Scenario 2-3B Locations.

Pathfinder Adventure Card Society

I tried to look this situation up, but didn't see anything. If you have a link to the answer, please just provide that!

Scenario 2-3B wrote:

During this Scenario:

When setting up the scenario, arrange the locations in a circle in
the order listed and put the scenario card next to one character’s
deck. At the start of each of that character’s turns, move each
character token one space counterclockwise.
Instead of your move step, you may choose to move one space
clockwise; you may not otherwise move during your move step.
At the end of your turn, if you are at a location occupied by
another character, you are dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may
not be reduced.

What we did:

Each Character chose a separate Location and put his mini/token on that Location deck. At the end of each Character's turn, each mini would rotate to the next Location. We both observed that at the end of a Character's turn, they risk being dealt 1d4 Mental damage that may not be reduced. However, since we were teaching the game to new players, we ran out of time and no two Characters/minis were ever at the same Location.

My assumption is Location When Permanently Closed is removed from the circle, but another player assumed that the closed Location remains in the circle. Which is correct?

Grand Lodge

Your friend was correct that permanently closed locations are part of the circle and remain part of the circle. The instructions don't mention that closed locations are no longer part of the circle or can be skipped.

You probably shouldn't have rotated them at the end of the turn as that wasn't the instruction. (Certain things and powers can happen at the end of the turn as well as the start of a turn.) Easiest way is flip the blessings deck, rotate the tokens or minis and then go about your business. Remember that only the person whose turn it is will be dealt damage if they are at the same location as another player. (Not all the players take damage.)

Also, when setting up for this scenario, be mindful of where the healers are and how movement would need to take place in order to cast healing. (We accidentally set up so that the healer was towards the front and reversing course would take them a long time to get to our Sorcerer in the back.)

Also, if you have movement powers from your character or from a card that does not specify that you can ignore movement restrictions, we played that movement was still restricted. My Alain (using the Paladin deck with mounts and Donahan) was only able to move according to the scenario rules except that he could do it at the end of his turn. But an item or power that allows you to ignore movement restrictions would let you bypass the scenario rules.

I think I understand now. I was trying to draw a diagram after you responded, but that caused me more confusion than it was worth, but I feel that I'm understanding it now! We were moving the minis at the beginning of each player's turn, this is wrong? All Characters rotate only at the beginning of the first player's turn, excepting if they move clockwise/"forward" as their sole move. Then, Locations When Permanently Closed remain in the same spot. (In our games, we'd usually put such Location cards off to the side/"banished" unless some goody was to be had. This is an unacceptable practice.)

So this is what we ought to be doing?

(You mentioned something odd, which is not relevant to my question, but we didn't think using Characters not in a Class Deck is an acceptable practice for Guild play?)

Alain was unlocked for guild play by a reward. (Not remembering which one at the moment.)

No, you don't move each character at the start of each turn.

You pick a character in your group. At the start of THAT character's turn, you are all moved.

I think Theryon's interpretation is too restrictive. The scenario powers clearly apply to your movement during your move step. Nothing in the scenario powers says it restricts your movement outside your move step.

OK, I was wondering about what was said concerning movement, too. We had Lini with Ally P Droogami ("Promo"). After her first exploration, she recharged the card, which see:

Droogami Power 2 wrote:
Discard this card on your turn to move to another Location; you may immediately explore that Location.

This wasn't entirely necessary, but the player was new and wanted to try out all sorts of features of the game and Class Deck Druid.

Please note:

Lini Power 3 wrote:
When you play an Ally with the Animal trait, you may recharge it instead of discarding it.

Lone Shark Games

The movement restriction only applies to your move step. Alain, Amiri, and all sorts of animal allies are good for off-turn movement in this scenario.

OK, I was looking at the Scenario instructions again and realized why I thought we removed ("banished") them, though part of it was a habit:

It would seem that Characters would have something of a difficult time if they're having to move and sit in Locations When Permanently Closed. Is it improbable that a Character would start turn at one Location and, clockwise and counterclockwise, the Locations be closed? I've never experienced a situation when a Character must move to a Location When Permanently Closed. In our games, I can't think of a situation where a Character popped over to a closed Location. Sometimes if a Character happens to be at a closed Location where there is a goody, they'll remain, but even that happened just once.

OK, I found the answer to this: A Location deck is still a deck even if no cards are in it.

Sovereign Court 4/5 5/55/5 **

Pathfinder Maps, Rulebook, Starfinder Maps, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

We had this problem last week, when we tried it the first time.
We closed several locations in a row, so several of our characters were stuck in the middle of a wasteland of closed locations for multiple turns.

Yep, that's what happens. The clock is a more serious threat in this scenario.

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