Champion's Belt Question

Age of Worms Adventure Path

I noticed last night, while skimming through Champion's Belt, that it mentions that several of the items picked up in the True Tomb of the Whispering Cairn would not be of further importance for the campaign.

The two most notable of these items were the Talisman of the Sphere and, Zosiel's diadem, the latter of which was specifically stated in Whispering Cairn as getting more powers as the campaign went on.

So I guess my question is, has this been changed now? Are these items no longer going to be important to the bigger picture? My PC's haven't found them yet, as we're just now getting to the Land Farmstead, but if that is the case, I may replace the Talisman with something more useful if it's no longer needed.

Just curious...

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Nothing has been changed. Re-read that seciton carefully... it says:

"Some of the items the PCs give Eligos (Zosiel's silver diadem, the two demon horns, and the inactive talisman of the sphere) have nothing to do with the Age of Worms."

Nothing is said about them not being important to the Age of Worms Campaign. They simplyl aren't connected to the Age of Worms prophecy, and as such these items cannot provide any clues to the PCs about what's going on with the adventure's primary story arc. Some of these items may well be quite important in the last adventure, while others may have lesser roles to play.

Characters who still have the inactive talisman and Zosiel's diadem in "A Gathering Of Winds" (issue #129) will be glad they kept them, for one thing...

Thanks James. I guess that's what I get for skimming and not reading... :)

Quick Question,

I am running the Age of Worms adventure path, leading off with TFoE. I read through the Whispering Cairn as background and also noticed the artifacts that will have a role later on. Should I add these to the "treasure" found in TFoE, or can I wait until later in the campain. I haven't read through any of the modules after TFoE.

Liberty's Edge

A suggestion: have the Free City Trio have the items in question and set up an appropriate confrontation between the PCs and them. Then the items can fall into the PCs' possession.

You're missing out on a fun scenario skipping The Whispering Cairn though.

Good luck with your game.

Rexx wrote:

A suggestion: have the Free City Trio have the items in question and set up an appropriate confrontation between the PCs and them. Then the items can fall into the PCs' possession.

You're missing out on a fun scenario skipping The Whispering Cairn though.

Good luck with your game.

That's a good suggestion.

I didn't do the Whispering Cairn because the party I run is already @ 3rd level. I am new to dm'ing and brought the group up to level 3 w/ a bunch of small side adventures that I could run for practice.

This is the first major story that I am running and I didn't want to adjust the encounter level for every module following this one, given my inexperience.

Liberty's Edge

PhysicsWolf wrote:

I didn't do the Whispering Cairn because the party I run is already @ 3rd level. I am new to dm'ing and brought the group up to level 3 w/ a bunch of small side adventures that I could run for practice.

This is the first major story that I am running and I didn't want to adjust the encounter level for every module following this one, given my inexperience.

That's cool. You can use the Free City Trio to impart the information of the Whispering Cairn to you PCs vicariously. They can overhear Auric bragging about his battle prowess against the Wind Warriors, Tirra recounts her deftness at disarming traps, and Khellek relates the tragedy of the lost Seekers within the tomb. I'd have the Free City Trio attempt to seek out more parts of the Rod of Seven Parts and have their exploits parallel the PCs. This will add greatly to the "competition" between the two parties and make their confrontation that much more climatic when it does happen.

Have fun!

I haven't brought the Free City Trio in yet. The Whispering Cairn overview was brought in convieniently with a new player in our gaming group.

I was going to set up a humorous encounter when the party rests for an evening inside the temple.

We just finished the Champion's Belt last night, and we had a blast! I had to pump up the other teams a bit and fudge some dice rolls, because several of the PCs had some experience prior to the AoW adventures, but it has been great! The look on my son's face when I told him his favorite PC had been swallowed by the frogemoth was priceless! Kudos to everyone involved for an awesome adventure!
To my question - after winning the Games, the party decided to do for Raknian in retribution for his killing the dancing girl, so the cornered him in his mansion, roughed him up, then took him down to the dungeon and fed him headfirst to the ochre jellies. Does he have any further role to play in the campaign? Thanks.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

In theory, Raknian does have a role to play further in the adventure path. If he does appear again, it won't be until late in the campaign. Plenty of time to have his allies resurrect him if things turned sour for him after the Champion's Games.

Eleazar wrote:
To my question - after winning the Games, the party decided to do for Raknian in retribution for his killing the dancing girl, so the cornered him in his mansion, roughed him up, then took him down to the dungeon and fed him headfirst to the ochre jellies. Does he have any further role to play in the campaign? Thanks.

Well, without knowing what his role in the future is, after it starts to hit the fans later on, he could always come back as a Death Knight as stated in the adventure. Or a Favored Spawn Of Kyuss (Dragon #336), if you want to be espically sick.

Remember, the players are dealing with the return of a supremely evil deity of death and corruption! Be creative! :)

Can someone be resurrected after being fed to an ochre jelly and then having the ochre jelly burned to ashes? Forgot to mention that part earlier - the PC's were feeling really mean :)
Oh well, I can always introduce a henchman or another member of the Kyuss crowd to fill in for Raknian... Thanks all.

Paizo Employee Creative Director

Eleazar wrote:

Can someone be resurrected after being fed to an ochre jelly and then having the ochre jelly burned to ashes? Forgot to mention that part earlier - the PC's were feeling really mean :)

Oh well, I can always introduce a henchman or another member of the Kyuss crowd to fill in for Raknian... Thanks all.

True resurrection can fix it. Of course... that's kind of expensive. And anticlimactic if your PCs went through so much trouble to make sure Raknian stayed dead. In this case, I'd let him stay dead.

Eleazar wrote:

Can someone be resurrected after being fed to an ochre jelly and then having the ochre jelly burned to ashes? Forgot to mention that part earlier - the PC's were feeling really mean :)

Jeez, I guess they really wanted to make sure

Eleazar wrote:

Can someone be resurrected after being fed to an ochre jelly and then having the ochre jelly burned to ashes? Forgot to mention that part earlier - the PC's were feeling really mean :)

Oh well, I can always introduce a henchman or another member of the Kyuss crowd to fill in for Raknian... Thanks all.

I assume most your party is nuetral or evil, because that came off sounding kinda evil to me. Maybe its just out of context. I haven't received the Champion's Belt yet, so maybe that will explain it all.

Pathfinder Battles Case Subscriber
PhysicsWolf wrote:

I didn't do the Whispering Cairn because the party I run is already @ 3rd level. I am new to dm'ing and brought the group up to level 3 w/ a bunch of small side adventures that I could run for practice.

I did the same, skipping the whispering cairn. A lot of important info gets dropped though so make sure you include it somehow. What I did:

Kept filge in his observatory, he answers a lot of questions if the PC's question him

Had them find a journal detailing someone else exploring the whispering cairn, what they found. Who that is is up to you for your campaign. In mine it was a priest of Bane sent to investigate the heretical actions of other priests (who joined the ebon triad) They found the journal along with a jar containing a green worm and the amulet they will need later on.

Make sure the names Kyuss, and age of worms gets dropped in at least once.

Have them meet and form an alliance with Allustan in some way so he can lead them on in episode 3. For me I dropped him and put in another plot thread that led to blackwall keep, as there wasn't enough time for them to meet and form a tie to Allustan.

Skim ahead to the next few issues and make sure theres a smooth storyline to transition the party between them. In truth I love the adventure of the whispering cairn but feel the beginning and story that ties the party together is fairly weak. After you get them into 3 faces, you can probably come up with a much better scheme to get the ball rolling on your own.

Chris P wrote:
Eleazar wrote:

Can someone be resurrected after being fed to an ochre jelly and then having the ochre jelly burned to ashes? Forgot to mention that part earlier - the PC's were feeling really mean :)

Oh well, I can always introduce a henchman or another member of the Kyuss crowd to fill in for Raknian... Thanks all.
I assume most your party is nuetral or evil, because that came off sounding kinda evil to me. Maybe its just out of context. I haven't received the Champion's Belt yet, so maybe that will explain it all.

Yeah, it was kinda evil, but he was willing to let loose the urlgastasta (am I spelling that right?) on the whole city. Not to mention trying to kill the party twice - once from the mind flayer and once from the frogemoth. But the icing on the cake was the dancing girl.

The PC who found her zombie drew a somewhat logical conclusion that Raknian had killed her and then given her to the tiefling cleric as a toy - she was found in his bedchamber after all. So he told the party he was personally going to kill Raknian real nasty in revenge (he's true neutral and as an elf was offended Raknian would use and disgard this girl - refer to Ekaym's description if that's unclear), and asked if anyone else wanted in.
The female CN sorceress volunteered immediately for obvious reasons. The LN monk saw it as his duty to St. Cuthbert to see that Raknian was punished for his evil ways, but he agreed this was kind of excessive and so did not actively participate. Likewise the NG fighter was not happy about it, but agreed Raknian could not be left alive and went along to cover everyone's back but did not actively participate, and the CN barbarian was in it just for the fight.
I thought it worked out pretty well and gave everyone a few extra XPs for playing true to character.

Eleazar wrote:
Chris P wrote:
Eleazar wrote:

Can someone be resurrected after being fed to an ochre jelly and then having the ochre jelly burned to ashes? Forgot to mention that part earlier - the PC's were feeling really mean :)

Oh well, I can always introduce a henchman or another member of the Kyuss crowd to fill in for Raknian... Thanks all.
I assume most your party is nuetral or evil, because that came off sounding kinda evil to me. Maybe its just out of context. I haven't received the Champion's Belt yet, so maybe that will explain it all.

Yeah, it was kinda evil, but he was willing to let loose the urlgastasta (am I spelling that right?) on the whole city. Not to mention trying to kill the party twice - once from the mind flayer and once from the frogemoth. But the icing on the cake was the dancing girl.

The PC who found her zombie drew a somewhat logical conclusion that Raknian had killed her and then given her to the tiefling cleric as a toy - she was found in his bedchamber after all. So he told the party he was personally going to kill Raknian real nasty in revenge (he's true neutral and as an elf was offended Raknian would use and disgard this girl - refer to Ekaym's description if that's unclear), and asked if anyone else wanted in.
The female CN sorceress volunteered immediately for obvious reasons. The LN monk saw it as his duty to St. Cuthbert to see that Raknian was punished for his evil ways, but he agreed this was kind of excessive and so did not actively participate. Likewise the NG fighter was not happy about it, but agreed Raknian could not be left alive and went along to cover everyone's back but did not actively participate, and the CN barbarian was in it just for the fight.
I thought it worked out pretty well and gave everyone a few extra XPs for playing true to character.

Yeah I wasn't saying it was super evil, but if revenge continues to be a trend I would think it would start moving their alignment to evil. Although I tend to view alignment different than others. I does sound like they were acting well within character, since it was such an emotional reason for them.

Well, I would keep in mind that the NPC did just try to wipe out the entire Free City and turn them into wraiths... what, some 100,000 people or so? Hmmm.... mass homicide, at the very least. If that doesn't justify a complete destruction of the body, (remember, in D&D death is merely an inconveniece) then I can't really think of something that should.

Btw, can we get some sort of hint as to at least the stregnth and aura of the diadem? Even if it has dormant powers, their auras would show up via detect magic.


Sovereign Court

Has anybody used the pandinomium(?)in the veins adventure from Dungeon#96 to adapt to this one? I had Vollopone and his sand net group make an return appearance for the Champions belt. Loris Rakian took the place of comissioner Flugge three years ago(in the campaign timeline of course.)

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