Do-Maru Chest armor + Mithral = No speed reduction?

Rules Questions

I was going through Ultimate combats optional piecemeal armor section and i think i discovered something and want a rules call on it.

According to the chart,
Do-Maru chest armor has +5ac, +4 max dex, -4 armor check, 25% spells failure, 15ft move speed for medium and 20ft move speed for small and Weights 30lbs.

According the Mithral in the same section,
Medium pieces of armor made that have a speed reduction do not have a speed reduction when made out of mithral.

First of all, With a small size you have a better move speed? wth!

Secondly, would that mean so long as my other pieces were made out of mithral that the Do-Maru would have a 30ft move speed?

Elias Darrowphayne wrote:

I was going through Ultimate combats optional piecemeal armor section and i think i discovered something and want a rules call on it.

According to the chart,
Do-Maru chest armor has +5ac, +4 max dex, -4 armor check, 25% spells failure, 15ft move speed for medium and 20ft move speed for small and Weights 30lbs.

According the Mithral in the same section,
Medium pieces of armor made that have a speed reduction do not have a speed reduction when made out of mithral.

First of all, With a small size you have a better move speed? wth!

Secondly, would that mean so long as my other pieces were made out of mithral that the Do-Maru would have a 30ft move speed?

I am pretty sure this is a mistake in the table. Do-Maru is normally 20/15 movement speeds, like any normal medium/heavy armor.

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