Summoner Evolutions

Rules Questions

1) If your eidolon has 3 heads, you have to select bite for all three heads for all of them to have bite attacks. Do you have to select improved damage (bite) once for each head? Or just once?

2) If you took trip would all three heads also have a trip attack?

RPG Superstar 2011 Top 4

Just once, and yes.

Exactly the same as taking Weapon Focus (claws) if you had four arms and the Grab ability. Each claw would benefit.

Kenway wrote:

1) If your eidolon has 3 heads, you have to select bite for all three heads for all of them to have bite attacks. Do you have to select improved damage (bite) once for each head? Or just once?

2) If you took trip would all three heads also have a trip attack?

Also: Would each additional head also give the eidolon bonuses to perception?

Can you only have one attack per head? As in a bite, gore or breath weapon? Or could each individual head conceivably have all three?

Does each additional set of limbs (legs) grant you the ability to have another two claw attacks?

Scipion del Ferro wrote:

Just once, and yes.

Exactly the same as taking Weapon Focus (claws) if you had four arms and the Grab ability. Each claw would benefit.

Thanks! :D

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
Kenway wrote:
Does each additional set of limbs (legs) grant you the ability to have another two claw attacks?

If you also buy claws for those legs, yes. You could have two pairs of legs but only buy claws for the fronts (in wich case only the fronts get the attacks). You could put claws on the front legs and hooves on the back if you wish. Remember that your total number of natural attacks is limited by the table entry.

Kenway wrote:
Kenway wrote:

1) If your eidolon has 3 heads, you have to select bite for all three heads for all of them to have bite attacks. Do you have to select improved damage (bite) once for each head? Or just once?

2) If you took trip would all three heads also have a trip attack?

Also: Would each additional head also give the eidolon bonuses to perception?

Can you only have one attack per head? As in a bite, gore or breath weapon? Or could each individual head conceivably have all three?

Does each additional set of limbs (legs) grant you the ability to have another two claw attacks?

I wouldn't think so myself. Perception is the overall senses and the ability to process the information. Thus a monk with really well developed senses can have a better perception than a hydra. Looking through a fish eye lens gives a broader view, albeit a blurrier one. A better example is looking through a stack of papers versus skimming a database. The ability to process the large amount of info coming in is what determines it's value.

Also, if it gave a bonus per head it would probably say so. :D

EDIT: Answer only applies to the first paragraph after 'also:'.

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