Swashbuckler Handbook


https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/extras/community-creations/wint er_soldier-s-lab/swashbucker-handbook-in-progress

My first handbook, for the Tome of Secrets Swashbuckler, is finished!

winter_soldier wrote:

https://sites.google.com/site/pathfinderogc/extras/community-creations/wint er_soldier-s-lab/swashbucker-handbook-in-progress

My first handbook, for the Tome of Secrets Swashbuckler, is finished!


I confess, the ToS swashbuckler didn't do much for me. I'd prefer a design that didn't effectively rely on feinting or flanking, although I do want more skills than the fighter has. On the balance I would go with a a fighter/duelist in preference.

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