthusiasm.

"I must say I've never been a good judge of people... I'm, ah... far too trusting."

At some point, I'll need to find a magic spell I can rely on to sort out those that can't be trusted...

Tosh grabs a halfling barmaid. "Oh, I'm sorry," she says. "Her lady has excused herself for the evening. Perhaps you can talk with her tomorrow?"

Male Human (Taldan) Paladin 3 (hp 31/31; AC 18, t 11, ff 17; Fort +7/ Ref +4/ Will +6; Init +1; Per +2)
Viorela wrote:

Viorela pats Vors on the back.

"Oh! It's a great mystery, and we are it's detectives. It's exciting!"

Viorela attempts to infect the paladin with her enthusiasm.

Vors smiles. "I'm not saying I won't help; I just don't know quite how much help I'll be. Once we know who or what we're looking for, then I'll be a bit more eager. The very idea that someone would consort with goblins to attack civilized folk...that's just not right."

Male Human (Varisian) Bard 1

Tosh thanks the barmaid with a gold sovereign and turns dejected back to his companions.

"I'm afraid our proprietor has retired for the evening. We'll have to talk to her tomorrow. Any ideas on what we should do now?"

male Human (Chelaxian/Ulfen) Ranger 1A

"As I see it, we have but two options... Either we go talk to the priest Zanthus again, and see if we can persuade him to be honest, or we call it an evening, have a few more beers, and speak with our hostess in the morning."

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela had spent a lot of time in Magnimar buried in books or immersed in training. She was ready for the real world, some adventure, some action.

"I don't think the goblins could really get too far. Most of them weren't mounted, so they walked back wherever they came from."

She looks at Vors.

"While the tracks at the cemetery were abysmal, perhaps ranging outside of town we can pick up their trail and follow them back to where they lair, where Tobyn was taken, and where their leader is?"

Seeing it's now past dusk outside she adds, "tomorrow morning, of course."

male Human (Chelaxian/Ulfen) Ranger 1A

Borhald shakes his head. "I did just that, lass, when we split up earlier today. I cast for sign all around the outside of the town. The fleeing goblins ran north, and cast themselves into the sea to avoid capture. As to their approach, they came in by the main road, to hide their tracks. I never found where they joined it, and I went a few bowshots out. Close to such large town, the earth's too packed for villains so light to leave much sign, I guess. I'll gladly take another look tomorrow, though."

This time Borhald gives a sincere smile, amused by the fact someone thought to suggest 'ranging' to a man of his profession. :D

Male Halfling Rogue; 2

Yes yes. But I say, I say. We go as a group. We only managed those Gobers and fire because of our combined skills. Greater together. Yes indeed. Indeed.

Andwell attempt to speak in a confident brave voice. Trying to hide his fear of supernatural events and creatures. A close observe may still detect the fear and worry expressed through his childlike eyes.

F Varisian/Chelaxian Magus 1D

Viorela nods understandingly at Borhald's report.

My, he was contributing, while I spoke to an old woman about her pies and the well-being of her children.

"Maybe there's someone in town who would have an idea where goblins might lair? An old mineshaft? A ruined farm?"

Besides Quink, Viorela will think if she knows anyone in Sandpoint who might know where goblins would reside.

Knowledge (local): 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15

Yawning and stretching, Viorela concludes with her intentions to retire soon.

"The Dragon is it again in the morning, to speak with Ameiko?"

Male Human (Taldan) Paladin 3 (hp 31/31; AC 18, t 11, ff 17; Fort +7/ Ref +4/ Will +6; Init +1; Per +2)

"Agreed. A night's sleep will keep us sharp. Then we can speak with Ameiko and do whatever else needs doing."

Vors prepares to retire, concerned over what sort of person could cause goblins to attack in broad daylight, then throw themselves into the sea rather than flee home after a defeat.

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