Broken Sword of Valor

Customer Service

So, this is new to me and I am not really sure what my viable courses of action are. I received my AP sub order with Sword of Valor, and we started running it last night. (My players love the campaign thus far and the mythic rules are going interestingly.)

Here is my issue, on the first night of running this adventure.. almost literally the first time I opened the book, pages began to fall out. I understand that this happens over time as the binding gives out, but this was tragic. I of course still ran the adventure, but now there are 6-8 pages that have completely fallen out of the book.

Not sure what to do here.. or even if there is anything that can be done..

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Actually, customer service is very good about replacement of damaged products.

Lantern Lodge Customer Service Dire Care Bear Manager

I've set up a replacement through your currently pending order. We do not need you to ship this copy back.

sara marie

Oh my goodness! That is quite kind of you.. and at that rate it will likely be here well before we finish the adventure even.

I work in customer service myself.. so when you guys do stuff like that it always reminds me of just how awesome you all are. Thank you Sara Marie.

Come to think of it, whats the story with order 2611999? I see that the Rappan Bestiary PDF/Bundle is no longer available.

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