Cmon Paizo can you get it together

Customer Service

Verdant Wheel

i already cancelled my subs due to the debarkle of customer service last year now i decide to take advantage of the 20% GM day discount and get this message

You've saved $15.00 off suggested retail—that's a 17% discount!
GM's Appreciation Day 2021 Discount

i know numbers are hard but 17 does not equal 20, Cmon if your gonna offer something get it right, these kind of mistakes aren't filling me with the confidence to reup my subs

Also on reason i wont be reupping my subs anytime soon and taking my buisness elsewhere i ordered 5 flip mats and get 5 packages!!!!! WTF. I ran this order through other websites and they can all send me multiple items in one package why cant Paizo?

Paizo Employee Customer Service Representative


For the GM Appreciate Day discount (and most of our discounts), the percentage is taken off each item individually (rather than the subtotal). The reason 17% was reported was because one of the Flip-Mats (Shipwrecks) is a pre-order and the discount doesn't apply to pre-orders. So each non-pre-order item had 20% taken off of it, but the total percentage off of everything you bought came to 17%.

For shipping, if your default shipping method is go with the cheapest, sometimes our system will split orders up into several packages because it is, technically, cheaper. For example, for your recent order, the shipping in 4 packages (the pre-order Flip-Mat wouldn't have shipped with the rest anyway) came to $21.27 USD, whereas shipping them together would cost $23.34 USD. Not a huge difference, obviously, and in cases of international shipping, shipping everything together for a few extra dollars is usually preferred (decreases the chance of one of them disappearing into the void).

Hopefully that at least answers your questions! Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you.

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