
FarmerDad's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 13 Organized Play characters.


Grand Archive

Leg o' Lamb wrote:
FarmerDad wrote:
I am curious if that will ever get an errata or the PDF updated with the correct block.

You must be new here.


Sigh. New enough. I was hoping that errors that... well render the adventure useless for high tier would get fixed SOMEHOW. Now I feel cheated by Paizo for selling me product that does not deliver what was promised.

Grand Archive

Ok, I have another question. Will Paizo update the PDF or put out an errata for obvious errors? In Appendix 2 for the Infiltration challenges, the scaling block is a copy-paste of the Appendix 1 block. That is, the High-Tier scaling block gives information to scale for the Low-Tier encounter.

I am curious if that will ever get an errata or the PDF updated with the correct block.

Grand Archive

logsig wrote:

When letters are used, they are usually abbreviations of the names of the foes. Sometimes scenarios have specific positions of foes indicated rather than just a box. And sometimes they don't have any positions indicated so you just put them wherever you think reasonable.

So here CA = Chelaxian Adjutant and H = Hooligan (which are only present in high tier; they are Delinquents in low tier so it should really be H/D). There are up to 5 hooligans/delinquents depending on scaling, hence the 1-5.

I see. Thank you. That was my first thought but I was only looking at low-tier so "deliquents" was not matching up. I suppose if I got to looking over high-tier I might have made the connection. Again, thank you. (And I like specific placement, personally)

Grand Archive

I asked this over under the product page, but I realized it should probably be here so:

Does anybody know the significance of the H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, CA markings? I am assuming that baddies start there but what is with H/C and the numbers and not just putting a box like normal?

Grand Archive

Does anybody know the significance of the

GM Content:
H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, CA markings? I am assuming that baddies start there but what is with H/C and the numbers and not just putting a box like normal?

Grand Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Is there an errata for this?

Possible Details:
The final encounter does not list number of baddies at the base level. I am referring to the number in parenthesis that I expect to tell me how many initial.

Grand Archive

Ok, I am reading through this and Players

Player Rewards:
earn... DP, EP, and AP in various areas. Are the last two typos for DP?

Grand Archive

Map Question:
The text says there are 4 possible starting locations (roll d4) but the map on my version only shows three boxes. Is my version flawed?

Grand Archive

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Far be it from me to say, I hope there's a PDF version. I just have no call for hardcover books anymore as none of my groups meet face-to-face. There is no mention of a PDF in the product description yet, while other pre-orders do list PDFs even if you cannot preorder.

On that note, I wish Paizo would allow preorders and subscriptions in the PDF format as that is the only format that has meaning for me in this day and age.

Grand Archive

I am looking for some more opinions on a rather interested rules conversation I am following on Discord. It involves investing of magic items.

The conversation started by asking What does remove mean when the rules state "If you remove an invested item, it loses its investiture." Take a hat. Does tipping your hat, which removes it from your head, mean it loses investiture? What if you put your great axe down to open your backpack -- with the intent of picking it back up again once you get the oil out to refill your lantern?

The follow up question is, if you have to reinvest your axe, does it count as another investiture towards the limit of 10/day?

Grand Archive

So I have the Core Rulebook on my digital downloads. Later, I purchased the Core Rulebook from Roll20 that included the Remastered Core Rulebook when it came out a month or so later.

Am I supposed to get the remastered PDF or was that product excluded from the account product sync'ing?

Grand Archive

Gary Teter wrote:

What part of Pathfinder do you want to know more about?

And should this be a multiple-choice poll?

What part of "Pathfinder"? That is a broad topic. I'd like to know about how the pieces all fit together. I have ... decades ... of TTRPG experience -- starting with AD&D. I know what all the general terms mean but how does it apply to Pathfinder? I understand freedom of the GM but everything is still designed with a purpose in mind, even if the GMs decide to not use it for that purpose. What was the purposes that Paizo had for all these interesting elements?

I know what campaign settings are but what are the series of books listed and how do they fit? At first, I thought they were different settings you could adopt for your campaign, but now they seem to be more rulesets? expanded rulesets? Are they supposed to be pieces to a larger world (Like the World of Greyhawk)? Are there multiple world settings? How does Lost Omens fit into this?

I think I've figured out Adventure Paths -- a series of adventures to lead the players through a complete campaign from level 1 to max level... The Pathfinder Society Quests and Scenarios seem to be stand alone adventures designed for GameCons and such... and Pathfinder Adventures (think Fall of Plaguestone) are stand alone adventures NOT tied to GameCons. Does all that sound right?

There is probably a lot more that I'm missing but as I poke around the online store, there are nice descriptions of each book but no overview of the different units for someone new to the Pathfinder system -- or the overviews are not easily found.