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![]() For several weeks, excitement has been building in Kenabres - Armasse is coming! While the significance of the holiday has waned over much of the world since the death of Aroden, Iomedae’s followers still celebrate this festival, though it has become more about training the populace in weapons use, brave knights choosing new squires to train for the Crusade, and the ordination of priests than the gathering of clerics and scholars to ponder the lessons and meaning of history. Kenabres’ citizenry are always ready for battle, but on this morning the armed and armored citizens roaming the streets have smiles on their faces and a certain bounce in their step, instead of the down cast eyes, strained expressions and heavy gait that is the more usual day to day sight. Weapons are sheathed nonchalantly, often festooned with bright ribbons on the hilt or haft representing some heraldry or another, and it is apparent from the glint of sunlight off many a knight or armsman’s polished armor that most everyone has made an effort to make the best impression they can for the day. While the official opening ceremony isn’t scheduled to happen until noon, if this Armasse is like any other, Clydwell Plaza will be full at least half an hour earlier. The jousting matches and combat trials, as well as many performers providing more entertainments that Kenabres has seen in the previous year will begin once Lord Hulrun has officially blessed the festivities. Street vendors can be heard calling attention to their wares before dawn fully breaks and every shopkeeper has his best ready for the crowds that are already beginning to fill the streets. Hiro:
You stagger as you emerge from the strange portal you entered, and nearly trip over some very fragrant refuse. You're in a back alley in some outlandishly strange city. The sun is blocked out by the height of the buildings to your right and left, and they're not stately homes with gracefully curved tile roofs, but rather seem to be simple thatch and wood. Before you is a street, filled with people in brightly decorated and well shined plate armor, like those few grizzled crusaders whose families fled to Tian Xia decades ago sometimes wear - except these aren't ancient dented and repaired suits of armor, these appear new, and the sun shining off their shined surface nearly blinds you as you blink in the dim twilight of the shadowed alley.
There is strange music playing, and everyone who walks by seems to be smilng and laughing. A delicious smell wafts your way as a woman in a bright blue dress walks by the alley entrance with a platter of skewered meat.
Take a moment to introduce your character, and talk about what you plan to do for the morning. ![]()
![]() For several weeks, excitement has been building in Kenabres - Armasse is coming! While the significance of the holiday has waned over much of the world since the death of Aroden, Iomedae’s followers still celebrate this festival, though it has become more about training the populace in weapons use, brave knights choosing new squires to train for the Crusade, and the ordination of priests than the gathering of clerics and scholars to ponder the lessons and meaning of history. Kenabres’ citizenry are always ready for battle, but on this morning the armed and armored citizens roaming the streets have smiles on their faces and a certain bounce in their step, instead of the down cast eyes, strained expressions and heavy gait that is the more usual day to day sight. Weapons are sheathed nonchalantly, often festooned with bright ribbons on the hilt or haft representing some heraldry or another, and it is apparent from the glint of sunlight off many a knight or armsman’s polished armor that most everyone has made an effort to make the best impression they can for the day. While the official opening ceremony isn’t scheduled to happen until noon, if this Armasse is like any other, Clydwell Plaza will be full at least half an hour earlier. The jousting matches and combat trials, as well as many performers providing more entertainments that Kenabres has seen in the previous year will begin once Lord Hulrun has officially blessed the festivities. Street vendors can be heard calling attention to their wares before dawn fully breaks and every shopkeeper has his best ready for the crowds that are already beginning to fill the streets. Hiro:
You stagger as you emerge from the strange portal you entered, and nearly trip over some very fragrant refuse. You're in a back alley in some outlandishly strange city. The sun is blocked out by the height of the buildings to your right and left, and they're not stately homes with gracefully curved tile roofs, but rather seem to be simple thatch and wood. Before you is a street, filled with people in brightly decorated and well shined plate armor, like those few grizzled crusaders whose families fled to Tian Xia decades ago sometimes wear - except these aren't ancient dented and repaired suits of armor, these appear new, and the sun shining off their shined surface nearly blinds you as you blink in the dim twilight of the shadowed alley.
There is strange music playing, and everyone who walks by seems to be smilng and laughing. A delicious smell wafts your way as a woman in a bright blue dress walks by the alley entrance with a platter of skewered meat.
Take a moment to introduce your character, and talk about what you plan to do for the morning. ![]()
![]() I'm so excited to run Wrath of the Righteous! But my volume 73 is really falling apart. It's split on pages 2-3, 12-13 and 16-17. I've tried supergluing it together, hoping it would hold together well enough (this worked with Gods & Magic like a charm!) but that doesn't seem to be working here. :( Was there a problem with this printing? Or did I just get a little unlucky! I've had very well loved volumes of APs with nary a problem before this... Order 2707565. ![]()
![]() Well, here it is. Sorry it took so long! Let's get character creation going. I know there was interest from Freehold, Crimson Jester, possibly DSX. I also have another friend coming to the website to try out play by post to get his gaming fix in. Twins is tough on your gaming schedule! Basics:
Did I miss anything? ![]()
![]() For several weeks, excitement has been building in Kenabres - Armasse is coming! While the significance of the holiday has waned over much of the world since the death of Aroden, Iomedae’s followers still celebrate this festival, though it has become more about training the populace in weapons use, brave knights choosing new squires to train for the Crusade, and the ordination of priests than the gathering of clerics and scholars to ponder the lessons and meaning of history. Kenabres’ citizenry are always ready for battle, but on this morning the armed and armored citizens roaming the streets have smiles on their faces and a certain bounce in their step, instead of the down cast eyes, strained expressions and heavy gait that is the more usual day to day sight. Weapons are sheathed nonchalantly, often festooned with bright ribbons on the hilt or haft representing some heraldry or another, and it is apparent from the glint of sunlight off many a knight or armsman’s polished armor that most everyone has made an effort to make the best impression they can for the day. While the official opening ceremony isn’t scheduled to happen until noon, if this Armasse is like any other, Clydwell Plaza will be full at least half an hour earlier. The jousting matches and combat trials, as well as many performers providing more entertainments that Kenabres has seen in the previous year will begin once Lord Hulrun has officially blessed the festivities. Street vendors can be heard calling attention to their wares before dawn fully breaks and every shopkeeper has his best ready for the crowds that are already beginning to fill the streets. Take a moment to introduce your character, and talk about what you plan to do for the morning. ![]()
![]() Well, here it is. Please take a look at the Wrath of the Righteous Player's Guide (you can download it free with an account), and think about what characters you want to create. Characterization Guidelines I want this to be a heroic crusade, and I would prefer if the characters could be created such that they could form something along the line of a holy order. Characters with a strong religious background with a good god that lends itself toward crusading against demons will be greatly preferred. Non-good characters are a possibility only if they're somehow on a path of redemption - a thorough background is a must for characters like this. Think Sparhawk and his band of church knights from the Elenium and the Tamuli by David and Leigh Eddings. The knights were from different orders, and they picked up squires, thieves and sorceresses and other diverse companions along the way, but they were at heart a group of adventuring paladins. Character creation rules:
Proposed house rules:
Hm. Anything else? ![]()
![]() This is a really good, in-depth article on why medical costs are what they are. Very informative. Just thought others might be interested. ![]()
![]() I ordered a bunch of 10th anniversary stuff, and preordered the carrion crown dice at the same time, so I assume the blank order in my acount page (2165799) listed as part of a split order (the other order is 2165800) with the anniversary promotion and first $10 shipping is this order. I had a bunch of maps, some minis and some of the sci-fi books for sale on this order. I assumed I hadn't received a shipping notice because of Gen Con and didn't worry too much about it until I checked it out tonight. is this order lost? Or is it recoverable? ![]()
![]() I've drawn a sketchy version of Ziddiger's picnic. I have the words written down as well. Can I post this as a resource for other GMs? With the words? Shall I edit the words out of the pictures? I don't want to cause problems, but I and my group found an actual book helped enormously. It's not fine art or anything, but it gets the main points across. Thank you. ![]()
![]() So, if you have a player that wants to play a cleric of Pharasma, and she's really attached to the idea of not allowing the looting of tombs...and the adventure path you're running contains a not insignificant number of tombs where the wealth found inside is assumed to be part of party treasure...can anyone think of some good justifications that are party friendly for such a cleric to allow the taking of valuable items? I could see her allowing the party to take items from a tomb they cleared of undead abominations, for example. Or if they take a really cool magical sword, replace it with a more mundane one...? Any other ideas? This will be a large group, I want to minimize the chances for conflict... ![]()
![]() So, we ran into Dominate Person in our Pathfinder Society scenario this weekend. And....surprisingly, have some questions! Our fighter was dominated in the first round of combat. He was ordered to "Fight your[his] friends". It says in the text of the spell:
We decided that ordering the fighter to attack his friends was against his nature (as he's not normally a backstabber), and gave him another save with a +2 bonus. He succeeded on the save...and we weren't sure what that meant. It didn't seem fair for a 4th level spell to just disappear. What we decided was he successfully resisted that particular command, and the controller would have to spend a move action to give the dominated person a new command - or in this case, the same command again as he resisted it the first time. This ruling did lead to another question - what does the dominated person without a command do for his turn of combat? We had him stand there, essentially dazed. Thoughts? ![]()
![]() I am playing a caster that can cast 6th level spells for the first time, and we knew we would face some powerful undead. I saw the 6th level spell "Undeath to Death" and thought "Yes! This will be cool!" Then I read the spell description. You can't cast this spell until you're at least 11th level, and it has no effect whatsoever on anything with 9 or more HD? And it costs 500 gp per casting? And they get a fortitude save? Really? I...can't think of any reason I would memorize this. I can almost see the worth of having one scroll in that rare case where you'll happen to be facing a lot of low level undead. But I've never seen such a fight at levels where one would have access to the scroll. Ugh. ![]()
![]() There are lots of times where someone wants to post formatted text - especially tables of information of some sort - and are unable to format it well. Creating a [ code ][ /code ] block, much like the [ ooc ][ /ooc ] blocks, that simply makes everything inside appear in the default fixed width font for a user's chosen internet browser would be very helpful in allowing post formatting for a minimum of new code added on your end, hopefully. ![]()
![]() Aaaaargh! You've done it again! Separated me from cash in my wallet, using the same old trick of producing an excellent product I simply must have! You'd think I'd see through it, but I'm left with no choice but to not only purchase goods from you, but be happy about it as you separate me from my money. :) Merry Christmas to me. Now I get to wait by the door for the delivery man. ![]()
![]() In beta there was an increase in the difficulty in casting defensivly if there were more opponents around while you were attemtping to cast. I no longer see mention of that rule. As a player I ran my character up next to a caster to try to impede their casting, but once I got there I couldn't find any mention that my presence in addition to the fighter's presence in any way made casting defensively more difficult. Did I just not look hard enough? Or is it no harder to cast defensively when being attacked by 8 goblins than when being attacked by 1? ![]()
![]() Sorry, I hope this is the place to put this, haven't posted in here before. A link to this paper was posted and I found it absolutely engrossing. I don't know if others will find it as interesting, but I thought I"d post it here anyway, as I thought it interesting. Besides...if you're going to go to the trouble of doing a dissertation rather than more gaming....might as well do the dissertation on gaming! :D ![]()
![]() Hello, my order confirmation says I can expect it to ship "Should ship from our warehouse within 33 to 51 business days" I got 2 day shipping because I wanted the dice asap (my dice got lost, and I need new ones for gaming!), but if it's not going to ship out for a month to two months anyway, could I switch it to regular shipping? Or could I get it split up into smaller orders that ship a little sooner? ![]()
![]() ON COMBINING SKILLS The most critical issue with regard to combining skills is leaving them with some level of parity. One skill should not obviously outshine another in value. If one skill is more often usful than another, than the other should provide a greater bonus in those times when it can be used, or it should provide opportunities to make itself useful - or it should be useful for mitigating some other dire weakness for a character. I think there are classes of skills that are obviously strong, obviously weak, somewhat weak, and just about right. My personal breakdown looks like this: Obviously Strong:
Obviously Weak: Craft - I think this is weak because it takes too long to make something useful and I have difficulties with crafting categories. There's no reason a person that can make a bow shouldn't be able to craft a high quality quarterstaff. Distinguishing between making a longbow and making a ranseur but not between making leather armor and platemail is frustrating. And any skill breakdown I make here is equally strange, or so specific as to render the skill even more useless. I think, for gaming purposes, Craft breakdowns for most adventuring equipments would be
There would be other categories for less useful adventuring gear, but that seems to break up the utility of the most often sought after craft categories. Knowledge (blah) - Knowledge skill usefullness varies sharply by campaign. Monster identifying knowledge skills are probably most often useful. Knowledge (engineering), Knowledge (nobility) and Knowledge (geography) are least often used, in my experience. I would like to see the following Knowledge list:
As an aside, if Knowledges were broken up in this manner, I'd just give Bards a free rank each level in Knowledge(cultures) as a matter of course and call that Bardic Knowledge. Profession - This is generally not meant to be a strong choice for a character - after all, if they were happy being a cooper, they wouldn't be going out to kill monsters and demi-gods!!! So maybe it's okay for this to be weak. One slight improvment might be to continue the idea of breaking down the possibilities into a few broader but more useful categories. Profession (Laborer), Profession (Artisan), Profession (Clerk), Profession (Entertainer), Profession (Politician) maybe? Perform - In my opinion, this is the real stinker. There is no difference between Perform(Dance) and Profession (Dancer) or Profession (Entertainer). This skill is a waste of precious page space. As I've remarked in many former posts, forcing bards to take ranks in this stinky skill just adds insult to injury. I would strongly urge either reducing this to one Perform skill, with different "types" of performance being gained for each rank (like Linguistics), or removing it entirely and rolling anyone with ranks in Perform (kazoo) into Profession (Entertainer). Somewhat Weak:
The best way I'm seeing to look at these is try to attach one or two non-movement skills to each movement skill. I think the best way to do this is to look at creatures with a natural movement mode of that type, and see what makes good sense for such creatures, and what doesn't in general work. My best version right now is:
I would also like Ride and Handle Animal rolled into one skill called Handle Animal. I don't think either is so powerful that it's game breaking to combine them - and it makes sense, just like rolling spot and listen into Perception and hide and move silently into Stealth - they're two sides of the same coin. ![]()
![]() Agile Maneuvers - Unchanged. Arcane Armor Mastery - Prerequisites: Arcane Armor Training, BaB +5, caster level 1st.
Arcane Armor Training - Prerequisites: BaB +2, caster level 1st.
Arcane Strike - Unchanged. This scales. It does point out how awful Weapon Specialization is as a feat, however. Armor Proficiency - Benefit: You are proficient with Light, Medium and Heavy armor. When you wear a type of armor with which you are proficient, the armor check penalty for that armor applies only to Dexterity- and Strength-based skill checks. This proficiency does not remove arcane casting penalties or limits to the usability of class features limited by wearing a certain class of armor.
Armor Mastery - Prerequisites: Armor Proficiency, BaB +5
Augment Summoning - Unchanged. I'd love to see increasing bonuses here, but plenty of people take this feat, so it's pretty good already. Agile Maneuvers - Prerequisites: Overhand Chop, base attack bonus +6.
Blind Fight - Benefit: In melee, every time you miss because of concealment, you can reroll your miss chance percentile roll one time to see if you actually hit. An invisible attacker gets no advantages related to hitting you in melee. That is, you don’t lose your Dexterity bonus to Armor Class, and the attacker doesn’t get the usual +2 bonus for being invisible. The invisible attacker’s bonuses do still apply for ranged attacks, however. You do not need to make Acrobatics skill checks to move at full speed while blinded. When you have 5 skill ranks invested in the Perception skill, you gain tremorsense 5'. For each additional 5 ranks you have, you gain another 5' on the radius of your temorsense. When you have 15 skill ranks in Perception, you gain blind sight 5'. If you have 20 ranks invested in Perception, your blind sight increases to a 10' radius.
Caught Off-Guard - Prerequisites: Base attack bonus +4.
When you have a base attack bonus of at least +8 you may make a bluff attempt as a swift action to render one opponent you threaten flat-footed against you. The number of oppoenents you may attempt this bluff against increases by one every time you base attack bonus has increased by a further 4 points. Opponents you succeed in bluffing against consider you unarmed and harmless - until you attack. This bluff check can only work once / day against any particular opponent with any particular object. Succeeding bluff checks with different objects may still work against an opponent, but the opponent gets +2 to their sense motive for each bluff check allowed by this feat on any day.
Cleave - Prerequisites: Str 13, Power Attack, base attack bonus +1.
Combat Casting - I would remove this feat entirely - because I strongly believe that defensive casting should be removed or made much more difficult. The ability to cast quickly (standard action or less) and not suffer attack or spell disruption is a big part of the reason melee lag so far behind magic users at mid to high levels. Combat Expertise - Prerequisites: Int 13, BaB +1.
Combat Reflexes - Benefit: You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity equal to your Dexterity bonus. With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.
Combat Training Expertise - Prerequisite: Int 13, Combat Expertise, Improved Combat Training
Craft Imbued Item - Prerequisites: Caster Level 1st.
You can also mend a broken imbued item if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the raw materials and half the time it would take to craft that item in the first place. Some imbued items incur extra costs in material components as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the item’s base price. You must pay such a cost to create an item or to mend a broken one. The thought process here is to simplify crafting - making it fun and less difficult. This was also already proposed on the forums by someone else, so it's not my idea, but I think it a great way to simplify things, and I think it makes sense from simulationist standpoint as well - creating one use items is easier than creating charged items, which is easier than creating continuous or command word infinite use items. Craft Magical Item - Prerequisites: Caster Level 3rd.
You can also mend a broken magical item if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the raw materials and half the time it would take to craft that item in the first place. Some magical items incur extra costs in material components as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the item’s base price. You must pay such a cost to create an item or to mend a broken one. The thought process here is to simplify crafting - making it fun and less difficult. This was also already proposed on the forums by someone else, so it's not my idea, but I think it a great way to simplify things, and I think it makes sense from simulationist standpoint as well - creating one use items is easier than creating charged items, which is easier than creating continuous or command word infinite use items. Craft Wondrous Item - Prerequisites: Caster Level 5th.
You can also mend a broken wondrous item if it is one that you could make. Doing so costs half the raw materials and half the time it would take to craft that item in the first place. Some wondrous items incur extra costs in material components as noted in their descriptions. These costs are in addition to those derived from the item’s base price. You must pay such a cost to create an item or to mend a broken one. The thought process here is to simplify crafting - making it fun and less difficult. This was also already proposed on the forums by someone else, so it's not my idea, but I think it a great way to simplify things, and I think it makes sense from simulationist standpoint as well - creating one use items is easier than creating charged items, which is easier than creating continuous or command word infinite use items. The only item type in this alternate crafting feat scheme that is changed significatly is continuous or command word activated wondrous items are delayed by two caster levels. ![]()
![]() I placed this order on October 2, 2008. I need RotRL #2 very soon for my ongoing game, and I ordered it with plenty of time to spare. From the tracking information, I know the packaged was damaged by UPS during shipment and returned to Paizo. I was informed it would be a while before it was again shipped out to me because of subscription mailings. I'm going to need that part of the module very soon, and would like it asap so I can be familiar with it. Has my order shipped out? Could I have a copy of the pdf to tide me over until it arrives? I have already received the volumes 4-6 which I ordered weeks later. I know this wasn't paizo's fault, you guys were awesome helping out with the order that go lost during Ike and everything. Anything you could do or any information on the shipment of this order would be welcome. Thank you, - Jess ![]()
![]() Sorry if others can see other copies of this, the post monster got to my thread, I believe. so my question is, what exactly does taking cover behind your mount using the ride skill do? Does it grant +4 to AC, sort of like Total defense only you must make a successful skill check? Does it grant total cover? My understanding is once you take cover, you are denied attack or spellcasting action on the next round...is this correct? Thanks! ![]()
![]() It does not use an action - but the next round you are unable to attack or cast spells. What is the benefit of this action? Are you taking total cover, negating all targetting attacks against you in compensation for losing all attack bonus? Are you getting simply a cover bonus to your AC? Is this the mounted version of total defense...with a skill check required because you're riding? Does anybody know? Both the exact nature of the penalty and the exact nature of the advantage? ![]()
![]() I tried to find a thread for this. If this is in the wrong place, I apologize - please let me know where I should post this and I'll go there. I thought it'd be good to start a thread for those seeking Pathfinder playtest games. I'm in a great one, but the vagaries of employment are forcing me to move over 1000 miles away, to Houston. I was wondering if there're any Houston area Pathfinder playtests with room for another player! |