
華子: Hanako's page

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(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5
GM Mort wrote:

Thanks for your compliments, Piotr especially about the one without question of system and setting. That is quite touching.

Unfortunately I think my time for D&D in general has probably come to a close, and I'm sorry that it entwined all of you in it.

I also chose to let you write your own retirements because I think the last thing I gift I can give you would be free will...

Nothing to apologize for. I enjoyed getting to write my exit!

As far as quitting D&D, I’m sick of d20 systems but not RPGs. I find rules-lite or PbtA works for me, particularly Masks and Thirsty Sword Lesbians—both of which use the Apocalypse World system, but with a twist that you’re a superhero (or… sword lesbian) who doesn’t kill.

I GM gory nonsense, but must admit beating up the bad guy and being able to gloat or watch him flee is more rewarding than knocking his head off.

But more to the point is the simplicity of the system. Advancing does very little in terms of dice math or decisions.

Another thing that works for me personally is GMing one-shots. Two weeks to two months, and done. Not a lot of stress, and I take a few months off from GMing before I run the next.

Just some thoughts if you’re getting burnt but don’t want to stop cold turkey. Loved how you ran this. I didn’t leave this or any game because of the people running/playing them.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Thanks. Sorry to see the game ends here, but I echo everyone’s sentiment. In addition, Mort, I appreciated the happy ending for Hanako.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5


Hanako says yes, and later escorts Maeve to the cabin where Baldhart can grow to six feet tall without drawing attention. Baldhart cannot sing, but she CAN play the viol. Hanako summons a viola, and she and Baldy play the melodies. Baldhart plays the notes that Naysa sang, while Hanako plays what she sang earlier.

“The beauty of harmony is that it works because each singer follows a different melody. If you are interested, I can teach you not only this song, but the principles that make it so beautiful. We can harmonize together!”

Already, Hanako envisions a day when she and Maeve are both in their twenties, putting on a sister act in Oparra!

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Maeve & Naysa:
Hanako leans on the rail alongside her family. “We should pray to Desna and Shelyn on behalf of Ann, Piotr, Garrosh and Kilarra.” She takes out her viol, then explains to Maeve, “Shelyn will not hear the prayer if it is boring.”

“DING!” Baldhart agrees. The fairy covers her mouth, remembering she is not supposed to flash very, very bright green or do things that draw attention. She turns to Maeve, a sheepish grin on her face.

Hanako proceeds to play a tune. Why wait for Oparra. The world is my stage!

Perform: 1d20 + 15 ⇒ (17) + 15 = 32

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Naysa & Maeve:
In the morning, Hanako can’t wait to get to the ship. She casts Conjure Carriage with a song, and asks Naysa, “Shall we ride to the docks in style? Orrrr… will my new spell scare the people of Thrushmoor?”

Whether she needs to dispel the carriage or not, she at least wants to show Maeve the interior. “In Oparra, my magic will be accepted, and we can enjoy this sweet ride every day! And… speaking of magic and acceptance, I think to be a true sister to you, I cannot keep any secrets from you.

“So I will let you see the face I always, always keep hidden.”

Hanako is visibly nervous. She is always guised as a human, like her father, or an ordinary fox. But she never shows her form that is both woman and fox.

While seated in the conjured carriage, she shifts to her true kitsune form—for Maeve’s eyes only, and Naysa’s too, if she chose to climb into the carriage. (Just to sit inside if she told Hanako not to ride this in public. Hanako will obey her new mother.)

“This is me, Maeve. This is the animal that I am. I do not want the world to see me like this. It is easier to appear human. But when it is just us, I can be… me!”

Hanako has a large fluffy tail. She adjusts her magical outfit to accommodate this. Perhaps the soft tail is less frightening to the child than her strange face.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Maeve & Naysa:
Hanako gives the kid a warm hug.

“It is not your fault, Maeve. And it is for the best that the trap was laid. The monstrous creature is one who attacks ships. It had to be put down.”

She finds it funny that she won’t use the word ‘killed’ in front of a child who has witnessed so much horror.

“Besides—if not for the way the night turned out, I may have continued to help the others fight. Nothing like a near-death experience to help you see what matters most.”

Being a big sister.

Even with the grand theater of Oparra to look forward do, all the stray fox truly needs is a home.

She snaps her fingers, willing a lute to fall to her hands.

“How about a lullaby for my two little sisters?”

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hanako smiles meekly. “Oh, please… do not wake anyone on my account. If it is no trouble, yes… I could use some medical attention.”

Hanako has full health, thanks to Winter, but is still CON-drained.

She and Baldhart disrobe to the necessary extent, and Hanako tells of her kidnapping. She wonders if Maeve sent for a runner, or whether the runner was in fact sent by the witch. In any case, she tells all except for Kilarra’s retreat or anything else that may cast doubt over her heroic friends.

They saved my life. I must never utter a harsh word about them, despite what was said to me…

She eventually misters the nerve to say, “Naysa, I am not strong like the others. I know it is wrong to invite myself, but if you would not object to Maeve having a big sister… and a little sister,” she adds, patting Baldy on the head, “I could earn my keep at the theater, and my healing song may help you with your patients.

“Baldhart and I would not take up much space, me in my fox form, her normally…”

It is awkward for Hanako to invite herself in this way, but she is certain that a life of violence, however justified, will bring out a darkness in her. She would rather purge that, starting with that awful spell. (Biting Words—I always RP’d her a little dark when that spell was active.)

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hanako makes sure she has an escort. She cannot wait to tell Maeve the news.

Having said her goodbyes, Hanako does not look back. This is the third time she has left one family for another. Can I just settle in with Naysa and Maeve? Will the theater adore me? Of course they will!—and Maeve too. I will train her…

Exit, stage left…

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5


Also, PM to GM.

I’m not concerned how I get my new character in. If you already have a plan for that, please run with it and disregard the last bit of my PM.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Mostly I ask because I’m noting the duration in my profile.

Zero: Guidance • Light • Mage Hand • Mending • Message(x10) • Open/Close

1st: Long Arm(2en) • Mage Armor(hrs) • Jump(2en) • Expeditious Retreat(2en) • Reduce Person(2en) • Lv.11
2en = two encounters; I’ll mark it “3en” @Lv.10.

2nd: Alter Self(2en) • Spider Climb(x10) • Barkskin(x10) • See Invisibility(x10)
x10 = ten minutes per level

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Nice!! I ended up ditching Armor since my DEX is so high armor isn’t worth it. So I will cast Mage Armor before entering a “lair.”

What of a 10 min/level duration that isn’t split, such as Message, Barkskin, See Invisibility, etc.?

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5
GM Mort wrote:

Random assorted house rules:

You can buy upgrade dust to sprinkle on your weapon for 2k gp. (For a +1). From +1 to +2, you pay for the upgrade dust piecemeal, like you would in a PFS game. This was done so that in magic-mart scarce APs(which happens quite some), its easier for players to get their stuff upgraded.

Min per level buffs. 5 min and above ,it lasts 2 combats. 10 min, 3. Anything below lasts only a single encounter.

Random Musing:
Strange Aeons, imo is fairly unforgiving as an AP. Probably because it’s pathfinder version of Call of Cthulhu.

Also, if you want to torture NPCs for info, since you don't have NPCs walking the high road(until you meet one of those) in your party, by all means go ahead. I don't have issues with torturing of bad guys for information as a GM.


Feel free to ask any questions. I have run the AP to completion (with a single gestalt player after the group fell apart), so I should be able to answer them without any issues. However if some are too spoilerific, then I will outright tell you that it's too spoilerish and I can't answer.

I will be honest and say that European timezone isn't exactly a best fit if we're trying to push for speed, since I am on Asian timezone, and will only be awake through your mornings + afternoons. So please cut your GM some slack ;)

Re: Other timezones, that's fine.


Question on duration houserule:

So I think min/level is self-explanatory… and I LOVE this houserule! Protection From Evil, Communal would then last one encounter, unless every targets ends up with a 5 min duration (Lv.10, 2 targets).

I’m guessing for hours-long spells like Mage Armor, it simply lasts that many hours.

Do you houserule 10 min/level durations? (…or treat them as “hours” at Lv.6 or so?)

I think your answer to that would give me an idea how Resist Energy Communal would work.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Technically both.

I’m starting my new character with buffs that last 2 encounters or longer, many of which are for spying.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

My current spell list lacks group buffs, but Haste and Resist Energy Communal are potential Lv.8/9 spells. I have my reasons for not taking these at 7.

I love Mort’s duration rule, so my starting spells are all spells that last at least 2 encounters.

Question: if I have a shield (or shield cloak), does that stack with magic armor (but not the shield spell, of course).

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hanako smiles. “It helps when you put it that way.

“I do not know if I will ever learn my past. I decided it does not matter. I hope when you learn who you were, it will not change who you are.”

She contemplates forgiveness. “Yes. Definitely yes. And the only truth of tonight that Maeve and Naysa will know is that you all saved my life.”

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

All cool OoC. You were helping me exit her. I get that.

Also, good news. Making a last-minute change to be a bigger help with knowledge checks. It isn’t as good as Hanako’s peacock would have been, but still not too shabby.

PM to Mort

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Note: Hanako’s letter is IC. If I completely agreed OoC, I would leave as a player too.

If I wanted to keep playing Hanako, I would still have her struggle with the trust issue by RP’ing that in-game.

I don’t hate playing Hanako. I think she’s fun because of the personality and making up lyrics for every single spell. But casting isn’t my cup of tea. If I had known about agile weapons, I’d have given her a rapier with plans for Improved Crit. Then she’d actually hurt DR5 enemies. I don’t need an optimal character, but I really do think it’s a problem if my character is perceived as so weak party members even consider self-sacrifice to minimize PC deaths.

The timing (Maeve shipping out next in-game day) made me think it’s easier to swap Hanako out for a different DEX-fighter/CHA-caster, even though she won’t be as good as Hanako on the magical/social side.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hanako replies, “It is perhaps cowardice on my part. I cannot explain myself to the others, and honestly, I have barely had time to process all that happened.

“You all saved my life, and all I want is to thank you. But… there is so much anger. It is not as if I was lying on fluffy pillows.” Hanako points to the stele and shackles. “These yellow-robes sure do not know how to treat a sacrificial virgin.”

She does not crack a smile, despite her little joke.

“Piotr, Ann, you both have been wonderful to me… and Garrosh and Kilarra will never understand how much I admired them. But the feeling is not mutual. I cannot unsee that.

“I will leave my thoughts with you. If you think them too harsh, well… just tell the gist I suppose.”

She hands off the letter.

Hanako’s Letter:
Dear Piotr,
Please feel free to read this to the others verbatim, or sugarcoat as you see fit.

I apologize for parting like this, and I understand that I may appear ungrateful, bordering on treacherous. I cannot imagine what hardships you faced seeking me. I wish this letter could simply be a thank you note and nothing more.

However, I cannot help but notice how much our sense of teamwork fell apart the moment I brandished a healing wand. And as I have been asked to explain myself so much, I thought I should include an explanation of my wish to depart.

I am not a hardened warrior. I have exactly who talents that matter in battle: bolstering confidence and healing. However otherwise useless I am in the good fight, I believe I have proven on more than one occasion that there is no circumstance in which I would flee while one of you is in danger. I trusted all of you to do the same for me and for each other, so imagine my surprise when the strongest of you said to me:

“You can stay here and die.”

…and retreated!

I do not understand why. Why go through the trouble of saving me, then give up and leave half our number to die? My life is not worth one of yours, certainly not three of yours! Is it because of a lack of faith in my ability? Does my presence not only fail to inspire courage, but now my words and song have the opposite effect?

I cannot be certain. All I know is that, in a difficult moment, when I put on a brave front as a show of strength for the enemy, I was opposed and abandoned by an ally. My trust was broken, and yet while the witch’s body was still warm, I was being admonished for my gullibility. If my foolishness for walking into the witch’s trap is so deserving of ridicule, then consider myself now-wisened in regard to whom I place my trust.

My hope for you is that, in my absence, the discordance will disappear with me, and you will again act as an unfaltering team, no longer burdened by the “liability.” Only then, might you understand my motive for departure is not entirely selfish.

I truly will all of you well.

With Some Regret & Much Love,


The X is barely legible, and there is a tiny hole where Baldhart accidentally pierced the parchment with the quill.

She then says, “I truly am sorry about this, but Maeve and Naysa depart in the morning. Their ship is my one chance to be where I am not seen as a liability.

“Perhaps someone can pass my apologies to the painter. The girl in the pink robe was obviously me, despite lacking a face, and the fairy in blue on my shoulder… we did not even know Baldhart at the time. I hope Shelyn forgives me for defying my destiny as depicted by a fellow artist.”

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hanako busies herself with a note while Winter meditates. She will hand the note to Piotr or Winter, adding the appropriate name to the salutation before doing so.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

I failed to grasp the word “immediately” in the feat description, so nope… Hanako can’t cure Garrosh’s DEX drain before exiting.

C’est la vie.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Could Hanako take Contingent Spell as her Lv.7 feat?

If I understand correctly, she would be able to cast her CLW using her Lv.3 slots (2 slots) to cure ability damage. I’m not sure whether I would roll d8+5 or the roll would be different, but she could help with Garrosh’s -11 DEX, I believe.

(And I’m pretty sure Remove Blindness is also covered by this Metamagic feat, but Winter seems to have that under control.)

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

I think that much makes sense. None of the party share stuff will go to her.

(In my head, I picture her as stowing away as Maeve’s pet fox, and Baldhart using the sleeves to disguise in doll clothes… but I’m sure she can just legitimately board. And should. Baldhart can easily and safely hide if Hanako uses her sleeves to form a layered look that is loose and flowing.)

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

I’m happy to let Mort make the call on what’s fair, but I don’t think Hanako should take any treasure. The increase isn’t enough to be game-breaking, and in my opinion, what makes a treasure-split fair is that the party benefits no matter who has the money.

If a character walks away with money or items, they are simply gone and do not benefit the party.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hanako is takes in Piotr’s embrace, and gives Ann a big hug. She then offers her arm, “I am not in such a hurry. Let me help you, Ann.”

As for Baldhart’s reaction, Hanako explains to Winter, “Baldhart seems to like the… barrel things?”

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hanako could retort… but her ability to find the most piercing words might just earn her an ass-kicking.

“A complete liability? No upsides at all? I suppose I should feel insulted, but your brutal honesty only makes a difficult decision relatively easier.

“I am going to join Maeve and Naysa. There is a grand theater where they are headed.” Hanako hands over the healing wand. “I appreciate you saving my life. I will go and live it.”

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

@Garrosh, edited to respond to your question.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Oh, then I need to figure out how many charges are on the current wand!

Hanako takes the rapier and pierces the yellow-blooded creature. (Coup de grace.) She leaves the blade buried in its face and just glares at the thing.

“Maeve sets sail tomorrow. This is the monster that has been attacking ships.”

In reply to Garrosh, “It seems woman set a trap. A child told me Maeve wanted to see me. I thought Baldhart flying me to her would keep us safe, but the creature anticipated our aerial route. It swooped from the clouds, flying faster than Baldhart, so we could not escape or come to you for help.

“Fighting it was futile, I know… I know I am quite harmless, but it was that or surrender. Surrender is stupid if the enemy is going to kill you anyway.”

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hanako rushes over to the fallen woman. If she has a blade that Hanako knows how to use, Hanako will arm herself!

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

The character is already created. K.Arcana and Spellcraft bonuses exist. DEX skill bonuses are in the teens, including Disable Device. She should do well at scouting.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hanako heals Piotr again!

♥️: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (3) + 1 = 4

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

I wouldn’t ditch Hanako for another bard.

Similarities exist… and spellcraft too. Not a very impressive number, but you did remind me: @Mort, PM question about that.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

I like the character, but feel that with Maeve exiting the game, she has more reason to leave than to stay. The replacement will be better at the DEX stuff, less so in the CHA stuff.

Knowledge Arcana is what the party lacks, right? I can help a bit there. —and with CLW wands!

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

In part, I am no good at resource management. For example, I *know* I should not eat through bardic performance but save it for bigger fights. (But then I think, if I give the bonus now we’re in better shape in later fights.) The other part is that I was so ignorant of the agile weapon quality—you can go far with DEX.

I had considered retraining Hanako, but exiting with Maeve makes sense story wise, and there are is also a character concept I want to try out.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Thanks for understanding. There’s a good in-story exit for Hanako next in-game morning. I guess you will meet the new character shortly after her departure.

@Mort, I wrote up a sorta backstory… more to practice the character’s voice.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hey everyone, I want to surprise your characters but not blindside you, the players.

Hanako will bow out at the end of book 2. I will continue playing with a new character.

Hanako is a joy to play, but I would have to retrain her like crazy to make her more effective in battle. Mort approved of her replacement whose profile is just a backstory away from being complete.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5
Piotr Tataru wrote:
That red dot has always been hard to see. A nice red message would be so much easier. I thought I had already done the 2 points, but went ahead and added it. A history of changes would be lovely as well from the boards on one's profile.

And hopefully you ignored my OoC typo and took 8 this round.

I don’t even get a red dot (phone/iPad), so I need to check or I miss them.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hanako uses the wand on Piotr again.

CLW Piotr: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (7) + 1 = 8
2 last round + 7 this round!

“Disarray, yes… but I did not slip out of my shackles to flee. The flying monster must die—this is not about me.”

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

@Piotr, don’t forget to add 2hp from my CLW. Hopefully I can roll better next time! (…if I’m still conscious.)

@Mort, PM sent!

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

My nondisplaced fracture in the pinky toe has nothing to do with running, and everything to do with sliding down several wooden stairs on my ass and having my fall (and toe) broken by the corner of the bannister.

The healing is fast. I was good enough for the bike trail over the weekend.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hanako dives toward Piotr and heals him…
Acro: 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (12) + 16 = 28
CLW Wand: 1d8 + 1 ⇒ (1) + 1 = 2
[Insert string of cuss words here.]

…a little.

She then says…
Bluff (Lie): 1d20 + 17 ⇒ (11) + 17 = 28

“Why sacrifice yourselves for me? You know all I can do is bolster your ability with my song!”

Hanako’s song has no magic and she knows it. But she puts on the act in the hope that Kilarra and Garrosh will stop thinking about sacrifice and start thinking about winning.

You think you lured
My friends into a trap
Well, think again
This conundrum’s yours to grapple

How frightening your wrath
That forced us down this path
The fight is four on two
Why don’t you do the math?

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Ha… I broke my toe last Friday. But even without the setback, I’m nowhere near 26.2 or 6.2. Never is a strong word, but I’m old enough to say with some certainty a marathon is unlikely for me. 200 miles is unthinkable to me! Good for you for even supporting that on a bike!

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hanako falls.

DC10 CON: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (18) - 2 = 16

She’s stable… but she won’t be fleeing or healing allies.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

I thought we simply acted within our block, and only the enemy’s turns matter regarding initiative… but that’s a Mort question.

(I misunderstood, and thought you were delaying for other PCs.)

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

I Piotr and Kilarra have acted, and my characters have used all of their actions for the round.

Hanako won’t argue the point, but is under the impression the enemy won’t let us walk away. She has the CLW want in hand and can cast on Piotr or Kilarra from where she now stands. She has 5 HP… but I haven’t been keeping track of damage to the creature. (I know in addition to drain effects, the rolls have been awful. I got lucky this round with enemies having bad rolls!)

Baldhart retreated because she knows she’s harmless, and falling in battle will not help Hanako. (She already risked her life to free Hanako, so fight or retreat, her part is done.)

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Standard to take it, but that ends my turn.

Hanako isn’t so sure they can just leave, and she’d rather not tell her rescuers how to rescue, but…

“Kilarra… grateful as I am you are here, please believe me. That thing must die.”

She takes the wand. Retreat or not, Hanako will heal her friends as quickly as she can!

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

“Ah, thank you, Ann! Kilarra, please drop the wand. I will help!”

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

Hanako reverts to her human shape.

She says to the others, “They took my healing wand.”

She wants to thank them… but first they must survive, and a weakling drained of her magic can do nothing. At least not one who refuses to flee.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

No roll needed… that works!

I believe Hanako can revert to human this round? (Move + standard)

Then next round, I can hopefully grab the wand and heal people.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

PM to this^.

…errrrr, “this” being Kilarra’s post on the last page.

(-2 CON) Female Kitsune Lv.5 Bard Duettist | ♥️27/27 | 0/19BP | Spells:0/6~0/3| Arrows:60 | Charges:25 | 17AC/13t/14ff | Fort+2/Ref+8/Will+5 | Perc+9 | Init+5

I just accepted a new job today. So… shorter commute, but I will likely not post during lunch due to (1) lousy internet connection and (2) me being the new guy.

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