Spell-less Paladin?

Pathfinder First Edition General Discussion

Hallo there, everyone! I may be playing a Paladin in a future game, and I was wondering if anyone has made any spell-less variants. I'm playing a spell-less ranger (from Kobold Quarterly) in another game and I'm loving the extra abilities, since I never used the spells much anyhow, and I'd like to have a similar experience with a Paladin.

I was thinking an easy fix would be to let the Paladin pick two Cleric domains at level 4 and get their powers instead of getting spells. That would allow for some more Paladin variety, too. Does that sound balanced? Does anyone else have any ideas?

Pathfinder Maps Subscriber
'Rixx wrote:
... let the Paladin pick two Cleric domains at level 4 and get their powers instead of getting spells. That would allow for some more Paladin variety, too. Does that sound balanced? Does anyone else have any ideas?

If you do that, limit the domains to the domains of the Paladin's patron deity.

Liberty's Edge

Pathfinder Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber

I'm using the option from Paladins Prevail. It has a lot of good Paladin varients, including spell-less.

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