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So, I'm not sure if it works like the way I read it, but does the Living Grimoire Inquisitor's "Holy Book" ability still have the book count as an improvised weapon?
Holy Book Says: When wielding the holy book as a weapon, it deals damage as a cold iron light mace. You are considered proficient, takes no improvised weapon penalty, and gains +1 on attack rolls with the book.
Now it says, "when wielding it as a weapon" and not as an improvised weapon, but it also brings up not taking the improvised weapon penalty. I can see it going either way saying it counts as a light mace for all purposes or it is an improvised weapon where you ignore the penalties just for it. Any thoughts? I mostly ask for traits like Surprise Weapon, or other things that build off that.
Alright, so this is kind of two questions but here I go anyways.
How does Vestigial Arm/Tentacle work with Monstrous Graft discovery? Can I cut off my tentacle, get a slam attack and now ignore the "does not add any extra attacks" clause? (allowing dagger/dagger/slam?)
Can I take Racial Heritage (Derro) to ignore the wisdom penalty Monstrous Graft gives? I'm fairly certain it works, and I'm fairly certain it doesn't work for the "Method to the Madness" discovery from the same book since I only count as a Derro and not as having "Madness (Ex)".
Vestigial Arm:
Vestigial Arm (Ex)
Benefit: The alchemist gains a new arm (left or right) on his torso. The arm is fully under his control and cannot be concealed except with magic or bulky clothing. The arm does not give the alchemist any extra attacks or actions per round, though the arm can wield a weapon and make attacks as part of the alchemist’s attack routine (using two-weapon fighting). The arm can manipulate or hold items as well as the alchemist’s original arms (for example, allowing the alchemist to use one hand to wield a weapon, another hand to hold a potion, and the third hand to throw a bomb). The arm has its own “hand” and “ring” magic item slots (though the alchemist can still only wear two rings and two hand magic items at a time).
Special: An alchemist may take this discovery up to two times.
Monstrous Graft:
Monstrous Graft (Ex) (Inner Sea Monster Codex pg. 23 (Amazon)): The alchemist can replace up to four of his own amputated limbs with those of a monstrous beast of the same size category. If the grafted limb is an arm, the alchemist gains either a climb speed of 15 feet or a claw or slam natural attack that deals 1d6 points of damage (1d4 for a Small alchemist). If the grafted limb is a leg, the alchemist gains one of the following benefits: a +5 bonus to land speed, a swim speed of 15 feet, or a +5 bonus on Acrobatics checks when jumping. For each limb the alchemist replaces in this manner, he takes a –2 penalty to Wisdom as he loses his sense of self. Derros are immune to this penalty.
Method to the Madness:
Method to the Madness (Ex) (Inner Sea Monster Codex pg. 23 (Amazon)): The alchemist has learned to channel his madness into one of his alchemist class abilities. When the alchemist takes this discovery, he chooses one of either bombs or extracts. If he selects bombs, he uses his Charisma bonus in place of his Intelligence bonus when determining the bonus to damage and the saving throw DCs of his bombs. If the alchemist selects extracts, he uses his Charisma bonus in place of his Intelligence bonus to calculate bonus extracts per day. The alchemist must have the madness extraordinary ability to take this discovery. This discovery can be taken twice, allowing the alchemist to select both bombs and extracts.
Racial Heritage Feat:
Racial Heritage (Human)
The blood of a non-human ancestor flows in your veins.
Prerequisite: Human.
Benefit: Choose another humanoid race. You count as both human and that race for any effects related to race. For example, if you choose dwarf, you are considered both a human and a dwarf for the purpose of taking traits, feats, how spells and magic items affect you, and so on.
Now this was just for a crazy/silly character idea I had, and /r/Pathfinder_RPG wasn't too much help and went off on a few too many tangents. link for the curious