Racing to Ruin, is ruined?

Customer Service

So, for the second time I have a Pathfinder Adventure path book that is coming apart on the first night I used it. The second book in Serpents Skull has lost several pages and continues to do so.

I thought this issue got resolved?

Customer Service Representative

1 person marked this as a favorite.

I'm sorry you're having this problem. Sometimes, when the books are going through the manufacturing process, they do not get enough glue on the binding. It is unusual for a customer have problems with multiple books, but occasionally it does happen.

I've added a replacement book for the second book in Serpent's Skull to your February subscription order, which should be shipping soon.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please let us know.



Customer Service Representative

To head off any confusion, I just want to let you know that while your confirmation email says Standard shipping, the warehouse did switch it to Priority before it went out.


Righto, thank you. Once those both ship I would like to close my AP subscription.

Welcome aboard Sharaya.

Derfmacher - just FYI - Serpent's Skull 2 was pretty far back (Sep 2010). I think the glue issue has improved a lot since then. My spouse hasn't had any issues with the Carrion Crown AP following that (and she's pretty hard on them).

Just anecdotal of course.

Customer Service Representative

Sharaya wrote:

To head off any confusion, I just want to let you know that while your confirmation email says Standard shipping, the warehouse did switch it to Priority before it went out.


Disregard this post. I got my tabs mixed up yesterday and posted this message on the wrong thread. :(

Sorry for any more confusion this has caused...


Customer Service Representative

Derfmancher wrote:
Righto, thank you. Once those both ship I would like to close my AP subscription.

Your subscription has been set to be cancelled after Adventure Path #78 (and your replacement book) ship.

If I can be of any more help, please let me know.


Customer Service Representative

Majuba wrote:

Welcome aboard Sharaya.

Derfmacher - just FYI - Serpent's Skull 2 was pretty far back (Sep 2010). I think the glue issue has improved a lot since then. My spouse hasn't had any issues with the Carrion Crown AP following that (and she's pretty hard on them).

Just anecdotal of course.

Thanks! Glad to hear that! :)


Adventure Path Charter Subscriber; Pathfinder Adventure Subscriber

I have all of the Pathfinder APs to date. This was the only one that fell apart on me as soon as I opened it, or, for that matter, ever. I'm careful.

I recently talked to an acquaintance who had the exact experience - which sent me to google "Racing to Ruin glue"; which brought me here. It doesn't seem like it was a problem for TOO many people. Maybe just a few of us had our books assembled when the glue or some machine was off just enough to cause the problem.

Customer Service Ray of Funshine

Ben Ehrets wrote:

I have all of the Pathfinder APs to date. This was the only one that fell apart on me as soon as I opened it, or, for that matter, ever. I'm careful.

I recently talked to an acquaintance who had the exact experience - which sent me to google "Racing to Ruin glue"; which brought me here. It doesn't seem like it was a problem for TOO many people. Maybe just a few of us had our books assembled when the glue or some machine was off just enough to cause the problem.

I'm sorry to hear this one fell apart on you! This has not been a widespread problem on this book run, but, on rare occasions binding glue can be a bit "off". If you would like to send us some pictures at, we can certainly pass those along to quality control, and see if there is anything we can do to assist you further.


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