
FarmerDad's page

Organized Play Member. 12 posts. 1 review. No lists. 1 wishlist. 13 Organized Play characters.

Grand Archive

I asked this over under the product page, but I realized it should probably be here so:

Does anybody know the significance of the H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, CA markings? I am assuming that baddies start there but what is with H/C and the numbers and not just putting a box like normal?

Grand Archive

I am looking for some more opinions on a rather interested rules conversation I am following on Discord. It involves investing of magic items.

The conversation started by asking What does remove mean when the rules state "If you remove an invested item, it loses its investiture." Take a hat. Does tipping your hat, which removes it from your head, mean it loses investiture? What if you put your great axe down to open your backpack -- with the intent of picking it back up again once you get the oil out to refill your lantern?

The follow up question is, if you have to reinvest your axe, does it count as another investiture towards the limit of 10/day?

Grand Archive

So I have the Core Rulebook on my digital downloads. Later, I purchased the Core Rulebook from Roll20 that included the Remastered Core Rulebook when it came out a month or so later.

Am I supposed to get the remastered PDF or was that product excluded from the account product sync'ing?