Simple class templates and high spellcasting modifier

Rules Questions

I'm adding the wizard creature template to a creature with a high int score, would the bonus spells per day from a high spellcasting modifier be reflected in this creature as the spellcasting feature from a simple template states "Simple class templates that grant the ability to cast spells as a member of the class on which the template is based" and if so, does this still apply to the spells per day that are lost due to high HD?

The Exchange


The simple templates are intended to be a quick way of giving a creature abilities and as such deliberately ignore a lot of the involved rules. In the particular case of clerics, druids, and wizards see the table on page 247 of the Monster Codex to determine how many spells they get, depending on HD.

While there are other ways of using the simple class templates, the most common is to quickly make an encounter more challenging on the fly. "The party has been steamrolling stuff, I'm going to throw the barbarian template on this troll." "I want to make an epic encounter, I'm going to give this demon the cleric template."

As it is assumed the party will only be encountering the creature for one combat the abilities, including spells, are balanced for that assumption.

I have to agree with Delafon on this. Simple templates are a quick and dirty method of boosting a one-shot monster. If you are trying to create a unique monster for long term use add actual class levels.

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