
Lluna Godslave's page

25 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 1 alias.


Lucky7 is banned for being blond.

As easy that I don't even need to be a doctor to do the same you did ;)

Garanted! You hadn't invited him, but he came anyway.

I wish I could never be ill again.

Oh, sorry, Mime, What are you trying to say?
What? Do I win?

Lucky7 is banned because of bad luck e__e

She is happy because I win :)

Gran Rey is banned because of reasons.

At least it is easy to catch a cat sleeping... but if not... catnip!!

The next poster sneezes very tiny cat-like plushies :3

Wise and strong someone's grandfather.

Gran rey de los banned is banned for not appreciating how beautiful my ears are x)

Hmmm, I am so great at winning things.

Belphegor is banned for having red shiny scary eyes.

I am unable to stand up. (That's what happens when you don't drink alcohol at all D:)

The next poster has to help me after all that beer.

Yeah, I am great breathing new life to threads, so here I am. Breathing new life and winning.

Chamber of Secrets x)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Yeah, that's why I am wanted to be in every single birthday party.

The next poster had touched my confetti without knowing where it came from >:D

Hobbsdadolfin is banned because of his fishy smell D:

Charles Scholz wrote:

What country do you call home?

Spain, where most adults think that roleplaying is something dark, youngs that is something too odd and roleplayers are stunned when a girl likes those things xD

hobbsdadolfin wrote:

granted, but you make gramatical errors whenever possible.

I wish for the ability to make people's watch alarms go off at will.

Garanted!But you can't make go off your own watch alarm.

I wish I could decide when it rains and when the sun shines (oh, yeah, that rimes).

Maybe you may mean me.

Gruumash is banned for banning the Gran Rey for constantly changing his name, instead for noticing his names are written in a bad Spanish :(

Oh, sorry, Sir, you may be the ex-Champion but I migh say to you, that is a woman the one who stands as the winner (a.k.a: Me).

It is a great honour for me to be the great and very best champion.

Your wish is garanted! You will work as if you were a whole group, but alone! :D

I wish there were more Pathfinder roleplayers in my country.

How did you know my secret passion for Goblins?

The next poster's favourite food is something really disgusting.

Elan the Bard :D