First Pathfinder 2E session

Pathfinder Second Edition General Discussion

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The wife and I play rpgs a lot with just the two of us (I met her decades ago when she was the Champions GM when I moved in the area). We have played D&D 3rd, PF 1 and others together.

Today we did our first PF 2e (revised) today. Just using the beginner box (for reminders). The biggest things we had to remember was the 3 action system and the critical success/ Success/ Failure / Critical Failure structure.

We only played for an hour and a half, got through some roleplaying (which came easy) and one combat. We use the "Solo Heroes" rules by Kevin Crawford, for Labyrinth Lord, but the concepts work with just about any d20 level based game. I'm running a gestalt Monk/Kineticist.

We loved it. But it will take some time to get comfortable with the changes.

Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

Glad you had fun!

Welcome to 2E! Glad you enjoyed it despite the rules being so different than PF1. That said, after getting used to the differences of the system, the elegant simplicity of the game compared to 1e is a nice change. If you play with a larger group, another thing that takes getting used to is the reliance on team tactics rather than the monolithic PC power builds of 1e.

I saw saw the elegant simplicity reading the rules. We haven't had group play since he start of Covid, so it is just going to be the two of us. I was reading (and watching) a lot of stuff about teamwork in the system to try and figure out how to play an effective solo characters - as the team work to buff and debuff wouldn't really be present in what we play. We have done things like that before. This first game is basically us getting used to the system. The "real" game will the Strength of THousands adventure path.

I expect we will get used the new way of doing things pretty quickly. When I ran PF1, I used more 3rd party content (Dreamscarred, Legendary, Spheres of Power, Rogue Genius) than I did actual Paizo stuff.

Either a bard or a cleric would make good buffers for a team of two. Plus you’ve got strong healing options with either of those.

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