
Gilamunsta's page

Organized Play Member. 55 posts. No reviews. No lists. No wishlists.

The Exchange

Since Ameiko has the same levels in Jade Regent as in RotRL, I began putting her into herolabs for later use; and I found that as written, she has 10 points more in skills than she should have. I tried recreating her manually as well, just to make sure that my copy of HL is not smoking crack, but I still come up with +10 skill points.

This makes me wonder - did I miss something?

The Exchange

I'm starting a new campaign using RotRL (Anniversary), and I'm trying to figure what day the Autumnal Equinox would fall on in AR4713 so I know which day Swallowtail Release would be on.

Any help would be appreciated... =)

The Exchange

Maybe I'm using the wrong search parameters, but I have not been able to find a stat block for the iconic magus

The Exchange

1 person marked this as FAQ candidate.

What's the type of the Monk's AC Bonus?

The Exchange

If you charge someone and use bullrush as your attack and succeed, can you then use cleave to attack another target w/your weapon?

The Exchange

*Crosspost from Legacy of Fire discussion*
In the traits pdf it says that "A character can only have one trait from each particular trait category or subcategory."
So we have our categories: Basic, Campaign, Race, Region and Religion. And then we have subcategories: Basic/Combat, Basic/Religion, Basic/Social, Basic/Magic as well as Race/Region and Race/Religion (Elves of Golarion) and IIRC there's a couple more (I'm doing this without the books/files in front of me).
Now then, the way I understand it is this: if I take, for example, a Basic/Religion trait I then cannot take a trait from the other three subcategories in the Basic category, I have to pick from one of the other four categories. And, if the category has them, from a different subcategory as well - say I'm playing an elf and I've picked from the Basic/Religion category/subcategory, I then could not select a trait from the Race/Religion subcategory.
Am I getting this right or do people have different thoughts on this?