
Gilamunsta's page

Organized Play Member. 55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.


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The Exchange

Kevin, thanks for your continued work on Modern Path, especially the Hero Labs Data set. =)

Are you planning on incorporating Difficulties into the Data set or am I just missing something? Also how do you plan on addressing Languages? Common comes up as the automatic/base language.

The Exchange

So the Scale on the folio map is supposed to be 4 mi, with each tick being 1/4 mi?

The Exchange

Yeah, that's what I went with 21 ROVA, AR4713 =)

The Exchange

James: I love the fact that after all these years you guys still peruse the boards and are not afraid to answer =)

And after reviewing the Bard abilities, Matt is right - it was the Versatile Performance (String) that tripped me up.
I'd never played a Bard and neither has anyone else in the campaigns I'd run, so I overlooked the ability - guess I'll know better from now on. I did however figure out correctly that you guys set Bard as her favorite class =)

The Exchange

Since Ameiko has the same levels in Jade Regent as in RotRL, I began putting her into herolabs for later use; and I found that as written, she has 10 points more in skills than she should have. I tried recreating her manually as well, just to make sure that my copy of HL is not smoking crack, but I still come up with +10 skill points.

This makes me wonder - did I miss something?

The Exchange

I'm starting a new campaign using RotRL (Anniversary), and I'm trying to figure what day the Autumnal Equinox would fall on in AR4713 so I know which day Swallowtail Release would be on.

Any help would be appreciated... =)

The Exchange

I have one very simple request: NO reprinting equipment from a previoulsy published Paizo source (Armory/APG anyone?)

The Exchange

You could also do this: Go find a roughly 8'-9' (yup, this would be the actual length of a quarter-(or short-)staff) staff, or rod, or whatever.

Swing it like a greatsword, thrust like a spear, etc. - i.e. your hands are very close together, right on top of one another. These would be your example of using the quarterstaff as a 2handed weapon.

In the words of George Silver in his "Paradoxes of Defence" (pub. 1599):" shall stand upright, holding the staff upright close by your body, with your left hand, reaching with your right hand your staff as high as you can, and then allow to that length a space to set both your hands, when you come to fight, wherein you may conveniently strike, thrust, and ward, & that is the just length to be made according to your stature..." (The left hand holding the staff at waist level usually)
With your hands that far apart strike with each end alternately, even thrust with the hands in the same position. This would be an example of using it as a double weapon.

Then note amount of power you can generate with these different styles of fighting, and you'll see why you can apply 1.5 Str with a 2handed weapon as opposed to only normal with the primary and .5 STR w/the offhand... =)

The Exchange

I've always treated it like this:

Home area/region: +2 skill bonus.

Area/region you're currently in: Normal DC.

Area/region never visited: DC +5, +10, +15, +20, depending on distance/obscurity from where you are/are from.

The Exchange

Maybe I'm using the wrong search parameters, but I have not been able to find a stat block for the iconic magus

The Exchange

Reebo Kesh wrote:
David Thomassen wrote:

Reebo Kesh wanted a link to the skills associated with the crafting of magic items. I agree Gilamunsta that Master Craftsman can only be used to access CMAA & CWI.

Reebo, unfortunately SpellCraft is not a Crafting Skill and thus cannot be used to access the Master Craftsman feat.

Yes but as you have indicated why bother with Master Craftsman when all you need is Spellcraft and the appropriate Craft Magic Item feat to make magic items?

I say Bladeace should forget Master Craftsman unless he needs it for something else?

Pardon the delay in posting, I have intermittent interwebs.

As to why bother? For example, my Samurai Armourer can make make magical armour using the Master Craftsman feat and Craft (Armour) without having to take any levels in any spellcasting class =)
And let me tell you, he makes some odorokubeki armour =)

The Exchange

David Thomassen wrote:

Creating Magic Armour "...(Very end of Section)Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft or Craft (armor)."
Craft Weapons ... Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft, Craft (bows) (for magic bows and arrows), or Craft (weapons) (for all other weapons).
Creating Potions ...Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft or Craft (alchemy)
Creating Rings .... Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft or Craft (jewelry).
Creating Rods ... Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft, Craft (jewelry), Craft (sculptures), or Craft (weapons).
Creating Scrolls ... Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft, Craft (calligraphy), or Profession (scribe).
Creating Staves .... Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft, Craft (jewelry), Craft (sculptures), or Profession (woodcutter).
Creating Wands ...Skill Used in Creation: Spellcraft, Craft (jewelry), Craft (sculptures), or Profession (woodcutter).
Creating Wondrous Items....Skill Used In Creation: Spellcraft or an applicable Craft or Profession skill check

Master Craftsman excerpt: Ranks in your chosen skill count as your caster level for the purposes of qualifying for the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats.

This clearly indicates you can only use Master Craftsman in conjunction with the Craft Magic Arms and Armor and Craft Wondrous Item feats, not Brew Potion, Craft/Wands/Rods/Staves, Scribe Scrolls or Forge Rings feats...

The Exchange

My group has just completed "Stolen Land" and was awarded the charter to go forth and build a colony.

Kingdom: Barony of Three Rivers
Capitol: No name as yet, will be at the stag lord's former location
Everything else: undecided =)

The Exchange

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

What's the type of the Monk's AC Bonus?

The Exchange

Frazznargh wrote:

In my group there is a dwarven cleric who wants to create a magic breastplate +2, made from mithril.

Can anyone help me to calculate the costs for this?
The breastplate will be crafted by himself, the enhancement will also be put on it by himself.

So is it:
breastplate 200 gp
Mithril 4000 gp
+2 bonus 4000 gp
= 8200 gp?

What, if he wants to give it a special ability, say energy resistance?

Comes out like this:

Breastplate = 200gp
Mithril (medium armour) = 4,000gp (masterwork cost is included in cost of mithril, PFRPG pg 155)
+2 Bonus = 4,000gp
Total = 8,200gp (Street/Market value)
Cost of materials: 3,400gp (1/3 of Mithril+Breastplate, 1/2 of +2 Bonus)

Time to create:
Cost of mithril+breastplate = 4,200gp * 10 (cost in sp) = 42,000sp

Assuming the minimum level needed to enchant a piece of armour to +2, a 6th lvl dwarf cleric with max ranks in Craft (Armour) (+6), of avg intelligence (10-11) (+0), with Skill Focus (Craft (Armour)) (+3) and a set of masterwork tools (+2), we have a Craft (Armour) +11, and assuming he doesn't want to risk ruining the materials he'll take 10 = 21.
DC for a breastplate is 16 (10 + armour bonus) and 21 is a sucessful check:
21 * 16 = 336

42,000/336 = 125 weeks to handcraft the breastplate without help from anyone else

To that, add in the 8 days it takes to enchant the item (8,000/1,000).

My suggestion? Buy the bloody mithril breatplate and enchant it it to +2. Total time/cost to create: 8 days, cost 6,200gp and if you wanna add in the Energy Resistance its an additional 9,000gp and 18 days.

Addendum: It could be that I am incorrect in regards to one thing - "To create a masterwork item, you create the masterwork component as if it were a separate item in addition to the standard item. The masterwork component has its own price (300 gp for a weapon or 150 gp for a suit of armor or a shield, see Chapter 6 for the price of other masterwork tools) and a Craft DC of 20."
That could mean the mithril cost would only take 95.24 (21*20=420; 40,000/420) weeks to create instead of 119.05, bringing completion time down to 101.19 weeks as the masterork component is included in the cost of the mithril...

The Exchange

So the way I'm reading the rules for building your kingdom from the ground up is as follows

Turn/Month 1:
Upkeep Phase - Completely skipped

Improvement Phase
1. Select Leadership - who your people in charge will be.
2. Claim Hexes - this is where you claim your first hex for your first city if it's explored and 'pacified'.
3. Establish and Improve Cities - "Prepare land for city districts and then purchase new buildings for your kingdom’s cities." - so on your first "build" turn all you do is claim your hex for your city and clear the land for it, then in Turn/Month 2 you can actually build your first buildings? Or can we do both at the same time, i.e. prepare land and build buildings?
4. Build Roads - Can you only build roads in explored/cleared lands that you have claimed, or any hex? And how many hexes worth of roads can I build, just 1 - or if, for example, my city is built on the Stag Lord's fort can I complete a road all the way to Oleg's in 1 Turn/Month?
5. Establish Farmlands - pretty self-explanatory
6. Edicts - also self-explanatory

Income Phase - resolved as normal
Even Phase - also resolved as normal

As you can see its Improvement Phase, Step 3. Establish and Improve Cities that's giving me a bit of a hick-up. And if I missed how to begin your kingdom, could ya point me in the right direction?

The Exchange

Quandary wrote:
Like Beckett wrote, if you are "Charging" in game terms (as opposed to just a Move + Standard Action), you can't Cleave at all even with normal melee attacks, as Cleave is it's own Standard Action.

Thank you both - this goes to show what happens if you 'think' you know what a feat does based on 3E/3/5 =)

Quandary wrote:
For when you ARE able to use Cleave (i.e. not Charging), I think you're able to use attack-substitutable maneuvers in conjunction with it, but not Bull Rush (in other words Trip and Disarm are Cleave-able, but not Sunder which IS "in place of a melee attack" but must use the "attack" action that Vital Strike applies to). Slightly confusing here is that as written, Bullrush IS attack-substitutable *as part of a Charge* (gaining relevant attack bonuses), but that doesn't help you since Cleave is it's own action separate from Charge.

Not so sure about that, I think it's more of a case of Sunder being written a bit confusing. "You can attempt to sunder an item held or worn by your opponent as part of an attack action in place of a melee

attack." Whereas both Disarm/Trip are "You can attempt to disarm/trip your opponent in place of a melee attack." Either way you have to use an attack action to make any of those three special attacks, how else are you going to do something in place of a melee attack if not w/an attack action? Unless the designers meant something different and I'm just not gleaning their meaning (hey, that rhymed). =)

The Exchange

If you charge someone and use bullrush as your attack and succeed, can you then use cleave to attack another target w/your weapon?

The Exchange

BenS wrote:
KnightErrantJR wrote:
I am so getting voted off the message boards for this, but I've never been a huge Otus fan.
Honestly, the appeal nowadays is nostalgia. So many parts of 1st edition had his very distinctive artwork that it brings back good memories seeing it or newer pieces (like in some 3.x Dungeon Crawl Classics covers).

Amen, let's face it, while EO is definitely synonymous with early D&D art, it's due to nostalgia and not for his artistry that we like him =)

The Exchange

Watcher wrote:
Erol Outus, especially for some strange monsters.. especially Lovecraftian monsters....

Ditto. Also Diesel (David S. LaForce), Jeff Easley,David C. Sutherland III - talk about Old School =)

The Exchange

Disenchanter wrote:

My revised list:

Valeros: Patrick Swayze Unless he has let himself go, he has the physique for the roll more than Hugh Jackman. Not to mention, he isn't as overplayed.

Health permitting I think he'd make a great Valeros =) Last I heard he's still dealing with some of the complications from cancer, but is very much alive...

The Exchange

xyrophobic wrote:
Not sure it is applicable here since it is 3.5 rules but, in the Magic Item Compendium pg6 it does state officially that mithril armor is treated as a weight category lower for "purpose of movement, proficiency, and other limitations". We always house ruled it also.

Hmmm, I didn't catch that before. Just checked the errata for the MIC as well and it's not changed in there either...

The Exchange

WOW!!! These wallpapers are amazing!!! :::LeSigh::: makes me wanna learn photoshop =)

The Exchange

Lanx wrote:
But isn't Garfield's friend called "Odie"?

Yes - though I wouldn't call Odie his friend, more like an unnecessary evil he has to live with, lol.

The Exchange

Russell Akred wrote:
I know my wife thinks celtic starts with an "s" sound and I say "k" sound.

The 'k'eltic people are a large group of indo-europeans with several cultures and a few related languages. The 's'eltics are a frakking basketball team =)

The c in Celtic is a hard c, aka k hope that helps =)

The Exchange

Lanx wrote:
Gilamunsta wrote:
Leider mien platt is schiett, aber mein hochdeutsch ist noch gut genug. Wenn meine Mutter, mein Onkel und meine Tanten "platt snakken" muss Ich immer extra aufhören um das zu verstehen =) Und "schwedsen" is doch was die Süddeutschen sagen =)
Dat hebb ich ok dacht. „Schwätzen“ doon de Lüüd hier im Süden, man bi us to Huus doon se snacken.

Zur meiner eigenen verteidigung kann Ich nur sagen das Ich in Amerika gelebt habe für die letzten sechsundzwanzig jahre, und Ich spreche Deutsch nur sehr wenig =)

The Exchange

KaeYoss wrote:
Gilamunsta wrote:
Und "schwedsen" is doch was die Süddeutschen sagen =)
benn em südweschde, also kann ich schwedse, so fill ich well.

Meen eignes deutsch, wenn Ik dat sprekke ist'n komisches kauderwelsch, teil platt, hochdeutch, hessisch und pfälzisch - versteh I o nett =)

The Exchange

Tom Qadim wrote:

That said, IF I did have a TPK I'd give the players a choice:

1) Start over with new characters running the SAME campaign/storyline,
2) Start over with new characters with a NEW campaign/storyline.

Either way, new characters would be in order.

I've come close to having full TPK, but no complete =)

I'm a big believer in letting the dice fall where they may - for good or bad. At the same time I also try not to pit my players against something they couldn't handle, though in some areas of my campaign world if you're not careful or do something extremely stupid you'll have to pay for the consequences of your mistakes.

But if I managed to kill'em all and let the gods sort'em out, I'd do either 1) or 2), though right now with the way my campaign is going, it'd be 1) as there are some huge changes coming for my world.

The Exchange

Neithan wrote:
KaeYoss wrote:
Mairkurion {tm} wrote:
All of us Norman bastards are ready to receive your gratitude. If it wasn't for the Celts and us, you'd all be speaking German.
Onn wenna dadd hochdeitsch irschendwie rauskrehn, kann ich emma noch pladd schwätze. Jo, onn dann hanna kenn schongs rauszukrehn wadd eich do eischendlich sahn.
Uffn pladden land tun wir nicht schwedsen, da tun wir snacken tun. Is aber ma banning klasse jemand in'n englischn forum sehen zu tun, der dat platt och snaken tut. ^^

Leider mien platt is schiett, aber mein hochdeutsch ist noch gut genug. Wenn meine Mutter, mein Onkel und meine Tanten "platt snakken" muss Ich immer extra aufhören um das zu verstehen =) Und "schwedsen" is doch was die Süddeutschen sagen =)

The Exchange

Charles Scholz wrote:
Shem wrote:
Yes but how does Hero Lab handle combat? I have played with it and I was unsatisfied.
Hero lab has an "In-Game" function that you can keep track of characters. I have not had time to truly explore it, but so far I can only open 1 PC at a time. There probably is a way to do it to keep track of multiple targets, like having them grouped, but I have not done anything like that yet.

From what I just read at Lone Wolf looks like you'll have to activate the license to do more than one character, etc.

The Exchange

I don't use any software atm, mostly because I haven't found anything that I like. But, I do use it for all of my Campaign World files and .pdfs to keep the clutter at the table to a minimum. I also use it to keep track of notes, names of npc's, maps and handouts, etc. instead of handwriting everything - it's become a huge timesaver for me. Not to mention that if I need to share anything with my group before the game, I can just email it.

Edit: I just looked at HeroLab - didn't realize it was made by Lone Wolf. I use both their CardVault and ArmyBuilder and love those - guess I'll have to give HeroLab a shot now =)

The Exchange work on your budget for the month and foresee a lot of Ramen in your future in order to acquire more Paizo shtuffs...

The Exchange

David Fryer wrote:
Okay, I have a quirk as a DM that I only allow my players to use options out of books I own. This cuts down on a lot of the, but it's in the book I have at home, crap that I had to deal with when I first started DMing. I wondered if any of you other DMs out there have any quirky habits or traits like that.

I used to do that, but then I had to sell off a bunch of books - though I'll still allow something if anyone in my group has it in hardback (w/full Veto powers of course, lol).

I am also bribable - Pizza, Mountain Dew, Coin of the Realm (Chocolate Chip Cookies) work just fine. =-)

I will also use theatrics to give different NPCs voices, personalities or to indicate events. Ran "A Dark and Stormy Knight" as the first adventure for the group and during the thunderstorm I smacked the wall next to me as loud as I could while the players were talking amongst themselves to indicate thunder - made everybody jump, lol.

And I've been known to randomly place miniatures on the table before he players show up and let them wonder as to what in the gods' names they're fighting tonight.

The Exchange

James Sutter wrote:
Gilamunsta wrote:

Now, for my two-pence worth, If I had read Knaak first, I would most likely not have gotten into Dragonlance. It's not that he's a bad author (I've certainly read worse), it's just that he's not my flavour of Fantasy. For me it's more Raymond E. Feist, Asprin/Abbey, REH, Piers Anthony, Andre Norton, Katherine Kurtz and Lord Dunsany, etc. (boy, am I showing my age again, lol) - but not Knaak. (And I keep meaning to pick up Perdido Street Station)

I'm a fan of a lot of those authors as well - I've probably read my age in Asprin and Anthony books, easily - but they hold a different spot in my head, and don't enter as much into my ideas on campaign setting design. But yeah, it turns out there are a LOT of fabulous SF authors out there, and picking just a few out of a hat can be tough. I often find it easier to note who influenced me first than who influenced me most. :)

Influenced me first? Hans Christian Anderson and the Brothers Grimm - and I'm not talking about the sanitized, politically correct garbage that gets published nowadays, but the old original gruesome, gory collected fairy tales (kinda funny, considering most horror fiction/films bore me, lol) (Thanks the gods for growing up in Germany)

Mairkurion {tm} wrote:

Grits teeth.

Hell, there's twenty percent of my existence I can't even remember anymore...and that's not because I was a baby for those years.

Ditto =)

The Exchange

James Sutter wrote:
You know, The Legend of Huma was the book that got me into Dragonlance fiction, but I still feel like Knaak's shared-world work (at least, back in the day - haven't read his latest stuff) was hugely surpassed by his original material. The Dragonrealms (especially the first couple: Firedrake, Ice Dragon, and Wolfhelm) presented a really fun and well-put-together setting, and drilled the "dragon as intelligent, superpowerful ruler" archetype into my head. If you can pick up copies of them somewhere, I'd highly recommend it.

Now, for my two-pence worth, If I had read Knaak first, I would most likely not have gotten into Dragonlance. It's not that he's a bad author (I've certainly read worse), it's just that he's not my flavour of Fantasy. For me it's more Raymond E. Feist, Asprin/Abbey, REH, Piers Anthony, Andre Norton, Katherine Kurtz and Lord Dunsany, etc. (boy, am I showing my age again, lol) - but not Knaak. (And I keep meaning to pick up Perdido Street Station)

But hey, then and again, if everybody liked the same thing - it'd be a pretty damnned boring world =)

Vive la différence!

The Exchange

Disenchanter wrote:
The question was if the math was right, and to a lesser degree if it was a reasonable representation of fantasy-reality. I didn't take it as a request to suggest ways to maximize it.

It's moot for me anyways - I prefer to make my plate armour out of ABS plastics, much easier to custom fit }:-)>

The Exchange

Stereofm wrote:
Do you remember how clumsy to wield the first kind of cannons were ? How likely they wre to blow up in your face ? And the Slooooooow rate of fire ?

I may be a Grognard, but I ain't that old =-)

The Exchange

Disenchanter wrote:

This isn't going to help your point much, but your math is a little off.

The Masterwork part of the armor is calculated separately. While technically you are making the masterwork item all at once you mechanically make the item then add the masterwork component, or vice versa.

So for the masterwork part it is:

150gp x 10 = 1500sp
20 Craft check (taking 10) x 20 DC = 400
1500sp / 400sp Craft check = 3.75 weeks

And then for the armor it is:

1500gp x 10 = 15000sp
20 Craft check (taking 10) x 18 DC (For Platemail) = 360
15000sp / 380sp Craft check = 41.5 weeks (rounded to the nearest quarter week)

For a total of 45.25 weeks average for taking 10.

And yes, that is the correct math for the system.

EDIT:: Ninja'ed fighting the forum bug. :S

All of this is also assuming that the Armorsmith in question is working alone, whereas it is more likely that he would have at least one (if not more) apprentice(s)/journeyman working on the project - each of which would add an additional +2 to the Craft check via Aid Another

The Exchange

Krome wrote:

A gun is cheaper than a wand of Magic Missiles.... and only very darn few people can use than wand... I'd rather field an army with guns rather than just two guys with a couple of wands.

Also, are those mages able to armor up the entire army? Are you going to be giving your entire army magic items?

Technology is much cheaper than magic, and more reliable. It can't be dispelled...

And if you have two high-magic nations right next door, you arm you army with cheap reliable superior weapons and march on them and stomp them into the ground.

Not too mention Cost effective - yes, the cheapest pistol is 1.400 GP and a musket is 1.800 GP. But bullets being 10 bullets/1 GP and Gunpowder (have to go with 3,5 DMG here since I couldn't find the price for powder either in the books or on the messageboards) comes in at 2 lbs./35 GP (32 oz. = 32 shots).

So, by the time I have fired 100 rounds from a pistol (Pistol, 1.400 GP+100 bullets, 10 GP+64 oz. of gunpowder, 70 GP = 1.480 GP) it's already cheaper than going through two wands of MM (1.500 GP) - and I still have enough powder left over for another 12 shots, I will also have done more damage as the 750 GP wand will have been prepared with 1st level MM = 1d4+1, whereas the pistol does 1d6 =)

Of course all this goes on the supposition that gunpowder = 35 GP for 32 oz. powderhorn or 250 GP for 1 15-lb.(capacity) keg - which it probably isn't seeing as to how gunpoweder is scarce ("Thanks to the scarcity of gunpowder in the world...")

Edited for spelling =)

The Exchange

Elf Height/Weight - so far the tallest elf I've managed to create with a random roll has been 64", which is starting height for a PF elf =)

Natural Spell - created a druid (Lvl 15) yesterday and kept trying to give her the Natural Spell Feat. Unable to do so. Whenever I would select the feat, under prereqs the Wis 13+ part would be in black, but the Wildshape progression would be in red, negating my ability to take the feat.

The Exchange

Dire Lolcat wrote:
Zombieneighbours wrote:

'They have a plan.'

They have a flavour.

Not quite chicken, more turkey-ish - really good with fresh carrots, onions, and a dash of paprika.

As for Seoni - considering that her art was done by Wayne "THE MAN" Reynolds, of course she looks awesome =)

The Exchange

Maybe I'm just not figuring out how to do it, but: It would appear the XP progression defaults to medium - how can I change it to fast or slow?

The Exchange

Heathansson wrote:
4-Man Kzin Wars-forgot exact author and story; K'zinti discover icecream from their human slaves; the humanoid hunting cats perfect "tuna flavored ice cream."

Larry Niven ftw!

The Exchange

Denny Unger wrote:

Hey gang. I thought it would be a nice surprise to unload some teasers on you from our next Pathfinder release. "Garden of the Stone Speakers" is some fantastically fun terrain designed for use with the upcoming Legacy of Fire: House of the Beast adventure path. ** spoiler omitted **

More teasers to we get to them ;)

::: Jaw Drops ::: Ach du lieber Gott...!!! These are bloody amazing, and then I made the mistake of checking the rest of the site =) I'm speechless - your models are easily some of the best that I have seen in over 20 years of gaming

The Exchange

I'll have to check when I get home, but IIRC there was a Dragon Magazine article with Rakasta stats for 3E or 3.5. I know for sure there was one about Lupins in another issue.

The Exchange

So far the 'accepted' format of presentation for racial traits that we have seen throughout 3E/3.5 has been:
Various Racial Traits
Favored Class(es)

Comparing the pic side by side with the PfRPG Beta, it seems that they're following the same format still.
And it also appears that the firts entry is three Attributesm then size, speed

Now it does appear that the last three entries are still stone cunning, weapon familiarity and languages. But, unless (as in the PfRPG Beta) the race traits spreads over two pages, there'll be less entries. I do think It'll spread over two pages as I cannot make out favored class(es)

The Exchange

Gamer Girrl wrote:
More shelves are filled with Shadowrun, Hero, GURPS, World of Darkness, LoTR, MiddleEarth, L5R, 7th Sea, Serenity, Conan, Macho Women with Guns, TOON, Elfquest, Games Workshop ... and more :)

Wow, I just got massively nostalgic looking at those game titles: Elfquest, MWwG, TOON, MERP, etc - I also realized I'm OLD! =)

If it was published prior to the late 90's, there's a real good chance I've played it/own(ed) it, lol

The Exchange

Currently I am running my own homebrew campaign which I have just transitioned from 3.5 to PF. I do incorporate a lot of PF material other than just the rules:
For my desert region I have adapted Legion of Fire (and once I get my hands on it, most likely Osirion).
I'm using the traits rules and have adapted the traits from all the products I have so far into my own world.
And I'm looking over the rest of the material to see what I want to incorporate.
[Edit] I include material from a wide range of sources in my campaign world:
AD&D (1st and 2nd editions, yup, I adapt a lot modules, lol),Pathfinder, Forgotten Realms, 4E, Mythic Vistas, Arduin Grimoire, Greyhawk, Eberron, Al-Qadim, most of the WotC books, no psionics (even with the 3.5 rules I still don't like psionics) Legend of the Five Rings, 2nd Edition Historic Series (Vikings, Celts, Rome), Midnight Campaign Setting - pretty much if I see something I like, it goes in.

Due to world history there are two Elf subraces: Dragon Elves and Shadow Elves. Dragon Elves actually being the campaign bad guys with the help of gnolls after having turned to Tiamat and having started the 'Dragon Wars.' Humans do make up the majority of the people in the campaign world, something to do with breeding like rabbits compared to the other races, but due displacement becasue of the wars, in the campaign starting area the other races are represented in uncommonly high numbers. [/Edit]

As far as the Iconics, they rock =) I think they are really useful for a group just starting or learning the rules, however (as with some other folks that have posted) my gaming group consists of individuals who have all played quite some time (over twenty years for a couple of us) and they've all made their own characters.
So far we have (and have had, since I don't reward idiocy on the player's part, lol)

Original party:
Half-Elf Swashbuckler
Elf (Shadow) Druid
Dwarf Rogue
Human Sorcerer
Human Cleric

Since then the party make-up has change quite a bit:
When the rogue died (due to not checking for traps when he should have), he was replaced by a Goliath Barbarian who sacrificed himself so that the rest of the party could escape a horde of gnolls, who in turn was replaced by a Human Ranger - who in turn was replaced by a Human Swordsage after he decided to avenge the death of the Cleric who died at the hands of an 8th level commoner with a 19 Str, proficieny in the scythe and who critted both the Cleric and the Ranger (this d20 has since been semi-retired as I've been getting way too many crits with it, lol). The Cleric was replaced by an Elven Ranger.
And the Sorcerer has been replaced by another Human Sorcerer after an unfortunate encounter with a displacer beast and not running from it.
So the current Party make-up is:

Half-Elf Swashbuckler
Elf (Shadow) Druid
Elf (Shadow) Ranger
Human Swordsage
Human Sorcerer

Edited for Spelling andadding more stuff =)

The Exchange

James Jacobs wrote:

The first "religion" in my list should be "faith" feats. Faith feats are generic and not tied to specific deities, but religion traits are.

I should have caught that myself (I need to quit doing this from work w/o my files, lol)

Thank you very much James - it all makes a LOT more sense now =)