Best Weapon


Dark Archive

Looking over many books, I have realized, the best weapon is not the silly greatsword. It's not the earth breaker. It is the barbazu beard!

The barbazu beard may not have spiffy damage dice, but it has extreme utility for almost no penalty!

The biggest utility lies in the fact that sometimes casters get caught in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Suddenly the mook runs up to the casty and takes a slice at him! Seeking to save his friend, the party rogue runs up behind the mook and attacks him. It does approximately no damage. However, if the Mage had a barbazu beard, the rogue would have gotten a sneak attack! There is no penalty for having the beard on your face, and you are threatening always.

Depending on your interpretation of use, you could even make it a +1 guardian barbazu beard which would give you for 8,325 gold, a +1 to all of your saves! Making it just slightly better price wise with a cloak of resistance +4 versus a cloak of resistance +5.

Note: Do not ever actually attack with the beard.

The penalty is in that people will look at you funny for is metal spike on your face.

Adding up the pros and cons, it is clear to me that indeed, the barbazu beard is the best weapon by far.


What is your Rules Question?

Dark Archive

I was not thinking and did not mean to put it here. I was curious about what defines a weapon as using it, but then decided against asking that and forgot to change what forum I was in. I deeply apologize.

You can also use spiked armor with a 0 spell casting failure armor(such as silken ceremonial gown) and/or use a mithral light shield with shield spikes or Klar to always threaten and have a weapon on hand.

Note: Witches can attack with their beards and wherever else grows hair with a hex.

So does a rogue flank if the bad guy is next to the wizard? He would flank regardless of the beard

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Not true, Lobolusk. One must threaten squares in order to flank, or help with flanking. An unarmed wizard threatens no squares unless he has cast a touch spell or possesses the Improved Unarmed Strike feat.


I don't know if that's true anymore. Fists are now just counted as light weapons, and you can wield two of them even if you're not proficient. You'd be taking multiple penalties, but you'd still be considered "threatening".

You cannot make an AoO with a normal Unarmed attack, I would say based on that you do not threaten. Also even attacking unarmed without IUS provokes and attack on you by your opponent.

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