Captain Josper Creesy

Nermal2097's page

Organized Play Member. 407 posts (455 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 3 aliases.

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The group are all young adventurous friends that have been seeking parts of an artifact around the city and surrounding countryside. the latest thing they have been doing is investigating and defeating an evil cult that is trying to infiltrate the city nobility. To this end they have been successful. At the final moment the paladin alone was facing off against the high priest, who, knowing that his cult was destroyed, and having no recourse left, surrendered.

The paladin struck him down, dead.

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Make sure you learn the Dewey Decimal System

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Snorter wrote:
Drahliana Moonrunner wrote:
It's not the candidates that are intolerable to either side. It's actually reached the point that both sides are intolerable to others. The ruralists have had more than enough of condescension from the "liberal elite". While the urbanists have had their fill of being called degenerates from the breadbasket. We have a serious cultural divide that goes beyond candidates.

Maybe it's time to accept the divide is irrevocable, and separate the country?

The 'metropolitan elites' could take the East Coast and West Coast, mostly urban territory, as a pair of 'mega cities'.
And the area in between could be left to the flat earthers, young earth creationists, Armageddon-watchers and Rapture-seekers, as effectively beyond recovery.
Some kind of 'Cursed Earth'?

Don't forget the largely cosmopolitan cities of Texas could band together to join this proposed mega city program.

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Make the floor noisy

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Fire and Ice (not really a movie, as much as a series of animated Frank Frazetta paintings)
Rock and Rule (animated mice people over throw the evil Mick Jagger tyrant)

Can someone please remaster a new soundtrack for Ladyhawke, the score is painful but the film itself is awesome.

Also Plunkett and Macleane is cool, not fantasy but definitely worth a watch.

EDIT: Also, Wizards (1977). How could I have forgotten to mention this?

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56. 100 duck sized horses.

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Last week my 7 and 6 yo daughters told me they like X-Men movies more than Barbie movies.

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If your taste in Scifi runs more to Dune and such galaxy spanning space operatics then Fading Suns would be a good choice

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You do know stuff like this makes America look silly.

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Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:
Master of the Dark Triad wrote:
Mythic Evil Lincoln wrote:

A giant, flying stone head that is worshipped as a deity by a local barbarian tribe.

The head routinely vomits up guns for the barbarians to use when enforcing its will.

Is it bad that this seems familiar to me...?
Oh my yes.

Thank you for reminding of Sean Connery in a red nappy

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Cosmo3PO wrote:
So in The Dark World, Thor's up all night to get Loki?

Yes and he was still Thor in the morning after.

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A Steak pun? That's a rare medium well done.

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55. Impress the yokels by pointing at something and have the unseen servant move it a little bit.

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30. Have it rotate quickly to create a cooling breeze on hot day

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Again Ruloc thank you for sharing your talent with us.

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In most groups there is an, usually unspoken, idea that PCs don,t charge each other for services rendered unto the party. This is why they compared what you were doing to charging for cures etc. Now it might be In Character for you to add a fee, Abadar is all about commerce after all, but trying to charge the party crosses a line that you might not have known was there.

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5 Geek Social Fallacies

These are great if you have not seen them before, very enlightening as to some behaviour you might see round a gaming table.

I have known many, many gamers. Some were "socially awkward", some were complete morons, most were normal people that liked gaming. A few were actually "socially gifted" :)

I am from the UK, I think we have a slightly easier time over here because there was no huge moral panic in the 80s to give RPGs a massive social stigma. When I say I am a gamer to most people they ask "whats that all about then?" not "HOW DARE YOU CONSORT WITH DEMONS!"

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With two weapons you can always choose which order they are applied. However even if you are not using the extra attack the penalties for TWF would always be in effect of wielding two weapons.

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How can anyone dislike nudism? :)